augmented 2.4.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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augmented 2.4.1

Ar python is a cross platform module used to do augmented reality using python


requirements may vary on diffrent operating systems

pip install augmented
Thats it
How to use
Overlaying images

import augmented
ar = augmented.ar_overlay(capture:int)#capture = camera number
ar.setup(targetImage: str, overlayImage: str, nfeatures: int, debug: bool=True, confidence: int=25, displayName: str="Augmented by sarang")

targetImage = Image to overlay on top of

overlayImage =Image to overlay

Not required but can tweak the ones below

nfeatures = Features to detect on target image the bigger the more accurate and the more resource intensive 1000 recomended

debug = debug mode

confidence = How many feature matches to confirm

displayname = title name```


display = Enabling display output

Aruco scanning
import augmented
arucoar = augmented.arucoar(cap:int=0)
imgAug = {0: 'assets/unnamed.jpg'}
arucoar.setup(imgAug: dict, markerSize: int = 6, totalMarkers: int = 250, debug: bool = True, cam: int = 0, displayName: str = 'Augmented by Sarang')

imgAug = a dict containing the aruco id as value and the image(location) to display when the value is True

not neccessry but still can tweak

Markersize, totalMarkers = aruco code properties

debug = to use debug mode

cam = camera number

displayName = tite of the display window

Scanning and overlaying

display = wheather to display the output or not

recomended way of using is to put the code inside a loop

version - 2.1.0Stable
contributions are appreciated and will be credited in the package
Thank you
Happy augmenting
First release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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