auto1-etl-challenge 1.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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auto1etlchallenge 1.1.0

Auto1 ETL Challenge
A simple ETL pipepline that serves the purpose of a challenge for AUTO1, a company that is Europe's largest wholesale platform for used cars.
Developed by Muhammad Aqib -

auto1_etl_challenge contains the project directory.
auto1_etl_challenge\ is the main module that has EtlPackageAuto1 class with associated methods.
auto1_etl_challenge\ holds utilites that assists in performing etl operations.
auto1_etl_challenge\ module for defining custom exceptions for the required columns.
auto1_etl_challenge\ holds classes for different constant values.
files is a directory for storing files for testing purpose, specifically raw, staging and transformed files.

How To Use
Package Installation
Install the package in the virtual environment
pip install auto1-etl-challenge

Code Guidelines

Create a python file and import EtlPackageAuto1 class from the package.
Provide source file path in the constructor.
Call load and transform method.

from auto1_etl_challenge import EtlPackageAuto1 #import EtlPackageAuto1 class form package

EtlPackageAuto1(r'files\challenge_me.txt') #stores path of the source file
EtlPackageAuto1.load(EtlPackageAuto1.dataFile) # loads data and create staging file with cleaned data
result = EtlPackageAuto1.transform(EtlPackageAuto1.dataFile) # transform data, create transformed file and return list matrix


Staging and transformed files are created in the same directory as source file.
List of lists is returned where first list is header while the following lists contain the values (row-wise).



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