avaland 0.1.0a0

Creator: coderz1093

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avaland 0.1.0a0

Avaland Music Downloader
Avaland is a command-line program to download musics directly from most popular Iranian music websites, written in Python. It supports RadioJavan, Bia2Music, Nex1Music, Navahang, WikiSeda and RapFarsi.

It requires the Python interpreter, version 3.5+, and it is not platform specific. It should work on your Unix box, on Windows or on macOS.

Installation and Notes
To install it open your terminal and type:
pip3 install avaland

Usages And Examples
The usages can be found with the -h or --help flag:
Usage: [-h] [--path PATH] [--sources SOURCES] [--dl-first]
[--dl-album] [--dl-artist]
positional arguments:
query Search query

optional arguments:
-h, --help show help message and exit
--path PATH, -p PATH path to download music/album
--sources SOURCES, -s SOURCES
list of sources (default: --sources all) Available
sources: Bia2, Navahang, Nex1, RadioJavan, RapFarsi,
--dl-first, -df download first music in list
--dl-album, -da download all musics in an album
--dl-artist, -dr download all musics of an artist

# Search tracks
avaland "your search query"

# Search and download first result
avaland "your search query" --dl-first

# Search with custom sources
avaland "your search query" --sources radiojavan,bia2,rapfarsi

# Set custom download path directory
avaland "your search query" --path /foo/bar

Getting Started (For Developers)
from avaland.manager import SourceManager
from avaland.sources import *

manager = SourceManager()

# register two sources

if __name__ == '__main__':
# search for a query
search = manager.search("hello adele")
# download first result from bia2
download = search['bia2'].musics[0].download()

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Fork it (https://github.com/dragon-born/avaland)
Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/newfeature)
Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some amazing new feature')
Push to the branch (git push origin feature/newfeature)
Open a new Pull Request



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