avni 0.1.0

Creator: coderz1093

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avni 0.1.0

AVNI - Analysis and Visualization toolkit for plaNetary Inferences
AVNI is a software ecosystem for analyzing and interpreting planetary models and
data sets that were initially designed or the three-dimensional reference Earth
model project REM3D. The codes are primary written in Python
with interfaces to legacy routines in C and Fortran. Some installation files as
well as applets and API access require registration on the AVNI Homepage below.
ReadTheDocs: avni.globalseismology.org
Source code: github
Requests/Bug Reports:
Contact: avni@globalseismology.org
Frequently Asked Questions:
A core team maintains the public repository and releases versions after
benchmarking; if you do not see activity on Github, that does not mean
improvements or bug fixes are not underway! We provide APIs that interface with
heavy, legacy codes hosted our servers so that AVNI installation remains light
to serve various applications. Contact the AVNI team at
avni@globalseismology.org with any questions or suggestions.

AVNI needs the following python modules installed in the system.

The gfortran Fortran compiler
Python 3.7+

Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your
local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on
how to deploy the project on a live system.
Contributing to our software
AVNI is a community project that lives by the participation of its members —
i.e., including you! It is our goal to build an inclusive and participatory
community so we are happy that you are interested in participating! We have
collected a set of guidelines and advice on how to get involved in the community
and keep them in the Contributing
Please follow the contributor covenant code of conduct specified in the
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md in all interactions and deliberations.
The Principal Developers that maintain AVNI are listed in AUTHORS.
See also the list of Github
contributors who
participate in this project.
Current software version is provided in the file version
file. We use SemVer for versioning as explained in our
For the versions available, see the tags on this
This software is published under the GNU GPL v3 license - see the
LICENSE file for details. Please write to
avni@globalseismology.org or see our
FAQs for additional

Funded by the National Science Foundation and the
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics.
A project like this one is a culmination of feedback and input from several
excellent colleagues and
organizations. We thank
members of the open source and Earth Science communities for their input and
non-Github contributions.
Computational resources maintained by Princeton University accessible through
the AVNI website. We thank the system
administrators for assistance.



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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