avocato 0.1.0

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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avocato 0.1.0

avocato is a simple and fast ORM/framework-agnostic object serialization library for
converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
Don’t be scared if you’re using an ORM/framework. It can easily be adapted to be used with any
ORM/framework of your liking. Currently it supports Django ORM and peewee.
This library is heavily influenced by serpy.

$ pip install avocato

Find documentation at avocato.rtfd.io

import avocato

class Bar(object):
patrick = 'star'

class Foo(object):
over = 9000
spongebob = 'squarepants'
bar = Bar()

class BarSerializer(avocato.Serializer):
patrick = avocato.StrField()

class FooSerializer(avocato.Serializer):
over = avocato.IntField()
spongebob = avocato.StrField()
bar = BarSerializer()

foo = Foo()
# {'over': 9000, 'spongebob': 'squarepants', 'bar': {'patrick': 'star'}}


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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