awesome-exception 1.1.0

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awesomeexception 1.1.0

Awesome Exception
A library designed to handle http exception elegantly with customization support like i18n support.

common http exception class that support custom message and status code


pip install awesome-exception

Using fast API as example, we may simply throw exception with a proper status code, and an optional error code. We may
also supply arbitrary key value in args dict, to help frontend render better error message.
from awesome_exception.exceptions import NotFound
from fastapi import APIRouter

router = APIRouter()

def get(id: str):
obj = find_by_id(id)
except Exception as e:
raise NotFound(message='transaction not found' % id, error_code='A0001', args={id: id})

And we may implement a common error handler to convert all these errors to proper response schema
from awesome_exception.exceptions import HTTPException
from fastapi.requests import Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse

async def http_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException):
return JSONResponse(
'detail': exc.detail,
'error_code': exc.error_code,

This would result in a response with status code 404, and body
"status_code": 404,
"detail": {
"message": "transaction not found",
"id": "some_id"
"error_code": "A0001"

With this response, frontend can decide to simply render detail, or map it to detailed message. If error_code "A0001"
correspond to the following i18 n entry
"error.A0001": {"en-US": "transaction can not be found with supplied {id}: {message}"}

we may format message accordingly with
errorMessage = formatMessage({ id: `error.${}` },;

Note that error code is not supplied, is default to status code. So it is always safe to simply use error_code in
frontend to decide what to render.
Installing Poetry

create your own environment for poetry, and simply run: pip install poetry
alternatively, you can refer to poetry's official page
to be able to use poe directly, pip install poethepoet


project setup: poetry install
create your own branch to start developing new feature.
before creating pr, make sure you pass poe lint and poe test.

what happened inside poe test is that a minio server is setup for you temporarily, and teardown and unit
test is finished.
notice that poe test would also work if you already have a minio up and running. You need the following env
variable: MINIO_ACCESS_KEY, MINIO_SECRET_KEY, MINIO_ADDRESS upon running poe test.

for a list of available poe command, poe
after you submit a pr, you should check if pipeline is successful.


poetry version [new_version]
git commit -m"Bump version"
git push origin develop
create new release on github.
Create release off develop branch, auto generate notes, and review release note.
Publish release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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