aws-pipeline-creator 0.0.9

Creator: coderz1093

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awspipelinecreator 0.0.9

AWS Codepipeline Creator
aws-pipeline-creator creates a aws codepipeline cloudformation stack,
and points to a build specifical file in the code repository
aws-pipeline-creator is on PyPI so all you need is:
$ pip install aws-pipeline-creator

Getting help
$ pipeline-creator upsert --help
Usage: pipeline-creator upsert [OPTIONS]

primary function for creating a bucket :return:

-v, --version TEXT code version
-d, --dryrun dry run
-y, --yaml YAML template (deprecated - YAMLness is now detected at
--no-poll Start the stack work but do not poll
-i, --ini TEXT INI file with needed information [required]
--debug Turn on debugging
--help Show this message and exit.

pipeline-creator upsert -i config/my.ini

Example Ini file
# This is a general bucket where the cloudformation template will be uploaded to prior to deployment
bucket = cloudformation-templates
# The name you want on the cloudformation stack
stack_name = my-stack-name
region = us-east-1
profile = my-aws-profile

# These are the tags which will be automatically applied to resources
Name = test-codepipeline
ResourceOwner = my_boss
Project = MyCoolProject
DeployedBy = me

# CodeCommit repository name
RepositoryName = repo_name
# Codecommit repository branch name
RepositoryBranchName = master
# A project name or code
Project = test
ProjectDescription = test
# The role which is utilized for the code pipeline, see below for an example role policy
BuildServiceRole = arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/AWSCodebuildRole
BuildProjectName = MyBuild
Subnets = subnet-c1234556
SecurityGroups = sg-123456
Timeout = 60
# The location in the repository where the build spec file is located
BuildspecFile = folder/buildspec.yml
# Set the environment code. This is how developers code deployments in the build spec.
# If EnvCode = dev, then do this, if EnvCode is prod, then do that
EnvironmentCode = dev
VpcId = vpc-123456
# This is a bucket where the builds from each stage in the build process are stored
DeploymentBucketName = codepipeline-deployments
# The image to utilize
# You can also use default AWS images from
# Example: Image = aws/codebuild/docker:17.09.0
Image =

# These are the metadata parameters which are applied to the template via jinja2
ProjectName = myproject



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