aws_kpl_deagg 1.0.10

Creator: coderz1093

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aws kpl deagg 1.0.10

The Amazon Kinesis Producer Library
gives you the ability to write data to Amazon Kinesis with a highly
efficient, asyncronous delivery model that can improve
When you write to the Producer, you can also elect to turn on
Aggregation, which writes multiple producer events to a single Kinesis
Record, aggregating lots of smaller events into a 1MB record. When you
use Aggregation, the KPL serialises data to the Kinesis stream using
Google Protocol
Buffers, and
consumer applications must be able to deserialise this protobuf message.
This module gives you the ability to process KPL serialised data using
any Python consumer including AWS

The Python KPL Deaggregation module is available on the Python Package
Index (PyPI) as
aws_kpl_deagg. You
can install it via the pip command line tool:
pip install aws_kpl_deagg
Alternately, you can simply copy the aws_kpl_deagg module from this
repository and use it directly with the caveat that the Google protobuf
module must also be available
(if you install via pip, this dependency will be handled for you).

The Python KPL Deaggregation module provides a simple interface for
working with KPL encoded data in a consumer application. The
aws_kpl_deagg Python module provides for both bulk and generator-based
When using deaggregation, you provide a Kinesis Record, and get back
multiple Kinesis User Records. If a Kinesis Record that is provided is
not a KPL encoded message, that’s perfectly fine - you’ll just get a
single record output from the single record input. A Kinesis User Record
which is returned from the kpl-deagg looks like:
'eventVersion' : String - The version number of the Kinesis event used
'eventID' : String - The unique ID of this Kinesis event
'kinesis' :
'partitionKey' : String - The Partition Key provided when the record was submitted
'explicitHashKey' : String - The hash value used to explicitly determine the shard the data record is assigned to by overriding the partition key hash (or None if absent)
'data' : String - The original data transmitted by the producer (base64 encoded)
'kinesisSchemaVersion' : String - The version number of the Kinesis message schema used,
'sequenceNumber' : BigInt - The sequence number assigned to the record on submission to Kinesis
'subSequenceNumber' : Int - The sub-sequence number for the User Record in the aggregated record, if aggregation was in use by the producer
'aggregated' : Boolean - Always True for a user record extracted from a KPL aggregated record
'invokeIdentityArn' : String - The ARN of the IAM user used to invoke this Lambda function
'eventName' : String - Always "aws:kinesis:record" for a Kinesis record
'eventSourceARN' : String - The ARN of the source Kinesis stream
'eventSource' : String - Always "aws:kinesis" for a Kinesis record
'awsRegion' : String - The name of the source region for the event (e.g. "us-east-1")
To get started, include the aws_kpl_deagg module:
import aws_kpl_deagg
Next, when you receive a Kinesis Record in your consumer application,
you will extract the User Records using the deaggregations methods
available in the aws_kpl_deagg module.
IMPORTANT: The deaggregation methods available in the
aws_kpl_deagg module expect input records in the same
dictionary-based format they are normally received from AWS Lambda. See
the Programming Model for Authoring Lambda Functions in
section of the AWS documentation for more details.

Bulk Conversion
The bulk conversion method of deaggregation takes in a list of Kinesis
Records, extracts all the aggregated User Records and accumulates them
into a list. Any records that are passed in to this method that are not
KPL-aggregated records will be returned unchanged. The method returns a
list of Kinesis User Records in the same format as they are normally
delivered by Lambda’s Kinesis event handler.
user_records = deaggregate_records(raw_kinesis_records)

Generator-based Conversion
The generator-based conversion method of deaggregation uses a Python
generator function to
extract User Records from a raw Kinesis Record one at a time in an
iterative fashion. Any records that are passed in to this method that
are not KPL-aggregated records will be returned unchanged. For example,
you could use this code to iterate through each deaggregated record:
for record in iter_deaggregate_records(raw_kinesis_records):

#Process each record

This module includes two example AWS Lambda function in the file, which gives you the
ability to easily build new functions to process KPL encoded data.

Bulk Conversion Example
from __future__ import print_function

from aws_kpl_deagg.deaggregator import deaggregate_records
import base64

def lambda_bulk_handler(event, context):

raw_kinesis_records = event['Records']

#Deaggregate all records in one call
user_records = deaggregate_records(raw_kinesis_records)

#Iterate through deaggregated records
for record in user_records:

# Kinesis data in Python Lambdas is base64 encoded
payload = base64.b64decode(record['kinesis']['data'])

#TODO: Process each record

return 'Successfully processed {} records.'.format(len(user_records))

Generator-based Conversion Example
from __future__ import print_function

from aws_kpl_deagg.deaggregator import iter_deaggregate_records
import base64

def lambda_generator_handler(event, context):

raw_kinesis_records = event['Records']
record_count = 0

#Deaggregate all records using a generator function
for record in iter_deaggregate_records(raw_kinesis_records):

# Kinesis data in Python Lambdas is base64 encoded
payload = base64.b64decode(record['kinesis']['data'])

#TODO: Process each record

record_count += 1

return 'Successfully processed {} records.'.format(record_count)

Copyright 2014-2015, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights
Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the “License”). You may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the
License is located at
or in the “license” file accompanying this file. This file is
KIND, express or implied. See the License for the specific language
governing permissions and limitations under the License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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