ayon-python-api 1.0.9

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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ayonpythonapi 1.0.9

AYON server API
Python client for connection server. The client is using REST and GraphQl to communicate with server with requests module.
AYON Python api should support connection to server with raw REST functions and prepared functionality for work with entities. Must not contain only functionality that can be used with core server functionality.
Module support singleton connection which is using AYON_SERVER_URL and AYON_API_KEY environment variables as source for connection. The singleton connection is using ServerAPI object. There can be created multiple connection to different server at one time, for that purpose use ServerAPIBase object.
AYON python api is available on PyPi:
pip install ayon-python-api

For development purposes you may follow build guide to build and install custom wheels.
Cloning the repository
Repository does not have submodules or special cases. Clone is simple as:
git clone git@github.com:ynput/ayon-python-api.git

Build wheel
For wheel build is required a wheel module from PyPi:
pip install wheel

Open terminal and change directory to ayon-python-api repository and build wheel:
cd <REPOSITORY ROOT>/ayon-python-api
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

Once finished a wheel should be created in ./dist/ayon_python_api-<VERSION>-py3-none-any.

Wheel installation
The wheel file can be used to install using pip:
pip install <REPOSITORY ROOT>/dist/ayon_python_api-<VERSION>-py3-none-any

If pip complain that ayon-python-api is already installed just uninstall existing one first:
pip uninstall ayon-python-api


Find more suitable name of ServerAPI objects (right now is used con or connection)
Add all available CRUD operation on entities using REST
Add folder and task changes to operations
Enhance entity hub

Missing docstrings in EntityHub -> especially entity arguments are missing
Better order of arguments for entity classes

Move entity hub to first place
Skip those which are invalid for the entity and fake it for base or remove it from base

Entity hub should use operations session to do changes
Entity hub could also handle 'product', 'version' and 'representation' entities
Missing 'status' on folders
Missing assignees on tasks
Pass docstrings and arguments definitions from ServerAPI methods to global functions

Split ServerAPI into smaller chunks (somehow), the class has 4k+ lines of code
Add .pyi stub for ServerAPI
Missing websockets connection


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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