azure-cli-network 2.5.2

Creator: railscoder56

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azureclinetwork 2.5.2

Microsoft Azure CLI ‘network’ Command Module
This package is for the ‘network’ module.
i.e. ‘az network’

Release History


Added command list-service-tags.
dns zone import: Fix issue where users could not import wildcard A records.
watcher flow-log configure: Fixed issue where flow logging could not be enabled in certain regions.


application-gateway: Added waf-policy commands to support custom WAF rules.
application-gateway create/update: Added –waf-policy and –max-capacity arguments.


[BREAKING CHANGE]: previously deprecated command group network interface-endpoints has been removed. Use network private-endpoints instead.
network vnet subnet create/update: Added –nat-gateway argument for attaching to a NAT gateway.
dns zone import: Fix issue where record names could not match a record type.


[BREAKING CHANGE] vnet create/update: Replaced –cache arugment with –defer.


dns zone create: Add auto name server delegation in parent during child zone creation


vnet-gateway list-bgp-peer-status: Fix table format not displaying.
application-gateway rewrite-rule: Add list-request-headers and list-response-headers commands.
application-gateway rewrite-rule condition: Add list-server-variables command.
express-route port update: Fixed an issue where updating link state on an express-route port would throw an unknown attribute exception.


application-gateway: Add rewrite-rule command group.


vpn-connection update: Fix issue where updating a VPN connection between gateways in different subscriptions would fail.


vpn-connection create/update: Add –express-route-gateway-bypass argument.
express-route: Port command groups from express-route extensions.
express-route: Added express-route gateway and express-route port command groups.
express-route peering create/update: Added argument –legacy-mode.
express-route create/update: Added argument –allow-classic-operations and –express-route-port.
vnet-gateway create/update: Add –gateway-default-site argument.
vnet-gateway: Added ipsec-policy commands.


dns zone export: Ensure exported CNAMEs are FQDNs.
nic ip-config address-pool add/remove: Add –gateway-name to support application gateway backend address pools.
network watcher flow-log configure: Add arguments –traffic-analytics, –workspace to support traffic analytics through a Log Analytics workspace.
lb inbound-nat-pool create/update: Add arguments –idle-timeout, –floating-ip.


express-route update: Fix issue where –bandwidth argument was ignored.
ddos-protection update: Fix issue with set comprehension causing stack trace.


traffic-manager profile create/update: Add support for –custom-headers and –status-code-ranges. Add support for new routing types: Subnet and Multivalue.
traffic-manager endpoint create/update: Add support for –custom-headers and –subnets.
ddos-protection update: Fix issue where supplying –vnets “” to remove vnets caused a strack trace.


watcher flow-log configure: Add support for –format and –log-version.
dns zone update: Finished issue where using “” to clear resolution and registration VNets didn’t work.


application-gateway waf-config set: Added –exclusion argument to support WAF exclusions.


application-gateway: Added root-cert subcommands to handle trusted root certifcates.

application-gateway create/update:
Added –min-capacity for configuring autoscale on v2 app gateways.
Added –custom-error-pages for configuring custom error pages.

application-gateway create: Added –zones for availability zone support.
application-gateway waf-config set: Added arguments –file-upload-limit, –max-request-body-size and –request-body-check.


Deprecated network interface-endpoint command names in favor of network private-endpoint.
express-route peering connection create: Fix issue where –peer-circuit would not accept an ID.
public-ip create: Fix issue where –ip-tags did not work correctly.


nic create - Add –app-gateway-address-pools and –gateway-name arguments to support adding application
gateway backend address pools to a NIC.
nic ip-config create/update - Add –app-gateway-address-pools and –gateway-name arguments to support adding application
gateway backend address pools to a NIC.


Fix network dns zone create. Command succeeds even if the user has configured a default location. See #6052.
network vnet peering create: Deprecated –remote-vnet-id. Added –remote-vnet which accepts a name or ID.
network vnet create: Added support for multiple subnet prefixes with –subnet-prefixes.
network vnet subnet create/update: Added support for multiple subnet prefixes with –address-prefixes.
network application-gateway create: Fixed logic that prevented creating gateways with WAF_v2 or Standard_v2 SKU.
network vnet subnet update: Added –service-endpoint-policy convenience argument.


Add network public-ip prefix commands to support public IP prefixes features.
Add network service-endpoint commands to support service endpoint policy features.
Add network lb outbound-rule commands to support creation of Standard Load Balancer outbound rules.
Add –public-ip-prefix to network lb frontend-ip create/update to support frontend IP configurations using public IP prefixes.
Add –enable-tcp-reset to network lb rule/inbound-nat-rule/inbound-nat-pool create/update.
Add –disable-outbound-snat to network lb rule create/update.
Allow network watcher flow-log show/configure to be used with classic NSGs.
Add network watcher run-configuration-diagnostic command.
Fix network watcher test-connectivity command and add –method, –valid-status-codes and –headers properties.
network express-route create/update: Add –allow-global-reach flag.
network vnet subnet create/update: Add support for –delegation.
Added network vnet subnet list-available-delegations command.
network traffic-manager profile create/update: Added support for –interval, –timeout and –max-failures for Monitor configuration.
Deprecated options –monitor-path, –monitor-port and –monitor-protocol in favor of –path, –port, –protocol.
network lb frontend-ip create/update: Fixed the logic for setting private IP allocation method. If a private IP address is provided, the
allocation will be static. If no private IP address is provided, or empty string is provided for private IP address, allocation is dynamic.
dns record-set * create/update: Add support for –target-resource.
Add network interface-endpoint commands to query interface endpoint objects.
Add network profile show/list/delete for partial management of network profiles.
Add network express-route peering connection commands to manage peering connections between ExpressRoutes.


network application-gateway ssl-policy predefined show: exception handling to exit with code 3 upon a missing resource for consistency


Minor fixes


dns: Added dns support to 2017-03-09-profile for Azure Stack


Minor fixes


BREAKING CHANGE: ‘show’ commands log error message and fail with exit code of 3 upon a missing resource.
network nic create/update/delete: Add –no-wait support.
Added network nic wait.
network vnet subnet list: Argument –ids is deprecated.
network vnet peering list: Argument –ids is deprecated.
network nsg rule list: Added –include-default flag to include default security rules in the output.


network dns zone import: Fix issue where record types were case-sensitive. [#6602](


network lb probe create: support Https protocol [#6571](
network traffic-manager endpoint create/update: Fix issue where –endpoint-status was case sensitive. [#6502](


network vnet peering: a few improvements


network watcher show-topology: Fix issue where command would not work with vnet and/or subnet name. [#6326](


network watcher: Fix issue where certain commands would claim Network Watcher is not enabled for regions when it actually is. [#6264](


BREAKING CHANGE: express-route auth list, express-route peering list, nic ip-config list
nsg rule list, route-filter rule list, route-table route list,
traffic-manager endpoint list: Removed the –ids parameter.


application-gateway create: Fix issue where tags could not be set. [#5936](
application-gateway http-settings create/update: Add convenience argument –auth-certs to attach authentication certificates. [#4910](
ddos-protection: Added new commands to create DDoS protection plans .
vnet create/update: Added support for –ddos-protection-plan to associate a VNet to a DDoS protection plan.
network route-table create/update: Fix issue with –disable-bgp-route-propagation flag.
network lb create/update: Removed dummy arguments –public-ip-address-type and –subnet-type.
sdist is now compatible with wheel 0.31.0


network dns zone import: Support for importing of TXT records with RFC 1035 escape sequences.
network dns zone export: Support for exporting of TXT records with RFC 1035 escape sequences.
network dns record-set txt add-record: Support for TXT records with RFC 1035 escape sequences.


network dns zone create/update: Adding support for Private DNS zones.


BREAKING CHANGE: route-filter rule create: The –tags parameter is no longer supported.
Support Autorest 3.0 based SDKs
Fix issues with update commands in express-route, nsg rule, public-ip, traffic manager profile and vnet-gateway where some parameters erroneously had default values.
network watcher: Added connection-monitor commands.
network watcher show-topology: Added support to target –vnet and –subnet.


network vnet-gateway vpn-client generate: Fix missing client issue.


network public-ip create: Fix –tags option.
network lb create: Fix –tags option.
network local-gateway create: Fix –tags option.
network nic create: Fix –tags option.
network vnet-gateway create: Fix –tags option.
network vpn-connection create: Fix –tags option.


application-gateway create: –cert-password protected using secureString.
application-gateway update: Fix issue where –sku erroneously applied a default value.
vpn-connection create: –shared-key and –authorization-key protected using secureString.
asg create: Fix missing client issue.

dns zone export: Fix issue with exported names. Add –file-name/-f parameter.
Fix issue where long TXT records were incorrectly exported.
Fix issue where quoted TXT records were incorrectly exported without escaped quotes.

dns zone import: Fix issue where certain records were imported twice.
Restored vnet-gateway root-cert and vnet-gateway revoked-cert commands.


vnet-gateway update: Fix issue when trying to change to/from active-standby mode.
application-gateway create/update: Add support for HTTP2.


Update for CLI core changes.


route-table create/update: Add support for –disable-bgp-route-propagation.
public-ip create/update: Add support for –ip-tags


dns: Add support for CAA records.
traffic-manager profile update: Fix issue where profiles with endpoints could not be updated.
vnet update: Fix issue where –dns-servers didn’t work depending on how the VNET was created (ARM deployment).
dns zone import: Fix issue where relative names were incorrectly imported.


minor fixes

2.0.16 (2017-10-09)

application-gateway address-pool create: –server argument is not optional to allow creation of empty address pools.
traffic-manager: Updates to support latest features.

2.0.15 (2017-09-22)

lb/public-ip: Add availability zone support.
express-route: Add support for IPv6 Microsoft Peering
Add asg application security group commands.
nic create: Added –application-security-groups support.
nic ip-config create/update: Added –application-security-groups support.
nsg rule create/update: Added –source-asgs and –destination-asgs support.
vnet create/update: Added –ddos-protection and –vm-protection support.
Added command: vnet-gateway vpn-client show-url

2.0.14 (2017-09-11)

vnet-gateway: Added commands list-bgp-peer-status, list-learned-routes and list-advertised-routes
vnet-gateway: Added command vpn-client generate.

2.0.13 (2017-08-28)

BC vnet list-private-access-services: renamed to vnet list-endpoint-services
BC vnet subnet create/update: renamed –private-access-services to –service-endpoints
nsg rule create/update: Add support for multiple IP ranges and port ranges.
lb create: Added support for SKU.
public-ip create: Added support for SKU.

2.0.12 (2017-08-11)

lb: fixed issue where the certain child resource names did not resolve correctly when omitted
application-gateway {subresource} delete: Fixed issue where –no-wait was not honored.
application-gateway http-settings update: Fix issue where –connection-draining-timeout could not be turned off.
[Network] Fix error - unexpected keyword argument ‘sa_data_size_kilobyes’ : Fix where az network vpn-connection ipsec-policy add unexpected keyword argument ‘sa_data_size_kilobyes’

2.0.11 (2017-07-27)

Added list-private-access-services command
vnet subnet create/update: Added –private-access-services argument.
application-gateway redirect-config create: Fix issue where create command would fail. Fix issue where –no-wait
would not work with update command.
application-gateway url-path-map rule create: Fix issue where certain parameters which should accept names or IDs
would only accept IDs.

2.0.10 (2017-07-07)

application-gateway address-pool create/update: fix bug when using the –servers argument.
application-gateway: add redirect-config commands
application-gateway ssl-policy: add list-options, predefined list and predefined show commands
application-gateway ssl-policy set: new arguments –name, –cipher-suites, –min-protocol-version
application-gateway http-settings create/update: new arguments –host-name-from-backend-pool, –affinity-cookie-name,
–enable-probe, –path
application-gateway url-path-map create/update: new arguments –default-redirect-config, –redirect-config
application-gateway url-path-map rule create: new argument –redirect-config
application-gateway url-path-map rule delete: add support for –no-wait
application-gateway probe create/update: new arguments –host-name-from-http-settings, –min-servers, –match-body, –match-status-codes
application-gateway rule create/update: new argument –redirect-config

2.0.9 (2017-06-21)

nic create/update: Add support for –accelerated-networking.
BC nic create: Remove non-functional –internal-dns-name-suffix argument.

2.0.8 (2017-06-13)

nic update/create: Add support for –dns-servers.
local-gateway create: fix bug where –local-address-prefixes was ignored.
vnet update: Add support for –dns-servers.

2.0.7 (2017-05-30)

express-route peering create: fix bug when creating a peering without route filtering.
express-route update: fix bug where –provider and –bandwidth arguments did not work.
network watcher show-topology: Fix bug with location defaulting logic.
network list-usages: improve output for TSV and table format.
application-gateway http-listener create: Default frontend IP if only one exists.

application-gateway rule create: Default address pool, HTTP settings, and HTTP listener if
only one exists.

lb rule create: Default frontend IP and backend pool if only one exists.
lb inbound-nat-rule create: Default frontend IP if only one exists.

2.0.6 (2017-05-09)

Minor fixes.

2.0.5 (2017-05-05)

Add network watcher test-connectivity command.
Add support for –filters parameter for network watcher packet-capture create.

2.0.4 (2017-04-28)

Add support for Application Gateway connection draining.
Add support for Application Gateway WAF rule set configuration.
Add support for ExpressRoute route filters and rules.
Add support for TrafficManager geographic routing.
Add support for VPN connection policy-based traffic selectors.
Add support for VPN connection IPSec policies.
Fix bug with vpn-connection create when using the –no-wait or –validate parameters.

2.0.3 (2017-04-17)

Add support for active-active VNet gateways
Remove nulls values from output of network vpn-connection list/show commands.
BC: Fix bug in the output of vpn-connection create
Fix bug where ‘–key-length’ argument of ‘vpn-connection create’ was not parsed correctly.
Fix bug in dns zone import where records were not imported correctly.
Fix bug where traffic-manager endpoint update did not work.
Add ‘network watcher’ preview commands.

2.0.2 (2017-04-03)

[Network] Convert Load Balancer and App Gateway Create to Dynamic Templates (#2668)
Fix format bug. (#2549)
Add wait commands and –no-wait support (#2524)
[KeyVault] Command fixes (#2474)

2.0.1 (2017-03-13)

Fix: ‘None’ already exists. Replacing values. (#2390)
Convert network creates to use SDK (#2371)
Convert PublicIP Create to use SDK (#2294)
Convert VNet Create to use SDK (#2269)

2.0.0 (2017-02-27)

GA release.

0.1.2rc2 (2017-02-22)

Fix VPN connection create shared-key validator.
Add delete confirmation for DNS record-set delete.
Fix bug with local address prefixes.
Documentation updates.

0.1.2rc1 (2017-02-17)

DNS/Application-Gateway Fixes
Show commands return empty string with exit code 0 for 404 responses (#2117)’
DNS Zone Import/Export (#2040)
Restructure DNS Commands (#2112)

0.1.1b2 (2017-01-30)

Table output for ‘network dns record-set list’.
Prompt confirmation for ‘network dns zone delete’.
Support Python 3.6.

0.1.1b1 (2017-01-17)
Breaking changes
Renames –sku-name to –sku and removes the –sku-tier parameter. It is parsed from the SKU name.
For the application-gateway {subresource} list commands, changes the alias for the application gateway name from –name/-n to –gateway-name.
Renames vpn-gateway commands to vnet-gateway commands for consistency with the SDK, Powershell, and the VPN connection commands.
Adds ‘name-or-id’ logic to vpn-connection create so that you can specify the appropriate resource name instead of only the ID. Renames the related arguments to omit -id.
Removes –enable-bgp from the vnet-gateway create command.

Improvements to ExpressRoute update commands
RouteTable/Route command updates
VPN connection fixes
VNet Gateway Fixes and Enhancements
Application Gateway Commands and Fixes
DNS Fixes
DNS Record Set Create Updates
ExpressRoute peering client-side validation

0.1.0b11 (2016-12-12)

Preview release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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