azure-communication-callautomation 1.2.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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azurecommunicationcallautomation 1.2.0

Azure Communication Call Automation client library for Python
This package contains a Python SDK for Azure Communication Call Automation. Call Automation provides developers the ability to build server-based, intelligent call workflows, and call recording for voice and PSTN channels.
Overview of Call Automation | Product documentation
Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please
refer to
Getting started

Python 3.7 or later is required to use this package.
You need an Azure subscription to use this package.
A deployed Communication Services resource. You can use the Azure Portal or the Azure PowerShell to set it up.

Install the Azure Communication Service Call Automation SDK.
pip install azure-communication-callautomation

Key concepts


CallAutomationClient is the primary interface for developers using this client library. It can be used to initiate calls by createCall or answerCall. It can also be used to do recording actions such as startRecording

CallConnectionClient represents a ongoing call. Once the call is established with createCall or answerCall, further actions can be performed for the call, such as transfer or play_media.

Callback Events
Callback events are events sent back during duration of the call. It gives information and state of the call, such as CallConnected. CallbackUrl must be provided during createCall and answerCall, and callback events will be sent to this url.

Incoming Call Event
When incoming call happens (that can be answered with answerCall), incoming call eventgrid event will be sent. This is different from Callback events above, and should be setup on Azure portal. See Incoming Call for detail.

Initialize CallAutomationClient
from azure.communication.callautomation import (CallAutomationClient)

# Your unique Azure Communication service endpoint
endpoint_url = '<ENDPOINT>'
client = CallAutomationClient.from_connection_string(endpoint_url)

Create Call
from azure.communication.callautomation import (

# target endpoint for ACS User
user = CommunicationUserIdentifier("8:acs:...")

# callback url to receive callback events
callback_url = "https://<MY-EVENT-HANDLER-URL>/events"

# send out the invitation, creating call
result = client.create_call(

# this id can be used to do further actions in the call
call_connection_id = result.call_connection_id

Play Media
# using call connection id, get call connection
call_connection = client.get_call_connection(call_connection_id)

# from callconnection of result above, play media to all participants
my_file = FileSource(url="https://<FILE-SOURCE>/<SOME-FILE>.wav")

Next steps

Call Automation Overview
Incoming Call Concept
Build a customer interaction workflow using Call Automation
Redirect inbound telephony calls with Call Automation
Quickstart: Play action
Quickstart: Recognize action
Read more about Call Recording in Azure Communication Services
Record and download calls with Event Grid

Provide Feedback
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the Issues section of the project
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This project has adopted the
[Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct][code_of_conduct]. For more information,
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additional questions or comments.


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