azure-mgmt-datafactory 9.0.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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azuremgmtdatafactory 9.0.0

Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
This is the Microsoft Azure Data Factory Management Client Library.
This package has been tested with Python 3.8+.
For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the azure sdk python release.
Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to
Getting started

Python 3.8+ is required to use this package.
Azure subscription

Install the package
pip install azure-mgmt-datafactory
pip install azure-identity

By default, Azure Active Directory token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables.

AZURE_CLIENT_ID for Azure client ID.
AZURE_TENANT_ID for Azure tenant ID.
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET for Azure client secret.

In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID.
With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.datafactory import DataFactoryManagementClient
import os

sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
client = DataFactoryManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id)

Code samples for this package can be found at:

Search Data Factory Management on
Azure Python Mgmt SDK Samples Repo

Next steps
Provide Feedback
If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the
section of the project.
Release History
9.0.0 (2024-08-19)
Features Added

The model or publicly exposed class 'AmazonMWSLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AmazonRdsForOracleLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AmazonRedshiftLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AmazonS3CompatibleLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AmazonS3LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AppFiguresLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AsanaLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureBatchLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureBlobFSLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureBlobStorageLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureDataExplorerLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureDatabricksLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureFileStorageLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureFileStorageLinkedService' had property 'service_endpoint' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureFileStorageLinkedService' had property 'credential' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureFunctionLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureKeyVaultLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureMLLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureMLServiceLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureMariaDBLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureMySqlLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzurePostgreSqlLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureSearchLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureSqlDWLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureSqlMILinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureStorageLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureSynapseArtifactsLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureTableStorageLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureTableStorageLinkedService' had property 'service_endpoint' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureTableStorageLinkedService' had property 'credential' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'CassandraLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService' had property 'domain' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ConcurLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'CosmosDbLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'CosmosDbMongoDbApiLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'CouchbaseLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'CustomDataSourceLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'DataworldLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'Db2LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'DrillLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'DynamicsAXLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'DynamicsAuthenticationType' had property 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'DynamicsCrmLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'DynamicsCrmLinkedService' had property 'domain' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'DynamicsLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'DynamicsLinkedService' had property 'domain' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'EloquaLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ExecuteDataFlowActivity' had property 'continuation_settings' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypeProperties' had property 'continuation_settings' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ExecutePowerQueryActivityTypeProperties' had property 'continuation_settings' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ExecuteWranglingDataflowActivity' had property 'continuation_settings' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'FileServerLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'FtpServerLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'GlobalParameterType' had property 'INT' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'GoogleAdWordsLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'GoogleBigQueryLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'GoogleBigQueryV2LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'GoogleCloudStorageLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'GoogleSheetsLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'GreenplumLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'HBaseLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'HDInsightLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService' had property 'version_type_properties_version' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'HdfsLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'HiveLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'HttpLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'HubspotLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ImpalaLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'InformixLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'JiraLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'LakeHouseLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MagentoLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MariaDBLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MarketoLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MicrosoftAccessLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MongoDbAtlasLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MongoDbLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MongoDbV2LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'MySqlLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'NetezzaLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'NotebookParameterType' had property 'INT' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ODataLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'OdbcLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'Office365LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'OracleCloudStorageLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'OracleLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'OracleServiceCloudLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ParameterType' had property 'INT' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'PaypalLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'PhoenixLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'PostgreSqlLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'PostgreSqlV2LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'PrestoLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'QuickBooksLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'QuickbaseLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ResponsysLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'RestServiceLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'RestServiceLinkedService' had property 'service_principal_credential_type' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'RestServiceLinkedService' had property 'service_principal_embedded_cert' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'RestServiceLinkedService' had property 'service_principal_embedded_cert_password' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'RunQueryFilterOperator' had property 'IN' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SalesforceLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SalesforceMarketingCloudLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SalesforceServiceCloudLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SalesforceServiceCloudV2LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SalesforceV2LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SapBWLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SapCloudForCustomerLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SapEccLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SapHanaLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SapOdpLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SapOpenHubLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SapTableLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ServiceNowLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ServiceNowV2LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SftpServerLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SharePointOnlineListLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SharePointOnlineListLinkedService' had property 'service_principal_credential_type' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SharePointOnlineListLinkedService' had property 'service_principal_embedded_cert' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SharePointOnlineListLinkedService' had property 'service_principal_embedded_cert_password' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ShopifyLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SmartsheetLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SnowflakeExportCopyCommand' had property 'storage_integration' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SnowflakeImportCopyCommand' had property 'storage_integration' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SnowflakeLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SnowflakeV2LinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SparkLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SqlServerAuthenticationType' had property 'USER_ASSIGNED_MANAGED_IDENTITY' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SqlServerLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SqlServerLinkedService' had property 'credential' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SqlServerLinkedServiceTypeProperties' had property 'credential' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SquareLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'StoredProcedureParameterType' had property 'INT' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'SybaseLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'TeamDeskLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'TeradataLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'TwilioLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'VerticaLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'VerticaLinkedService' had property 'server' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'VerticaLinkedService' had property 'port' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'VerticaLinkedService' had property 'uid' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'VerticaLinkedService' had property 'database' added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'WarehouseLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'WebLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'XeroLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ZendeskLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ZohoLinkedService' had property 'version' added in the init method in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'AzureTableStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties' was added in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'ContinuationSettingsReference' was added in the current version

Breaking Changes

The 'GlobalParameterType' enum had its value 'INT_ENUM' deleted or renamed in the current version
The model or publicly exposed class 'HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService' had its instance variable 'version' deleted or renamed in the current version
The 'NotebookParameterType' enum had its value 'INT_ENUM' deleted or renamed in the current version
The 'ParameterType' enum had its value 'INT_ENUM' deleted or renamed in the current version
The 'RunQueryFilterOperator' enum had its value 'IN_ENUM' deleted or renamed in the current version
The 'StoredProcedureParameterType' enum had its value 'INT_ENUM' deleted or renamed in the current version

8.0.0 (2024-06-06)
Features Added

Model DynamicsCrmLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model ExpressionV2 has a new parameter operators
Model LakeHouseTableDataset has a new parameter schema_type_properties_schema
Model SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source has a new parameter query
Model SalesforceV2Source has a new parameter query

Breaking Changes

Model ExpressionV2 no longer has parameter operator

7.1.0 (2024-05-08)
Features Added

Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter application_intent
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter authentication_type
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter command_timeout
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_count
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_interval
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter connect_timeout
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter database
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter encrypt
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter failover_partner
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter host_name_in_certificate
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter integrated_security
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter load_balance_timeout
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter max_pool_size
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter min_pool_size
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter multi_subnet_failover
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter multiple_active_result_sets
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter packet_size
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter pooling
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter server
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter trust_server_certificate
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter application_intent
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter authentication_type
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter command_timeout
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_count
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_interval
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter connect_timeout
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter database
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter encrypt
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter failover_partner
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter host_name_in_certificate
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter integrated_security
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter load_balance_timeout
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter max_pool_size
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter min_pool_size
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter multi_subnet_failover
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter multiple_active_result_sets
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter packet_size
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter pooling
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter server
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential_type
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter trust_server_certificate
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter user_name
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter application_intent
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter authentication_type
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter command_timeout
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_count
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_interval
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter connect_timeout
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter database
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter encrypt
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter failover_partner
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter host_name_in_certificate
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter integrated_security
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter load_balance_timeout
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter max_pool_size
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter min_pool_size
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter multi_subnet_failover
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter multiple_active_result_sets
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter packet_size
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter pooling
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter server
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential_type
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter trust_server_certificate
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter user_name
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter application_intent
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter authentication_type
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter command_timeout
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_count
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_interval
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter connect_timeout
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter database
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter encrypt
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter failover_partner
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter host_name_in_certificate
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter integrated_security
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter load_balance_timeout
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter max_pool_size
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter min_pool_size
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter multi_subnet_failover
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter multiple_active_result_sets
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter packet_size
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter pooling
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter server
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential_type
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter trust_server_certificate
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter user_name
Model ManagedIdentityCredential has a new parameter resource_id
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter application_intent
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter authentication_type
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter command_timeout
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_count
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter connect_retry_interval
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter connect_timeout
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter database
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter encrypt
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter failover_partner
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter host_name_in_certificate
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter integrated_security
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter load_balance_timeout
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter max_pool_size
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter min_pool_size
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter multi_subnet_failover
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter multiple_active_result_sets
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter packet_size
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter pooling
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter server
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter trust_server_certificate

7.0.0 (2024-04-22)
Breaking Changes

Model ManagedIdentityCredential no longer has parameter resource_id

6.1.0 (2024-03-18)
Features Added

Added model ExpressionV2
Added model ExpressionV2Type
Added model GoogleBigQueryV2AuthenticationType
Added model GoogleBigQueryV2LinkedService
Added model GoogleBigQueryV2ObjectDataset
Added model GoogleBigQueryV2Source
Added model PostgreSqlV2LinkedService
Added model PostgreSqlV2Source
Added model PostgreSqlV2TableDataset
Added model ServiceNowV2AuthenticationType
Added model ServiceNowV2LinkedService
Added model ServiceNowV2ObjectDataset
Added model ServiceNowV2Source

6.0.0 (2024-03-04)
Features Added

Model SalesforceServiceCloudV2LinkedService has a new parameter authentication_type
Model SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source has a new parameter include_deleted_objects
Model SalesforceV2LinkedService has a new parameter authentication_type
Model SalesforceV2Source has a new parameter include_deleted_objects

Breaking Changes

Model SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source no longer has parameter read_behavior
Model SalesforceV2Source no longer has parameter read_behavior

5.0.0 (2024-01-26)
Features Added

Model AzureBlobFSWriteSettings has a new parameter metadata
Model AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings has a new parameter metadata
Model AzureDataLakeStoreWriteSettings has a new parameter metadata
Model AzureFileStorageWriteSettings has a new parameter metadata
Model FileServerWriteSettings has a new parameter metadata
Model LakeHouseWriteSettings has a new parameter metadata
Model MariaDBLinkedService has a new parameter database
Model MariaDBLinkedService has a new parameter driver_version
Model MariaDBLinkedService has a new parameter password
Model MariaDBLinkedService has a new parameter port
Model MariaDBLinkedService has a new parameter server
Model MariaDBLinkedService has a new parameter username
Model MySqlLinkedService has a new parameter database
Model MySqlLinkedService has a new parameter driver_version
Model MySqlLinkedService has a new parameter port
Model MySqlLinkedService has a new parameter server
Model MySqlLinkedService has a new parameter ssl_mode
Model MySqlLinkedService has a new parameter use_system_trust_store
Model MySqlLinkedService has a new parameter username
Model SftpWriteSettings has a new parameter metadata
Model StoreWriteSettings has a new parameter metadata
Model WebActivity has a new parameter http_request_timeout
Model WebActivity has a new parameter turn_off_async

Breaking Changes

Model MariaDBLinkedService no longer has parameter pwd

4.0.0 (2023-11-20)
Features Added

Added operation group ChangeDataCaptureOperations
Model Activity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model Activity has a new parameter state
Model AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource has a new parameter isolation_level
Model AppendVariableActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model AppendVariableActivity has a new parameter state
Model AzureDataExplorerCommandActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model AzureDataExplorerCommandActivity has a new parameter state
Model AzureFunctionActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model AzureFunctionActivity has a new parameter state
Model AzureMLBatchExecutionActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model AzureMLBatchExecutionActivity has a new parameter state
Model AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter state
Model AzureMLServiceLinkedService has a new parameter authentication
Model AzureMLUpdateResourceActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model AzureMLUpdateResourceActivity has a new parameter state
Model AzureSqlSource has a new parameter isolation_level
Model ControlActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ControlActivity has a new parameter state
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter state
Model CustomActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model CustomActivity has a new parameter state
Model DataLakeAnalyticsUSQLActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model DataLakeAnalyticsUSQLActivity has a new parameter state
Model DatabricksNotebookActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model DatabricksNotebookActivity has a new parameter state
Model DatabricksSparkJarActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model DatabricksSparkJarActivity has a new parameter state
Model DatabricksSparkPythonActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model DatabricksSparkPythonActivity has a new parameter state
Model DeleteActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model DeleteActivity has a new parameter state
Model ExecuteDataFlowActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ExecuteDataFlowActivity has a new parameter state
Model ExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter state
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter state
Model ExecuteWranglingDataflowActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ExecuteWranglingDataflowActivity has a new parameter state
Model ExecutionActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ExecutionActivity has a new parameter state
Model FailActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model FailActivity has a new parameter state
Model FilterActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model FilterActivity has a new parameter state
Model ForEachActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ForEachActivity has a new parameter state
Model GetMetadataActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model GetMetadataActivity has a new parameter state
Model GoogleAdWordsLinkedService has a new parameter google_ads_api_version
Model GoogleAdWordsLinkedService has a new parameter login_customer_id
Model GoogleAdWordsLinkedService has a new parameter private_key
Model GoogleAdWordsLinkedService has a new parameter support_legacy_data_types
Model HDInsightHiveActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model HDInsightHiveActivity has a new parameter state
Model HDInsightMapReduceActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model HDInsightMapReduceActivity has a new parameter state
Model HDInsightPigActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model HDInsightPigActivity has a new parameter state
Model HDInsightSparkActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model HDInsightSparkActivity has a new parameter state
Model HDInsightStreamingActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model HDInsightStreamingActivity has a new parameter state
Model HttpReadSettings has a new parameter additional_columns
Model IfConditionActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model IfConditionActivity has a new parameter state
Model IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowProperties has a new parameter custom_properties
Model LookupActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model LookupActivity has a new parameter state
Model MongoDbAtlasLinkedService has a new parameter driver_version
Model ParquetSource has a new parameter format_settings
Model PipelineExternalComputeScaleProperties has a new parameter number_of_external_nodes
Model PipelineExternalComputeScaleProperties has a new parameter number_of_pipeline_nodes
Model ScriptActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ScriptActivity has a new parameter state
Model SelfHostedIntegrationRuntime has a new parameter self_contained_interactive_authoring_enabled
Model SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatus has a new parameter self_contained_interactive_authoring_enabled
Model SetVariableActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model SetVariableActivity has a new parameter policy
Model SetVariableActivity has a new parameter set_system_variable
Model SetVariableActivity has a new parameter state
Model SqlDWSource has a new parameter isolation_level
Model SqlMISource has a new parameter isolation_level
Model SqlServerSource has a new parameter isolation_level
Model SqlServerStoredProcedureActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model SqlServerStoredProcedureActivity has a new parameter state
Model SwitchActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model SwitchActivity has a new parameter state
Model SynapseNotebookActivity has a new parameter configuration_type
Model SynapseNotebookActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model SynapseNotebookActivity has a new parameter spark_config
Model SynapseNotebookActivity has a new parameter state
Model SynapseNotebookActivity has a new parameter target_spark_configuration
Model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity has a new parameter state
Model UntilActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model UntilActivity has a new parameter state
Model ValidationActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model ValidationActivity has a new parameter state
Model WaitActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model WaitActivity has a new parameter state
Model WebActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model WebActivity has a new parameter state
Model WebHookActivity has a new parameter on_inactive_mark_as
Model WebHookActivity has a new parameter policy
Model WebHookActivity has a new parameter state

Breaking Changes

Model HttpReadSettings no longer has parameter enable_partition_discovery
Model HttpReadSettings no longer has parameter partition_root_path

3.1.0 (2023-03-20)
Features Added

Model AzureBlobFSLinkedService has a new parameter sas_token
Model AzureBlobFSLinkedService has a new parameter sas_uri

3.0.0 (2023-02-20)
Features Added

Added operation group CredentialOperationsOperations
Model AzureBlobStorageLinkedService has a new parameter authentication_type
Model AzureBlobStorageLinkedService has a new parameter container_uri
Model IntegrationRuntimeComputeProperties has a new parameter copy_compute_scale_properties
Model IntegrationRuntimeComputeProperties has a new parameter pipeline_external_compute_scale_properties
Model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity has a new parameter configuration_type
Model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity has a new parameter scan_folder
Model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity has a new parameter spark_config
Model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity has a new parameter target_spark_configuration

Breaking Changes

Parameter export_settings of model SnowflakeSource is now required

2.10.0 (2022-11-22)
Features Added

Model ScriptActivity has a new parameter script_block_execution_timeout

2.9.0 (2022-10-24)
Features Added

Model AzureSynapseArtifactsLinkedService has a new parameter workspace_resource_id
Model FactoryGitHubConfiguration has a new parameter disable_publish
Model FactoryRepoConfiguration has a new parameter disable_publish
Model FactoryVSTSConfiguration has a new parameter disable_publish
Model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity has a new parameter files_v2
Model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity has a new parameter python_code_reference

2.8.1 (2022-10-17)
Other Changes

Changed type of stored_procedure_parameters to json-like object

2.8.0 (2022-09-13)
Features Added

Added model AzureSynapseArtifactsLinkedService
Added model BigDataPoolParametrizationReference
Added model BigDataPoolReferenceType
Added model DatasetReferenceType
Added model ExpressionType
Added model GoogleSheetsLinkedService
Added model IntegrationRuntimeReferenceType
Added model NotebookParameter
Added model NotebookParameterType
Added model NotebookReferenceType
Added model PipelineReferenceType
Added model SparkJobReferenceType
Added model SynapseNotebookActivity
Added model SynapseNotebookReference
Added model SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity
Added model SynapseSparkJobReference
Added model Type

2.7.0 (2022-06-15)

Model RestServiceLinkedService has a new parameter client_id
Model RestServiceLinkedService has a new parameter client_secret
Model RestServiceLinkedService has a new parameter resource
Model RestServiceLinkedService has a new parameter scope
Model RestServiceLinkedService has a new parameter token_endpoint

2.6.0 (2022-05-27)

Added operation group GlobalParametersOperations
Model DataFlowSink has a new parameter rejected_data_linked_service
Model ExecuteDataFlowActivity has a new parameter source_staging_concurrency
Model ExecuteDataFlowActivityTypeProperties has a new parameter source_staging_concurrency
Model ExecutePowerQueryActivityTypeProperties has a new parameter source_staging_concurrency
Model ExecuteWranglingDataflowActivity has a new parameter source_staging_concurrency
Model Factory has a new parameter purview_configuration
Model PowerQuerySink has a new parameter rejected_data_linked_service

2.5.0 (2022-05-12)

Model PrivateLinkConnectionApprovalRequest has a new parameter private_endpoint

2.4.0 (2022-04-15)

Model ExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter policy
Model WebActivity has a new parameter disable_cert_validation

2.3.0 (2022-03-02)

Added model QuickbaseLinkedService
Added model ScriptActivity
Added model ScriptActivityLogDestination
Added model ScriptActivityParameter
Added model ScriptActivityParameterDirection
Added model ScriptActivityParameterType
Added model ScriptActivityScriptBlock
Added model ScriptActivityTypePropertiesLogSettings
Added model ScriptType
Added model SmartsheetLinkedService
Added model TeamDeskAuthenticationType
Added model TeamDeskLinkedService
Added model ZendeskAuthenticationType
Added model ZendeskLinkedService

2.2.1 (2022-02-14)

Fix parameter public_network_access mapping type in Model FactoryUpdateParameters

2.2.0 (2022-01-06)

Model AzureBlobFSLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential
Model AzureBlobFSLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential_type
Model AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeLinkedService has a new parameter workspace_resource_id
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model DynamicsLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model GoogleAdWordsLinkedService has a new parameter connection_properties
Model LinkedIntegrationRuntimeRbacAuthorization has a new parameter credential

2.1.0 (2021-11-20)

Model PowerQuerySink has a new parameter flowlet
Model DatasetCompression has a new parameter level
Model SftpReadSettings has a new parameter disable_chunking
Model DataFlowSink has a new parameter flowlet
Model PowerQuerySource has a new parameter flowlet
Model Transformation has a new parameter linked_service
Model Transformation has a new parameter dataset
Model Transformation has a new parameter flowlet
Model DataFlowDebugPackage has a new parameter data_flows
Model FtpReadSettings has a new parameter disable_chunking
Model MappingDataFlow has a new parameter script_lines
Model DataFlowReference has a new parameter parameters
Model DataFlowSource has a new parameter flowlet

2.0.0 (2021-10-09)

Model HubspotSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SquareSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlDWSink has a new parameter upsert_settings
Model SqlDWSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlDWSink has a new parameter write_behavior
Model SqlDWSink has a new parameter sql_writer_use_table_lock
Model GoogleAdWordsSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SparkSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model GoogleCloudStorageReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model MongoDbV2Source has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model CopySource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model BinarySink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model FactoryGitHubConfiguration has a new parameter client_id
Model FactoryGitHubConfiguration has a new parameter client_secret
Model DrillSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model OracleCloudStorageReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobFSSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model ShopifySource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobStorageLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model StoreReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SalesforceMarketingCloudSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobFSReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model HiveSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model VerticaSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDataExplorerSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SapEccSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model GreenplumSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model AzureDataExplorerSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobStorageReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model OrcSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model HBaseSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model CopySink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SapTableSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlMISink has a new parameter upsert_settings
Model SqlMISink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlMISink has a new parameter write_behavior
Model SqlMISink has a new parameter sql_writer_use_table_lock
Model ZohoSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model RestSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model InformixSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model MicrosoftAccessSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model DelimitedTextSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model StoreWriteSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model JiraSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model DocumentDbCollectionSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlSink has a new parameter upsert_settings
Model SqlSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlSink has a new parameter write_behavior
Model SqlSink has a new parameter sql_writer_use_table_lock
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model SnowflakeSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureQueueSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SalesforceServiceCloudSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SapBwSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model DynamicsAXSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SftpWriteSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model WebActivityAuthentication has a new parameter credential
Model CassandraSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model HdfsReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlMISource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model RestServiceLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model Db2Source has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlServerLinkedService has a new parameter always_encrypted_settings
Model SalesforceSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model HdfsSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model ConcurSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model ParquetSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobFSLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model MongoDbAtlasSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SapHanaSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDataLakeStoreWriteSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model DocumentDbCollectionSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model GitHubAccessTokenRequest has a new parameter git_hub_client_secret
Model AzureTableSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model HttpReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model MongoDbSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDataLakeStoreSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureSqlSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model OracleServiceCloudSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureTableSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter always_encrypted_settings
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model CouchbaseSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBatchLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model QuickBooksSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model CommonDataServiceForAppsSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model MicrosoftAccessSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model HttpSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model BlobSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model PipelineRunInvokedBy has a new parameter pipeline_name
Model PipelineRunInvokedBy has a new parameter pipeline_run_id
Model FactoryUpdateParameters has a new parameter public_network_access
Model ODataSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SapCloudForCustomerSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model PostgreSqlSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureFileStorageReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model TabularSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzurePostgreSqlSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobFSWriteSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureSearchIndexSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model IntegrationRuntimeVNetProperties has a new parameter subnet_id
Model ManagedIntegrationRuntime has a new parameter customer_virtual_network
Model WebSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model DelimitedTextSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AmazonS3CompatibleReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model GoogleBigQuerySource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model OracleSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDataLakeStoreSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model DynamicsSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SalesforceSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SalesforceServiceCloudSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureMLLinkedService has a new parameter authentication
Model AzureFunctionLinkedService has a new parameter authentication
Model AzureFunctionLinkedService has a new parameter resource_id
Model AzureFunctionLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model CosmosDbSqlApiSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model XmlSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model XeroSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model ParquetSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model JsonSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model MySqlSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model Office365Source has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobFSSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureBlobFSSink has a new parameter metadata
Model BlobSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model BlobSink has a new parameter metadata
Model MariaDBSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model OdbcSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model DynamicsSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model ExcelDataset has a new parameter sheet_index
Model TeradataSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model InformixSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model CosmosDbMongoDbApiLinkedService has a new parameter is_server_version_above32
Model DynamicsCrmSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AmazonS3ReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlDWSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model FtpReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model EloquaSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureMySqlSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AmazonMWSSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model MarketoSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model CommonDataServiceForAppsSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AvroSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureSqlSink has a new parameter upsert_settings
Model AzureSqlSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureSqlSink has a new parameter write_behavior
Model AzureSqlSink has a new parameter sql_writer_use_table_lock
Model AzureFileStorageWriteSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model PrestoSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model BinarySource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDataExplorerLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model ResponsysSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model ImpalaSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model FileServerReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlServerSink has a new parameter upsert_settings
Model SqlServerSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlServerSink has a new parameter write_behavior
Model SqlServerSink has a new parameter sql_writer_use_table_lock
Model SapOpenHubSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzurePostgreSqlSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model FileSystemSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model OracleSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter always_encrypted_settings
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model PhoenixSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureMariaDBSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model OdbcSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SharePointOnlineListSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model FileSystemSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model RestSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model DynamicsCrmSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model OrcSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model FileServerWriteSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AvroSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model CosmosDbSqlApiSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SapCloudForCustomerSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AmazonRedshiftSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SybaseSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model PaypalSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureKeyVaultLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model SqlServerSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model IntegrationRuntimeSsisProperties has a new parameter credential
Model SftpReadSettings has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SnowflakeSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model RelationalSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowProperties has a new parameter cleanup
Model ServiceNowSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model MagentoSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model NetezzaSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService has a new parameter credential
Model AzureMySqlSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model SqlSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model CosmosDbMongoDbApiSink has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model JsonSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Model ExcelSource has a new parameter disable_metrics_collection
Added operation IntegrationRuntimesOperations.list_outbound_network_dependencies_endpoints
Added operation group PrivateLinkResourcesOperations
Added operation group PrivateEndpointConnectionOperations
Added operation group PrivateEndPointConnectionsOperations

Breaking changes

Parameter type of model MappingDataFlow is now required
Parameter type of model DataFlow is now required

1.1.0 (2021-03-12)

Model PipelineResource has a new parameter policy
Model ManagedIntegrationRuntime has a new parameter managed_virtual_network
Model CustomActivity has a new parameter auto_user_specification
Model HttpLinkedService has a new parameter auth_headers
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter workspace_resource_id
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter authentication
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter policy_id
Model RestServiceLinkedService has a new parameter auth_headers
Model AzureBlobStorageLinkedService has a new parameter account_kind
Model AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter version
Model AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter ml_pipeline_endpoint_id
Model AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter data_path_assignments
Model IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogInfo has a new parameter dual_standby_pair_name
Model WebActivityAuthentication has a new parameter user_tenant
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter auth_headers
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter connection_mode
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential_type
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_id
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter tenant
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type

1.0.0 (2020-12-17)

Model Factory has a new parameter encryption
Model FactoryIdentity has a new parameter user_assigned_identities
Model ExecuteDataFlowActivity has a new parameter trace_level
Model ExecuteDataFlowActivity has a new parameter continue_on_error
Model ExecuteDataFlowActivity has a new parameter run_concurrently

1.0.0b1 (2020-11-06)
This is beta preview version.
This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).
General breaking changes

Credential system has been completly revamped:

azure.common.credentials or msrestazure.azure_active_directory instances are no longer supported, use the azure-identity classes instead:
credentials parameter has been renamed credential

The config attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True). For a complete set of
supported options, see the parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core

You can't import a version module anymore, use __version__ instead

Operations that used to return a msrest.polling.LROPoller now returns a azure.core.polling.LROPoller and are prefixed with begin_.

Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError (CloudError has been removed).

Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:

raw has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using cls, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user
For a complete set of
supported options, see the parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core

General new features

Type annotations support using typing. SDKs are mypy ready.
This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the aio namespace of your package to find the async client.
This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this tracing quickstart for an overview.

0.14.0 (2020-10-23)

Model OrcSink has a new parameter format_settings
Model DelimitedTextWriteSettings has a new parameter max_rows_per_file
Model DelimitedTextWriteSettings has a new parameter file_name_prefix
Model RestSink has a new parameter http_compression_type
Model ParquetSink has a new parameter format_settings
Model AvroWriteSettings has a new parameter max_rows_per_file
Model AvroWriteSettings has a new parameter file_name_prefix

Breaking changes

Model RestSink no longer has parameter wrap_request_json_in_an_object
Model RestSink no longer has parameter compression_type

0.13.0 (2020-08-25)

Model LogStorageSettings has a new parameter enable_reliable_logging
Model LogStorageSettings has a new parameter log_level
Model HdfsReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model XmlReadSettings has a new parameter detect_data_type
Model XmlReadSettings has a new parameter namespaces
Model CosmosDbSqlApiSource has a new parameter detect_datetime
Added operation ExposureControlOperations.query_feature_values_by_factory
Added operation group ManagedPrivateEndpointsOperations
Added operation group ManagedVirtualNetworksOperations

0.12.0 (2020-07-29)

Model SalesforceMarketingCloudLinkedService has a new parameter connection_properties
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type
Model SapOpenHubSource has a new parameter custom_rfc_read_table_function_module
Model SapOpenHubSource has a new parameter sap_data_column_delimiter
Model AzureBlobStorageLinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type
Model XeroLinkedService has a new parameter connection_properties
Model SapTableSource has a new parameter sap_data_column_delimiter
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type
Model SapOpenHubLinkedService has a new parameter logon_group
Model SapOpenHubLinkedService has a new parameter system_id
Model SapOpenHubLinkedService has a new parameter message_server_service
Model SapOpenHubLinkedService has a new parameter message_server
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type
Model AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type
Model QuickBooksLinkedService has a new parameter connection_properties
Model RestServiceLinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type
Model AzureSqlMILinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type
Model SquareLinkedService has a new parameter connection_properties
Model AzureBlobFSLinkedService has a new parameter azure_cloud_type
Model AzureFileStorageLinkedService has a new parameter snapshot
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter new_cluster_log_destination
Model ZohoLinkedService has a new parameter connection_properties
Added operation TriggerRunsOperations.cancel

0.11.0 (2020-06-16)

Model AzureBlobStorageReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model AzureBlobStorageReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model SqlSource has a new parameter partition_option
Model SqlSource has a new parameter partition_settings
Model JsonSource has a new parameter format_settings
Model DynamicsAXSource has a new parameter http_request_timeout
Model AzureFileStorageReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model AzureFileStorageReadSettings has a new parameter prefix
Model AzureFileStorageReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model AzureSqlSource has a new parameter partition_option
Model AzureSqlSource has a new parameter partition_settings
Model GetMetadataActivity has a new parameter format_settings
Model GetMetadataActivity has a new parameter store_settings
Model SapCloudForCustomerSink has a new parameter http_request_timeout
Model DataFlowSource has a new parameter schema_linked_service
Model DataFlowSource has a new parameter linked_service
Model SftpReadSettings has a new parameter enable_partition_discovery
Model SftpReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model SftpReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model FtpReadSettings has a new parameter enable_partition_discovery
Model FtpReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model FtpReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model IntegrationRuntimeSsisProperties has a new parameter package_stores
Model SSISPackageLocation has a new parameter configuration_access_credential
Model SqlMISource has a new parameter partition_option
Model SqlMISource has a new parameter partition_settings
Model SapCloudForCustomerSource has a new parameter http_request_timeout
Model AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings has a new parameter list_before
Model AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings has a new parameter list_after
Model AzureBlobFSReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model AzureBlobFSReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model SapEccSource has a new parameter http_request_timeout
Model DeleteActivity has a new parameter store_settings
Model FileServerReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model FileServerReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model FileServerReadSettings has a new parameter file_filter
Model HttpReadSettings has a new parameter enable_partition_discovery
Model HttpReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model AzureFileStorageLinkedService has a new parameter connection_string
Model AzureFileStorageLinkedService has a new parameter file_share
Model AzureFileStorageLinkedService has a new parameter account_key
Model AzureFileStorageLinkedService has a new parameter sas_uri
Model AzureFileStorageLinkedService has a new parameter sas_token
Model AmazonS3ReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model AmazonS3ReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model GoogleCloudStorageReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path
Model GoogleCloudStorageReadSettings has a new parameter delete_files_after_completion
Model ODataSource has a new parameter http_request_timeout
Model SqlDWSource has a new parameter partition_option
Model SqlDWSource has a new parameter partition_settings
Model BinarySource has a new parameter format_settings
Model DataFlowSink has a new parameter schema_linked_service
Model DataFlowSink has a new parameter linked_service
Model DelimitedTextReadSettings has a new parameter compression_properties
Model Factory has a new parameter global_parameters
Model SqlServerSource has a new parameter partition_option
Model SqlServerSource has a new parameter partition_settings
Model HdfsReadSettings has a new parameter partition_root_path

0.10.0 (2020-03-10)

Model SqlSource has a new parameter isolation_level
Model SqlSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SapHanaSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SalesforceMarketingCloudSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model Db2Source has a new parameter additional_columns
Model DynamicsAXSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model MicrosoftAccessSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AzureMySqlSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model CouchbaseSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model CassandraSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model NetezzaSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter validate_data_consistency
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter log_storage_settings
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter skip_error_file
Model JsonSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AmazonRedshiftSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SapEccSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model TabularSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AvroSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model DocumentDbCollectionSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SalesforceLinkedService has a new parameter api_version
Model SybaseSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AzureFileStorageReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model SapBwSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model MariaDBSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SqlDWSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model ConcurSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model MongoDbSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AzureSqlSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model DynamicsCrmSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model JiraSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SftpReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model HiveSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model OdbcSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SalesforceServiceCloudLinkedService has a new parameter api_version
Model AzureBlobStorageReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model AzureTableSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model PaypalSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model RelationalSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model HBaseSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model GoogleCloudStorageReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model HubspotSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model ResponsysSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model CommonDataServiceForAppsSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model WebSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model Db2LinkedService has a new parameter connection_string
Model QuickBooksSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model FtpReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model AzureBlobFSReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model SparkSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model MagentoSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model DrillSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AzureMariaDBSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model FileServerReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model TeradataSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model MarketoSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model CosmosDbSqlApiSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model OracleSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model VerticaSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model PhoenixSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model ParquetSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model GoogleAdWordsSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SapTableSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model FileSystemSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AzureDataLakeStoreWriteSettings has a new parameter expiry_date_time
Model PrestoSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model MongoDbV2Source has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AzurePostgreSqlSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model PostgreSqlSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SquareSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model DelimitedTextSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SftpWriteSettings has a new parameter use_temp_file_rename
Model ZohoSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model OracleServiceCloudSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model HdfsReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model DynamicsSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model GoogleBigQuerySource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model ShopifySource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model OrcSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AmazonS3ReadSettings has a new parameter file_list_path
Model EloquaSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model ServiceNowSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SalesforceSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model ImpalaSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model RestSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SqlMISource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SapCloudForCustomerSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model GreenplumSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SqlServerSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AzureDataExplorerSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SalesforceServiceCloudSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model AmazonMWSSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model ODataSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model SapOpenHubSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model InformixSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model MySqlSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Model XeroSource has a new parameter additional_columns
Added operation TriggersOperations.query_by_factory

Breaking changes

Parameter parent_trigger of model RerunTumblingWindowTrigger is now required
Operation PipelinesOperations.create_run has a new signature
Model RerunTumblingWindowTrigger no longer has parameter max_concurrency
Model RerunTumblingWindowTrigger has a new required parameter rerun_concurrency
Removed operation group RerunTriggersOperations

0.9.0 (2020-02-07)

Model BlobEventsTrigger has a new parameter ignore_empty_blobs
Model MongoDbV2Source has a new parameter query_timeout
Model DynamicsCrmLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential_type
Model DynamicsCrmLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_id
Model DynamicsCrmLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential
Model Office365Source has a new parameter output_columns
Model DynamicsLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential_type
Model DynamicsLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_id
Model DynamicsLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential
Model AzureMySqlTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model HubspotSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model TriggerRun has a new parameter dependency_status
Model TriggerRun has a new parameter run_dimension
Model DynamicsAXSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model DocumentDbCollectionSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model AzureSqlSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SapTableSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SybaseSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential_type
Model CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_id
Model CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_credential
Model HiveSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SapEccSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model MySqlSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model AzureMySqlSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SparkSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model TeradataSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model Db2Source has a new parameter query_timeout
Model AzurePostgreSqlSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model DynamicsCrmSink has a new parameter alternate_key_name
Model MariaDBSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model IntegrationRuntimeVNetProperties has a new parameter public_ips
Model CommonDataServiceForAppsSink has a new parameter alternate_key_name
Model EloquaSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model VerticaSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model PhoenixSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model PaypalSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model PipelineResource has a new parameter run_dimensions
Model WebActivity has a new parameter connect_via
Model NetezzaSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model XeroSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model DrillSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model GoogleAdWordsSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model ImpalaSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SqlDWSink has a new parameter allow_copy_command
Model SqlDWSink has a new parameter copy_command_settings
Model CouchbaseSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model DynamicsSink has a new parameter alternate_key_name
Model Db2LinkedService has a new parameter package_collection
Model Db2LinkedService has a new parameter certificate_common_name
Model WebHookActivity has a new parameter report_status_on_call_back
Model HBaseSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model PostgreSqlSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model IntegrationRuntimeComputeProperties has a new parameter data_flow_properties
Model CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model JiraSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model AmazonRedshiftSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SqlServerSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SapOpenHubSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model MagentoSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model CassandraSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SquareSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model IntegrationRuntimeSsisProperties has a new parameter express_custom_setup_properties
Model ShopifySource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model ResponsysSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model MarketoSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SalesforceSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter instance_pool_id
Model SqlDWSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SalesforceMarketingCloudSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SapCloudForCustomerSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SSISPackageLocation has a new parameter package_last_modified_date
Model SSISPackageLocation has a new parameter package_content
Model SSISPackageLocation has a new parameter package_name
Model SSISPackageLocation has a new parameter child_packages
Model SapHanaSource has a new parameter partition_settings
Model SapHanaSource has a new parameter partition_option
Model SapHanaSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SqlSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model PrestoSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model ConcurSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model GoogleBigQuerySource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model ServiceNowSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model InformixSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model AzureTableSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model ZohoSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model QuickBooksSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model OdbcSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model AmazonMWSSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model OracleServiceCloudSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model SqlMISource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model PipelineRun has a new parameter run_dimensions
Model SapBwSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model GreenplumSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter database
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter account_endpoint
Model AzureMariaDBSource has a new parameter query_timeout
Model AzureBlobStorageReadSettings has a new parameter prefix
Added operation group DataFlowDebugSessionOperations
Added operation group DataFlowsOperations

General Breaking changes
This version uses a next-generation code generator that might introduce breaking changes for some imports. In summary, some modules were incorrectly visible/importable and have been renamed. This fixed several issues caused by usage of classes that were not supposed to be used in the first place.

DataFactoryManagementClient cannot be imported from azure.mgmt.datafactory.datafactory_management_client anymore (import from azure.mgmt.datafactory works like before)
DataFactoryManagementClientConfiguration import has been moved from azure.mgmt.datafactory.datafactory_management_client to azure.mgmt.datafactory
A model MyClass from a "models" sub-module cannot be imported anymore using azure.mgmt.datafactory.models.my_class (import from azure.mgmt.datafactory.models works like before)
An operation class MyClassOperations from an operations sub-module cannot be imported anymore using azure.mgmt.datafactory.operations.my_class_operations (import from azure.mgmt.datafactory.operations works like before)

Last but not least, HTTP connection pooling is now enabled by default. You should always use a client as a context manager, or call close(), or use no more than one client per process.
0.8.0 (2019-08-30)

Model HubspotSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model CouchbaseSource has a new parameter
Model HttpSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model AzureDataLakeStoreSource has a new parameter
Model ConcurSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model FileShareDataset has a new parameter modified_datetime_start
Model FileShareDataset has a new parameter modified_datetime_end
Model SalesforceSource has a new parameter
Model NetezzaSource has a new parameter partition_option
Model NetezzaSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model NetezzaSource has a new parameter partition_settings
Model AzureMySqlSource has a new parameter
Model OdbcSink has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model ImpalaObjectDataset has a new parameter
Model ImpalaObjectDataset has a new parameter table
Model AzureSqlDWTableDataset has a new parameter
Model AzureSqlDWTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model SapEccSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model CopySource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model ServiceNowSource has a new parameter
Model Trigger has a new parameter annotations
Model CassandraSource has a new parameter
Model AzureQueueSink has a new parameter
Model DrillSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model DocumentDbCollectionSink has a new parameter write_behavior
Model DocumentDbCollectionSink has a new parameter
Model SapHanaLinkedService has a new parameter connection_string
Model SalesforceSink has a new parameter
Model HiveObjectDataset has a new parameter
Model HiveObjectDataset has a new parameter table
Model GoogleBigQueryObjectDataset has a new parameter dataset
Model GoogleBigQueryObjectDataset has a new parameter table
Model FileSystemSource has a new parameter
Model SqlSink has a new parameter
Model SqlSink has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model CopySink has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model SapCloudForCustomerSource has a new parameter
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter preserve_rules
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter preserve
Model AmazonMWSSource has a new parameter
Model SqlDWSink has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model MagentoSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model BlobEventsTrigger has a new parameter annotations
Model DynamicsSink has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model AzurePostgreSqlTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model AzurePostgreSqlTableDataset has a new parameter
Model SqlServerTableDataset has a new parameter
Model SqlServerTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model DocumentDbCollectionSource has a new parameter
Model AzurePostgreSqlSource has a new parameter
Model BlobSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model VerticaTableDataset has a new parameter
Model VerticaTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model PhoenixObjectDataset has a new parameter
Model PhoenixObjectDataset has a new parameter table
Model AzureSearchIndexSink has a new parameter
Model MarketoSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model DynamicsSource has a new parameter
Model SparkObjectDataset has a new parameter
Model SparkObjectDataset has a new parameter table
Model XeroSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model AmazonRedshiftSource has a new parameter
Model CustomActivity has a new parameter retention_time_in_days
Model WebSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model GreenplumTableDataset has a new parameter
Model GreenplumTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model SalesforceMarketingCloudSource has a new parameter
Model GoogleBigQuerySource has a new parameter
Model JiraSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model MongoDbSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model DrillTableDataset has a new parameter
Model DrillTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter log_location
Model SparkSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model AzureTableSink has a new parameter
Model AzureDataLakeStoreSink has a new parameter
Model AzureDataLakeStoreSink has a new parameter
Model PrestoSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model RelationalSource has a new parameter
Model TumblingWindowTrigger has a new parameter annotations
Model ImpalaSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model ScheduleTrigger has a new parameter annotations
Model QuickBooksSource has a new parameter
Model PrestoObjectDataset has a new parameter
Model PrestoObjectDataset has a new parameter table
Model OracleSink has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model HdfsSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model PhoenixSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model SapCloudForCustomerSink has a new parameter
Model SquareSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model OracleSource has a new parameter partition_option
Model OracleSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model OracleSource has a new parameter partition_settings
Model BlobTrigger has a new parameter annotations
Model HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService has a new parameter
Model HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService has a new parameter
Model AmazonS3LinkedService has a new parameter service_url
Model HDInsightLinkedService has a new parameter file_system
Model MultiplePipelineTrigger has a new parameter annotations
Model HBaseSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model OracleTableDataset has a new parameter
Model OracleTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model RerunTumblingWindowTrigger has a new parameter annotations
Model EloquaSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model AzureSqlTableDataset has a new parameter
Model AzureSqlTableDataset has a new parameter table
Model BlobSink has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model HiveSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model SqlSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model PaypalSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model AzureBlobDataset has a new parameter modified_datetime_start
Model AzureBlobDataset has a new parameter modified_datetime_end
Model VerticaSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model AmazonS3Dataset has a new parameter modified_datetime_start
Model AmazonS3Dataset has a new parameter modified_datetime_end
Model PipelineRun has a new parameter run_group_id
Model PipelineRun has a new parameter is_latest
Model ShopifySource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model MariaDBSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model TeradataLinkedService has a new parameter connection_string
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_key
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter service_principal_id
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter aad_resource_id
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter
Model ODataLinkedService has a new parameter tenant
Model AzureTableSource has a new parameter
Model IntegrationRuntimeSsisProperties has a new parameter
Model ZohoSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model ResponsysSource has a new parameter
Model FileSystemSink has a new parameter
Model SqlDWSource has a new parameter max_concurrent_connections
Model GreenplumSource has a new parameter
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter
Added operation TriggerRunsOperations.rerun
Added operation
Added model Office365Dataset
Added model AzureBlobFSDataset
Added model CommonDataServiceForAppsEntityDataset
Added model DynamicsCrmEntityDataset
Added model AzureSqlMITableDataset
Added model HdfsLocation
Added model HttpServerLocation
Added model SftpLocation
Added model FtpServerLocation
Added model FileServerLocation
Added model AmazonS3Location
Added model AzureDataLakeStoreLocation
Added model AzureBlobFSLocation
Added model AzureBlobStorageLocation
Added model DatasetLocation
Added model BinaryDataset
Added model JsonDataset
Added model DelimitedTextDataset
Added model ParquetDataset
Added model AvroDataset
Added model GoogleAdWordsSource
Added model OracleServiceCloudSource
Added model DynamicsAXSource
Added model NetezzaPartitionSettings
Added model AzureMariaDBSource
Added model AzureBlobFSSource
Added model Office365Source
Added model MongoDbCursorMethodsProperties
Added model CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource
Added model MongoDbV2Source
Added model TeradataPartitionSettings
Added model TeradataSource
Added model OraclePartitionSettings
Added model AzureDataExplorerSource
Added model SqlMISource
Added model AzureSqlSource
Added model SqlServerSource
Added model RestSource
Added model SapTablePartitionSettings
Added model SapTableSource
Added model SapOpenHubSource
Added model SapHanaSource
Added model SalesforceServiceCloudSource
Added model ODataSource
Added model SapBwSource
Added model SybaseSource
Added model PostgreSqlSource
Added model MySqlSource
Added model OdbcSource
Added model Db2Source
Added model MicrosoftAccessSource
Added model InformixSource
Added model CommonDataServiceForAppsSource
Added model DynamicsCrmSource
Added model HdfsReadSettings
Added model HttpReadSettings
Added model SftpReadSettings
Added model FtpReadSettings
Added model FileServerReadSettings
Added model AmazonS3ReadSettings
Added model AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings
Added model AzureBlobFSReadSettings
Added model AzureBlobStorageReadSettings
Added model StoreReadSettings
Added model BinarySource
Added model JsonSource
Added model FormatReadSettings
Added model DelimitedTextReadSettings
Added model DelimitedTextSource
Added model ParquetSource
Added model AvroSource
Added model AzureDataExplorerCommandActivity
Added model SSISAccessCredential
Added model SSISLogLocation
Added model CosmosDbMongoDbApiSink
Added model SalesforceServiceCloudSink
Added model AzureDataExplorerSink
Added model CommonDataServiceForAppsSink
Added model DynamicsCrmSink
Added model MicrosoftAccessSink
Added model InformixSink
Added model AzureBlobFSSink
Added model SqlMISink
Added model AzureSqlSink
Added model SqlServerSink
Added model FileServerWriteSettings
Added model AzureDataLakeStoreWriteSettings
Added model AzureBlobFSWriteSettings
Added model AzureBlobStorageWriteSettings
Added model StoreWriteSettings
Added model BinarySink
Added model ParquetSink
Added model JsonWriteSettings
Added model DelimitedTextWriteSettings
Added model FormatWriteSettings
Added model AvroWriteSettings
Added model AvroSink
Added model AzureMySqlSink
Added model AzurePostgreSqlSink
Added model JsonSink
Added model DelimitedTextSink
Added model WebHookActivity
Added model ValidationActivity
Added model EntityReference
Added model IntegrationRuntimeDataProxyProperties
Added model SsisVariable
Added model SsisEnvironment
Added model SsisParameter
Added model SsisPackage
Added model SsisEnvironmentReference
Added model SsisProject
Added model SsisFolder

Breaking changes

Operation PipelinesOperations.create_run has a new signature
Model SSISPackageLocation has a new signature

0.7.0 (2019-01-31)

Model MarketoObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model MarketoObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model MarketoObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model AzureTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AzureTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model VerticaTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model VerticaTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model VerticaTableDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model VerticaLinkedService has a new parameter pwd
Model DocumentDbCollectionDataset has a new parameter folder
Model DocumentDbCollectionDataset has a new parameter schema
Model HubspotObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model HubspotObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model HubspotObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model GetMetadataActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model SalesforceObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model SalesforceObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model AzureStorageLinkedService has a new parameter account_key
Model AzureStorageLinkedService has a new parameter sas_token
Model OracleLinkedService has a new parameter password
Model ZohoObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model ZohoObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model ZohoObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model HDInsightHiveActivity has a new parameter variables
Model HDInsightHiveActivity has a new parameter query_timeout
Model HDInsightHiveActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model AmazonS3Dataset has a new parameter folder
Model AmazonS3Dataset has a new parameter schema
Model AzureSqlTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AzureSqlTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model Activity has a new parameter user_properties
Model AzurePostgreSqlLinkedService has a new parameter password
Model HDInsightMapReduceActivity has a new parameter
Model HttpDataset has a new parameter folder
Model HttpDataset has a new parameter schema
Model MagentoObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model MagentoObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model MagentoObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model NetezzaLinkedService has a new parameter pwd
Model ImpalaObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model ImpalaObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model ImpalaObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model DrillLinkedService has a new parameter pwd
Model XeroObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model XeroObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model XeroObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model ODataResourceDataset has a new parameter folder
Model ODataResourceDataset has a new parameter schema
Model MariaDBTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model MariaDBTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model MariaDBTableDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model PhoenixObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model PhoenixObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model PhoenixObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model ShopifyObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model ShopifyObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model ShopifyObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model DatabricksNotebookActivity has a new parameter libraries
Model DatabricksNotebookActivity has a new parameter
Model HDInsightStreamingActivity has a new parameter
Model MariaDBLinkedService has a new parameter pwd
Model OracleTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model OracleTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter
Model AzureDatabricksLinkedService has a new parameter
Model ControlActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model AzurePostgreSqlTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AzurePostgreSqlTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model AzurePostgreSqlTableDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model EloquaObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model EloquaObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model EloquaObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model ForEachActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model HDInsightPigActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model WaitActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model DrillTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model DrillTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model DrillTableDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model ExecutePipelineActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model UntilActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model AzureDataLakeStoreDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AzureDataLakeStoreDataset has a new parameter schema
Model HDInsightLinkedService has a new parameter is_esp_enabled
Model SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatus has a new parameter
Model SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatus has a new parameter
Model SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatus has a new parameter
Model ServiceNowObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model ServiceNowObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model ServiceNowObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model WebActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model QuickBooksObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model QuickBooksObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model QuickBooksObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model CustomDataset has a new parameter folder
Model CustomDataset has a new parameter schema
Model GreenplumTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model GreenplumTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model GreenplumTableDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model JiraObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model JiraObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model JiraObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model CouchbaseLinkedService has a new parameter cred_string
Model PrestoObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model PrestoObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model PrestoObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model TabularTranslator has a new parameter schema_mapping
Model Factory has a new parameter e_tag
Model Factory has a new parameter repo_configuration
Model AzureSearchIndexDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AzureSearchIndexDataset has a new parameter schema
Model WebTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model WebTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model FilterActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model PipelineRunInvokedBy has a new parameter invoked_by_type
Model Resource has a new parameter e_tag
Model RelationalTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model RelationalTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model AzureSqlDWTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AzureSqlDWTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model Dataset has a new parameter folder
Model Dataset has a new parameter schema
Model AzureMLBatchExecutionActivity has a new parameter
Model CouchbaseTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model CouchbaseTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model CouchbaseTableDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model HDInsightSparkActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model AzureSqlDWLinkedService has a new parameter password
Model AzureMLUpdateResourceActivity has a new parameter
Model SapEccResourceDataset has a new parameter folder
Model SapEccResourceDataset has a new parameter schema
Model LookupActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model AzureMySqlLinkedService has a new parameter password
Model DataLakeAnalyticsUSQLActivity has a new parameter
Model CassandraTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model CassandraTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model SquareObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model SquareObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model SquareObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService has a new parameter
Model PaypalObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model PaypalObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model PaypalObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model PipelineResource has a new parameter variables
Model PipelineResource has a new parameter folder
Model DynamicsEntityDataset has a new parameter folder
Model DynamicsEntityDataset has a new parameter schema
Model ActivityPolicy has a new parameter secure_input
Model FileShareDataset has a new parameter folder
Model FileShareDataset has a new parameter schema
Model AzureMySqlTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AzureMySqlTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter
Model ExecuteSSISPackageActivity has a new parameter
Model HiveObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model HiveObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model HiveObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model IfConditionActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model CosmosDbLinkedService has a new parameter account_key
Model GoogleBigQueryObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model GoogleBigQueryObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model GoogleBigQueryObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model SqlServerTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model SqlServerTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model SparkObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model SparkObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model SparkObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model CustomActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model SapCloudForCustomerResourceDataset has a new parameter folder
Model SapCloudForCustomerResourceDataset has a new parameter schema
Model TumblingWindowTrigger has a new parameter depends_on
Model SqlServerStoredProcedureActivity has a new parameter
Model ConcurObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model ConcurObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model ConcurObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model OperationMetricSpecification has a new parameter dimensions
Model HBaseObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model HBaseObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model HBaseObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model AmazonMWSObjectDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AmazonMWSObjectDataset has a new parameter schema
Model AmazonMWSObjectDataset has a new parameter table_name
Model ExecutionActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model AzureBlobDataset has a new parameter folder
Model AzureBlobDataset has a new parameter schema
Model AzureSqlDatabaseLinkedService has a new parameter password
Model MongoDbCollectionDataset has a new parameter folder
Model MongoDbCollectionDataset has a new parameter schema
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter data_integration_units
Model CopyActivity has a new parameter user_properties
Model SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset has a new parameter
Model SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset has a new parameter
Model SalesforceMarketingCloudObjectDataset has a new parameter
Model GreenplumLinkedService has a new parameter pwd
Model NetezzaTableDataset has a new parameter folder
Model NetezzaTableDataset has a new parameter schema
Model NetezzaTableDataset has a new parameter table_name
Added operation PipelineRunsOperations.cancel
Added operation FactoriesOperations.configure_factory_repo
Added operation FactoriesOperations.get_data_plane_access
Added operation FactoriesOperations.get_git_hub_access_token
Added operation IntegrationRuntimeNodesOperations.get
Added operation
Added operation IntegrationRuntimesOperations.remove_links
Added operation ActivityRunsOperations.query_by_pipeline_run
Added operation group RerunTriggersOperations
Added operation group TriggerRunsOperations
Added operation group IntegrationRuntimeObjectMetadataOperations
Added operation group ExposureControlOperations

Breaking changes

Parameter access_token_secret of model QuickBooksLinkedService is
now required
Parameter access_token of model QuickBooksLinkedService is now
Operation DatasetsOperations.get has a new signature
Operation FactoriesOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
Operation FactoriesOperations.get has a new signature
Operation IntegrationRuntimesOperations.get has a new signature
Operation LinkedServicesOperations.get has a new signature
Operation PipelinesOperations.get has a new signature
Operation TriggersOperations.get has a new signature
Operation PipelinesOperations.create_run has a new signature
Model Db2LinkedService no longer has parameter schema
Model QuickBooksLinkedService has a new required parameter
Model QuickBooksLinkedService has a new required parameter
Model PostgreSqlLinkedService no longer has parameter database
Model PostgreSqlLinkedService no longer has parameter username
Model PostgreSqlLinkedService no longer has parameter schema
Model PostgreSqlLinkedService no longer has parameter server
Model PostgreSqlLinkedService has a new required parameter
Model TeradataLinkedService no longer has parameter schema
Model CopyActivity no longer has parameter
Model MySqlLinkedService no longer has parameter database
Model MySqlLinkedService no longer has parameter username
Model MySqlLinkedService no longer has parameter schema
Model MySqlLinkedService no longer has parameter server
Model MySqlLinkedService has a new required parameter
Removed operation FactoriesOperations.cancel_pipeline_run
Removed operation IntegrationRuntimesOperations.remove_node
Removed operation TriggersOperations.list_runs
Removed operation ActivityRunsOperations.list_by_pipeline_run

0.6.0 (2018-03-22)

Added new AzureDatabricks LinkedService and DatabricksNotebook
Added headNodeSize and dataNodeSize properties in HDInsightOnDemand
Added LinkedService, Dataset, CopySource for
Added support for SecureOutput on all activities
Added new BatchCount property on ForEach activity which controls how
many concurrent activities to run
Added DELETE method for Web Activity
Added new Filter Activity
Added Linked Service Parameters support

0.5.0 (2018-02-16)

Enable AAD auth via service principal and management service
identity for Azure SQL DB/DW linked service types
Support integration runtime sharing across subscription and data
Enable Azure Key Vault for all compute linked service
Add SAP ECC Source
GoogleBigQuery support clientId and clientSecret for
Add LinkedService, Dataset, CopySource for Vertica and Netezza

0.4.0 (2018-02-02)

Add readBehavior to Salesforce Source
Enable Azure Key Vault support for all data store linked services
Add license type property to Azure SSIS integration runtime

0.3.0 (2017-12-12)

Add SAP Cloud For Customer Source 
Add SAP Cloud For Customer Dataset 
Add SAP Cloud For Customer Sink 
Support providing a Dynamics password as a SecureString, a secret in
Azure Key Vault, or as an encrypted credential. 
App model for Tumbling Window Trigger 
Add LinkedService, Dataset, Source for 26 RFI connectors, including:
BigQuery,Impala,ServiceNow,Greenplum/Hawq,HBase,Hive ODBC,Spark
ODBC,HBase Phoenix,MariaDB,Presto,Couchbase,Concur,Zoho CRM,Amazon
Marketplace Services,PayPal,Square,Shopify,QuickBooks
Online,Hubspot,Atlassian Jira,Magento,Xero,Drill,Marketo,Eloqua. 
Support round tripping of new properties using additionalProperties
for some types 
Add new integration runtime API's: patch integration runtime; patch
integration runtime node; upgrade integration runtime, get node IP
Add integration runtime naming validation

0.2.2 (2017-11-13)

Added new connectors: AzureMySql, Salesforce and JSONFormat,
Dynamics Sink
Added support providing Salesforce passwords and security tokens as
SecureString and AzureKeyVaultSecret for Dynamics/Salesforce
Added cancel pipeline run api

0.2.1 (2017-10-03)

Add factories.cancel_pipeline_run

0.2.0 (2017-09-22)

Initial Release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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