badgr-lite 1.0.2

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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badgrlite 1.0.2

Automate awarding Open Badges to recipients without the overhead of a server

Quick Start
Manage your badges (with Badgr ), but automate the award and retrieval of
badges with badger-lite.

Create an account on either Badgr or an equivalent server.
Use your Badgr (or equivalent) username and password
to generate OAuth tokens for use with your project:

curl -X POST '' -d "username=YOUREMAIL&password=YOURPASSWORD" > token.json

Install the badgr-lite package:

pip install badgr-lite
Or (using the newly recommended way from
pipenv install badgr-lite

Now you can award badges through either the Command Line (CLI) or Library (SDK).

Command Line Example
Sample Command Help:

$ badgr --help
Usage: badgr [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Automate Badgr tasks without the overhead of badgr-server

--token-file PATH File holding token credentials
--help Show this message and exit.

award-badge Award badge with BADGE_ID to RECIPIENT.
list-badges Pull and print a list of badges from server

--token-file can be omitted if token.json filename is in current directory.

$ badgr --token-file token.json list-badges

dTjxL52HQBiSgIp5JuVq5w Bay Area Python Interest Group TDD Participant
6YhFytMUQb2loOMEy63gQA Bay Area Python Interest Group TDD Quizmaster
zzExTDvOTnOx_R3YhwPf3A Test Driven Development Fundamentals Champion
zNjcY70FSn603SO9vMGhBA Install Python with Virtual Environments
ZN0CIo4NR7-GgrliDJzoTw Fivvr badge
$ badgr --token-file token.json award-badge --badge-id 2TfNNqMLT8CoAhfGKqSv6Q --recipient

IfK18iLWSNWhvnQxLPHSxA <No name>

Library Examples
One could patch together curl commands to interact with the Badgr server
(although badgr-lite does make it much faster to get started). However, the
real benefit of Badgr-Lite is directly using its library in whatever tool that
you are using to automate award assignments (e.g., Django server, Flask server,

>>> from badgr_lite.models import BadgrLite
>>> badge_id = '2TfNNqMLT8CoAhfGKqSv6Q'
>>> badge_data = {
... "recipient": {
... "identity": "",
... },
... }
>>> badgr = BadgrLite(token_filename='./token.json')
>>> badge = badgr.award_badge(badge_id, badge_data)
>>> print(badge)
q8nKaXMHTICZj7qhKEwutg <No name>

Do not check the token.json file into your code repository. This is a secret file and should
be handled like any other file that stores passwords or secrets.

Open Badges are images with credential data baked
into them. They are liked a digitally signed certificate that is also an image
that can be displayed on the web. They can be validated for authenticity and
are a nice award to grant to people for jobs well done, passing quizzes and
much more.
Mozilla recently partnered with Concentric Sky. They built Badgr which makes badge
management so much easier (and less buggy).
At the time this project was created, however, there was no easy way to
automate the award of badges (e.g., on your own website) without having to
build a full and complicated badgr-server of your own.
This badgr-lite project solves that problem.

If you are new to Open Badges and want to see how to use them (and automate
them with this project), go to this tutorial.

Free software: MIT license


1.0.2 (2019-11-22)

Add Python 3.8 Trove Classifier / Pull request #67

1.0.1 (2019-11-22)

Bump Python support to 3.8 / Pull request #65
Refactor for clarity / Pull request #64
Update pluggy to 0.13.1 / Pull request #62
Update twine to 3.0.0 / Pull request #60
Update tox to 3.14.1 / Pull request #59
Update urllib3 to 1.25.7 / Pull request #58
Update tqdm to 4.38.0 / Pull request #57
Update astroid to 2.3.3 / Pull request #56
Update six to 1.13.0 / Pull request #55
Update pyparsing to 2.4.3 / Pull request #53
Remove Python 3.5 caveat in README / Pull request #52
Update vcrpy to 2.1.1 / Pull request #51
Update tqdm to 4.37.0 / Pull request #50
Update typing-extensions to / Pull request #48
Update sphinx to 2.2.1 / Pull request #46
Update virtualenv to 16.7.7 / Pull request #45
Update mypy-extensions to 0.4.3 / Pull request #42
Update mypy 0.740 / Pull request #40
Update virtualenv to 16.7.6 / Pull request #39
Reorder README shields / Pull request #36
Add code coverage / Pull request #35
Promote package to production level quality / Pull request #33
Update shield so travis looks at develop branch / Pull request #31
Update dependencies / Pull request #30
Update mypy-extensions to 0.4.2 / Pull request #29

1.0.0 (2019-10-03)

Remove Travis support for Python 3.5 / Pull request #27
Update snowballstemmer to 2.0.0 / Pull request #24
[Fixes: #25] Remove support for Python 3.5 / Pull request #26
Update astroid to 2.3.1 / Pull request #22
[Fixes #20] Upgrade tox to 3.14.0 / Pull request #21
[Fixes #18] Fix README shields / Pull request #19

0.0.1 (2019-09-26)

First release on PyPI.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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