barracks_sdk 0.0.8

Creator: coderz1093

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barracks sdk 0.0.8

Barracks SDK for Python #The Python SDK to interact with the [Barracks]( API## Set up ##* Summary of set up* Configuration* Dependencies* Deployment instructions## Usage ##### BarracksHelper ###First you need to init a BarracksHelper with you API key ```#!pythonbarracksHelper = BarracksHelper.BarracksHelper("YOUR_API_KEY")```### Check for Updates ###Check for new available updates with the UpdateCheckerHelper```#!python# Perform a simple checkrequest = UpdateDetailRequest.UpdateDetailRequest("v1", "MyDevice", "{\"AnyCustomData\":\"any_value\"}")checkHelper = barracksHelper.updateCheckerHelpercheckHelper.check_update(request, check_update_callback)```### Download Update ###Download the package linked to an UpdateDetail with the PackageDownloadHelper```#!pythonpackageDownloadHelper = PackageDownloadHelper.PackageDownloadHelper(bh.apiKey)packageDownloadHelper.download_package("./myUpdate", updateDetail, download_package_callback)```### Full example using Callbacks ###Check & download update using callbacks ```#!pythondef download_package_callback(*args): """ Callback to handle the downloaded file from PackageDownloadHelper.download_package """ if args: # We've got an ApiError" if isinstance(args[0], ApiError.ApiError): print "Message : " + args[0].get_message() # We've got the downloaded file path else: file_path = args[0].__str__() if os.path.isfile(file_path): print "File downloaded at " + file_path.__str__() else: print "File Error"def check_update_callback(*args): """ My callback to handle new update from UpdateCheckerHelper.check_update """ if args: # If args is not empty. # We've got an UpdateDetail if isinstance(args[0], UpdateDetail.UpdateDetail): # Download the file linked to this UpdateDetail ph = PackageDownloadHelper.PackageDownloadHelper(bh.apiKey) ph.download_package("./myUpdate", args[0], download_package_callback) # We've got an ApiError elif isinstance(args[0], ApiError.ApiError): print "Error message : " + args[0].get_message() else: print args[0].__str__()# Call Helpers to check & download for new updatebarracksHelper = BarracksHelper.BarracksHelper("YOUR_API_KEY")request = UpdateDetailRequest.UpdateDetailRequest("v1", "MyDevice", "{\"AnyCustomData\":\"any_value\"}")checkHelper = barracksHelper.updateCheckerHelpercheckHelper.check_update(request, check_update_callback)```


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