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baseappcloudflarestreamfield 0.8.4
Django Cloudflare Stream Field
This app provides integration with Cloudflare Stream, where you can upload directly to Cloudflare using TUS protocol.
Install the package
Add to requirements/base.txt:
baseapp-cloudflare-stream-field @ git+https://github.com/silverlogic/[email protected]#subdirectory=baseapp-cloudflare-stream-field
Add the following to your settings/base.py:
# Cloudflare
# Make sure to add the task routing for refresh_from_cloudflare and generate_download_url
"baseapp_cloudflare_stream_field.tasks.refresh_from_cloudflare": {
"exchange": "default",
"routing_key": "default",
"baseapp_cloudflare_stream_field.tasks.generate_download_url": {
"exchange": "default",
"routing_key": "default",
This package offers the option to post-process the original video by trimming it to a predefined duration. This process creates a new trimmed video and then deletes the original one. To enable this behavior, you should add the following configurations:
If you set CLOUDFLARE_VIDEO_AUTOMATIC_TRIM = True, you must also specify a value for CLOUDFLARE_VIDEO_TRIM_DURATION_SECONDS. This will trim the video to create a clip starting from the beginning and lasting up to your defined maximum duration. For example:
# Will create a new video from 0s to 30s
If CLOUDFLARE_VIDEO_MAX_DURATION_SECONDS is set, it will create a request to Cloudflare with the maxDurationSeconds parameter. This means that it will attempt to fail uploads where the video's duration exceeds the specified value. Setting this parameter is also a good option for restricting the amount of storage that pending uploads will use. By default, Cloudflare will use 14,400 seconds for URLs that have not been uploaded.
A user begins uploading a video.
The upload process is interrupted and cannot be completed due to an issue on the client's side.
This interruption results in the creation of a 'pending video' instance under Cloudflare.
If maxDurationSeconds is set to 30, then only 30 seconds' worth of video storage will be utilized from your account, as opposed to the default allocation of 14,400 seconds."
Include the URLs in your main urls.py file:
re_path(r"^cloudflare-stream-upload/", include("baseapp_cloudflare_stream_field.urls")),
And if you use Django REST Framework, add the following to your router:
# Cloudflare Stream Upload
from baseapp_cloudflare_stream_field.rest_framework import CloudflareStreamUploadViewSet
r"cloudflare-stream-upload", CloudflareStreamUploadViewSet, basename="cloudflare-stream-upload"
Allow CORS Headers
You need to add tus-resumable, upload-length, upload-metadata, upload-creator to your CORS header. Add the following to settings/base.py:
Import and use the field in your models file:
from baseapp_cloudflare_stream_field import CloudflareStreamField
class Post(models.Model):
video = CloudflareStreamField(null=True, blank=True, downloadable=False)
If you set downloadable to True it will automatically trigger a task to generate and save the download url at obj.video['meta']['download_url'].
CloudflareStreamField inherits from JSONField so you can use any look it provides, like filter only for videos fully processed by Cloudflare:
This package manages the video upload flow as follows:
The client starts by creating a TUS (resumable upload protocol) request to your backend.
Your server functions as a middleware, receiving this request and forwarding it to Cloudflare's endpoint.
Upon receipt, Cloudflare provides a unique, one-time upload URL. TUS then manages the upload to this URL.
Once the upload is complete, the client gets a response with the 'Stream-Media-ID' header, which contains a unique identifier for the video in Cloudflare.
You then need to send this identifier (uid) back to your backend to create a new instance with the CloudflareStreamField. For example:
This step ensures that your server's records are updated and in sync with the video's status on Cloudflare.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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