baseapp-payments 0.16.1

Creator: codyrutscher

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baseapppayments 0.16.1

BaseApp Payments - Django
This app provides the integration of Stripe with The SilverLogic's BaseApp: django-restframework and dj-stripe
Install the package
Add to requirements/base.txt:

Setup Stripe's credentials
Add to your settings/
# Stripe
STRIPE_LIVE_MODE = env("STRIPE_LIVE_MODE") # Change to True in production

Add the payments_router to your urlpatterns
from baseapp_payments.router import payments_router

v1_urlpatterns = [
re_path(r"payments", include(payments_router.urls)),

A subscriber can be an User, an Organization, a Project, any model that have an email property. You can specify the model of your subscriber with the setting:

Make sure to also implement get_subscriber_from_request in your apps.users.User to grab the subscriber for the current authenticated user:
class User(PermissionsMixin, AbstractBaseUser):

def get_subscriber_from_request(self, request):
org_pk = request.GET.get('organization')
return Organization.objects.get(pk=org_pk, admins=request.user)

Implement the following methods in the subscriber's model:
class Organization(models.Model):
def get_subscription_plan(self):
return self.subscription_plan

def subscription_start_request(self, plan, customer, subscription, request):
self.subscription_plan = plan
self.show_payment_method_action_banner = False

def subscription_cancel_request(self, customer, subscription, request):
# in this use case the self.subscription_plan will be set to null when we receive the event from stripe instead

def subscription_update_request(self, plan, is_upgrade, request):
# is_upgrade = current plan's price < new plan's price

# if we want to upgrade right way but wait to the end of the period to change plans when it is a downgrade:
if is_upgrade:
self.subscription_plan = plan

def subscription_plan_changed_webhook(self, plan, price, event):
# stripe's event: invoice.paid
# this method is called if the plan is different from the one returned by self.get_subscription_plan()
self.subscription_plan = plan

def subscription_deleted_webhook(self, event):
# stripe's event: customer.subscription.deleted
self.subscription_plan = None
self.show_payment_method_action_banner = True

def invoice_payment_failed_webhook(self, event):
# stripe's event: invoice.payment_failed
self.show_payment_method_action_banner = True

Plan model
You can extend the plan model by inheriting baseapp_payments.models.BasePlan:
from django.db import models
from baseapp_payments.models import BasePlan

class SubscriptionPlan(BasePlan):
video_calls_per_month = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=5)

Add to your settings/ the path to your custom plan model:
BASEAPP_PAYMENTS_PLAN_MODEL = "apps.plans.SubscriptionPlan"

To extend the serializer you can create a normal serializer:
from baseapp_payments.serializers import PlanSerializer
from .models import SubscriptionPlan

class SubscriptionPlanSerializer(PlanSerializer):
class Meta:
model = SubscriptionPlan
fields = super().Meta.fields + (

Then add to your settings/ the path to your custom serializer:
BASEAPP_PAYMENTS_PLAN_SERIALIZER = "apps.plans.serializers.SubscriptionPlanSerializer"

One time payment / buy a product
Implement method stripe_payment_intent_params in your product model:
def stripe_payment_intent_params(self, request, validated_data):
price = self.price

if self.class_type.slug == "donation":
price = validated_data["amount"]

amount = int(price * 100)

return {

"amount": amount,
"application_fee_amount": int(self.instructor.stripe_percentage_fee / 100.00 * amount),
"transfer_data": {"destination": self.instructor.stripe_account_id,},


And then call create_payment_intent in the Viewset you're using for 'checkout/purchase' your product:
FLOW Example
from baseapp_payments.utils import create_payment_intent, stripe

def purchase(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
class_obj = self.get_object()
user = request.user
serializer = self.get_serializer(
serializer.class_obj = class_obj

if class_obj.class_type.slug != "free":
payment_intent = create_payment_intent(class_obj, request, serializer.validated_data)
ClassStudent.objects.create(student=user, clss=class_obj, payment_intent=payment_intent)
ClassStudent.objects.create(student=user, clss=class_obj)

return response.Response({}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)

# Stripe's webhook events

You can [listen to any stripe events using the webhooks](

from djstripe import webhooks

def my_handler(event, **kwargs):
event.customer.subscriber.show_trial_ended_action_banner = True

Two-way sync with Stripe
When the webhook is fully setup all data changed in stripe will be updated in the system receiving the webhooks events. If you have data on Stripe already you can manually sync. For example with the following command you can sync all data:
./ djstripe_sync_models

To do

Create a special error message to be handled by the frontend package
Ex: if by trying to perform an action I'm not able due to payment failure or plan is out of credits for that action then show call to action to upgrade
Move tests from FinJoy to this repository
One time payments (to buy a product)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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