b2btest-audio 1.4.1

Creator: railscoder56

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b2btestaudio 1.4.1

b2btest audio - Audio file plugin for b2btest

This package adds audio file support to b2btest.
b2btest is a tool to automate tests that compare results
to some previous ones, and this plugin,
is helpful to compare audiofiles in a sensible way.
See b2btest README
for a deeper discussion on why you should avoid back-to-back testing,
although sometimes it is the lesser evil way to proceed.
This plugin handles audiofiles specially in several ways:

Instead of doing a text or byte difference, it interprets the audio contents and compares them sample by sample.
It considers two outputs to be different if:

Metadata differs
Sample-by-sample differs relative to the audio level

In the case of differences, it generates a diff audio by substracting both waves sample by sample.

By means of python-wavefile, it supports floating point samples, and multichannel waves.
How to install
Just use:
$ pip install b2btest_audio

This plugin requires the wavefile module,
which in turn requires having libsndfile library installed in your system.
Back2Back testing of cli programs
When you are testing back-to-back the output of a command line,
you define a yaml file like this (name it b2bcases.yaml).
#!/usr/bin/env back2back

datapath: "b2bdata" # Point it to the directory containing your reference data

command: sox -n /tmp/sine.wav synth 1.0 sine 1000.0
- /tmp/sine.wav

Ouputs with supported audio file extension will be recognize
and this plugin diff will be used for them.
See [b2btest] documentation on how to use this file.
Command line tool
The package also provides a diffaudio CLI tool to generate the audio difference
Change log
b2btest audio 1.4.0

Audio plugin separated from b2btest package

In earlier versions this plugin was distributed
as an optional plugin in b2btest
b2btest 1.3.3

Simplified dependency on lxml

b2btest 1.3.2

diffaudio as console script
diffxml as console script
Fix: entry points for xml and audio plugins
Just markdown README

b2btest 1.3.1

Updated README

b2btest 1.3

Avoid larg diffs by telling just the generated file with the failed results
Fix unicode problems in certain python versions
Using older lxml versions for python<3.5

b2btest 1.2

CLI: Fix: only the first output was actually checked
Plugin based type sensitive diff
Specific diff for XML
XML and Audio diffing now are extras
'extensions' key in yaml testcases to associate custom file extensions to a diff plugin

b2btest 1.1

Unit test like usage for back-to-back test Python code instead of command line programs.
New commandline tool back2back that takes a yaml file with the test cases definitions.

b2btest 1.0

First github version
(There were previous unpublished versions)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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