beancount-docverif 1.0.1

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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beancountdocverif 1.0.1

Beancount Docverif
Docverif is the "Document Verification" plugin for beancount,
fulfilling the following functions:

Require that every transaction touching an account have an accompanying
document on disk:
2000-01-01 open Expenses:General BEAN
docverif: "Require"

Explicitly declare the name of a document accompanying a transaction:
; Document entry pointing to a working document: should validate correctly
2020-06-01 * "plumber" "fix faucet leak"
document: "2020-06-01.plumber - services.pdf"
Assets:Bank -150 BEAN

Explicitly declare that a transaction is expected not to have
an accompanying document:
; Explicit "None" document: should ignore missing document
2020-06-01 * "store" "groceries"
document: "None"
Assets:Bank -10 BEAN

Look for an "implicit" PDF document matching transaction data:
; Document entry without an explicit "document" entry,
; should implicitly match document: "2020-06-01.plumber - services.pdf"
2020-06-01 * "plumber" "services"
Assets:Bank -150 BEAN

Associate (and require) a document with any type of entry,
including open entries themselves:
2000-01-01 open Assets:Bank BEAN
docverif: "Require"
document: "2020-06-01.plumber - services.pdf"

Guarantee integrity: verify that every document declared
does in fact exist on disk.

pip install beancount_docverif

In your toplevel .beancount file, include:
plugin "beancount_docverif"
option "documents" "./"

See the .beancount files in test for examples.
Install package and dev requirements locally:
python3 -m pip install -e .[dev]

Run tests:
python3 -m pytest

Build both binary and source distributions locally:
python3 bdist_wheel sdist

See for maintainer's personal tooling.
Beancount Quirks

We depend on beancount itself finding documents
and auto-generating Document entries.
This requires a documents option in the beancount file itself, eg:
option "documents" "./"

Subdirectory format TODO

Fictitious TODO

Filename must be valid (eg. "broken.pdf" is out)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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