benchbase 1.1.0

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benchbase 1.1.0


benchbase - Store and manage JMeter or FunkLoad benchmark results.
Produces detailed reports.

Visit to see report examples.


benchbase [–version] [–logfile=LOGFILE] [–database=DATABASE] COMMAND [OPTIONS] [ARGUMENT]


List the imported benchmark in the database.

info BID
Give more information about the benchmark with the bid number (benchmark identifier).

import [–jmeter|–funkload|–comment=COMMENT] FILE
Import the benchmark result into the database. Output the BID number. The input file can
be gzipped.

addsar –host HOST [–comment=COMMENT] BID SAR
Import the text sysstat sar output, the input file can be gzipped.

report –output REPORT_DIR BID
Generate the report for the imported benchmark


benchbase list
List of imported benchmarks.

benchbase import -m”Run 42” jmeter-2010.xml
Import a JMeter benchmark result file, this will output a BID number.

benchbase addsar -H”localhost” -m”bencher host” 1 /tmp/sysstat-sar.log.gz
Attach a gzipped sysstat sar file for the bench BID 1.

benchbase report 1 -o /tmp/report-run42
Build the report of benchmark BID 1 into /tmp/report-run42 directory.

Benchbase requires gnuplot and sqlite3, on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install sqlite3 gnuplot

sudo easy_install benchbase


Supported JMeter file format is JTL 2.1 sample attributes.
This has been tested using an ant script with the following configuration:
<jmeter ...>
<property name="file_format.testlog" value="2.1"/>
<property name="" value="xml"/>
<property name="" value="true"/>
<property name="" value="true"/>
The CSV output is also supported in 10 or 12 columns
10: ['ts', 't', 'lb', 'tn', 'de', 's', 'by', 'ng', 'na', 'lt'],
12: ['ts', 't', 'lb', 'rc', 'rm', 'tn', 'de', 's', 'by', 'ng', 'na', 'lt']}

Should work with any FunkLoad xml result file.

Sysstat sar file
Supported sysstat sar format is the text output. For instance you can
capture stuff like this:
sar -d -o /tmp/ 1 100 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
This gets stats every second during 100s and store the result in a file.
To get the text output you need to run this:
LC_ALL=C sar -f /tmp/ -A > /tmp/sar.log


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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