bigboat 1.0.1

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bigboat 1.0.1

BigBoat docker dashboard Python API

Python wrapper library for the BigBoat API. This API can create, retrieve,
update and delete application definitions, do similar operations for instances
and poll for status.
Support for v2 and the deprecated v1 APIs (limited to certain operations) is
included. Note that BigBoat development itself has halted.
The BigBoat Python API has been tested to work on Python 3.8+. The API has few
dependencies; see requirements.txt for the list of installation requirements.
The short list is also repeated here:


Install the latest version from PyPI using:
pip install bigboat

For local development, you can use pip install . to install the package from
the cloned Git repository.
First, import the library:
import bigboat

Next, determine the URL of your BigBoat instance. In this example we use
http://BIG_BOAT. Also check whether to use the v1 or v2 version of the API.
v1 is limited (deprecated in newer versions) and v2 requires an API key.
api = bigboat.Client_v2('http://BIG_BOAT', 'MY_API_KEY')

You can then use various methods on the client API, namely:

api.apps(): List of Applications
api.get_app(name, version): Retrieve a specific Application
api.update_app(name, version): Register an Application
api.delete_app(name, version): Delete an Application
api.instances(): List of Instances
api.get_instance(): Retrieve a specific Instance
api.update_instance(name, app_name, version, ...): Start an Instance
api.delete_instance(name): Stop an Instance

In addition to the common methods, v2 has the following API methods:

api.get_compose(name, version, file_name): Retrieve a docker compose or
bigboat compose file for an Application
api.update_compose(name, version, file_name, content): Update a docker
compose or bigboat compose file for an Application
api.statuses(): Retrieve a list of status dictionaries


Actions is
used to run unit tests and report on coverage for commits and pull requests.
performs quality gate scans and tracks them.
receives coverage reports and tracks them.
You can perform local lint checks, typing checks, tests and coverage during
development (after setting up a local installation) with
make pylint, make mypy, make test and make coverage, respectively,
after installing dependencies from requirements-analysis.txt by running
make setup_analysis (for the pylint and mypy recipes) and from
requirements-test.txt with make setup_test (necessary for making all the
Makefile recipes mentioned here function correctly).
We publish releases to PyPI using
make release which performs multiple checks: version number consistency,
lint, typing and unit tests.
Noteworthy changes to the module are added to the changelog.

The API wrapper library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Docker Dashboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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