blockly_runner 0.1.4

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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blockly runner 0.1.4



Run blockly workspaces directly, without the need to convert it to Python code.

Free software: MIT license

Currently, you must install the in-development version with (we are not on pypi yet):
pip install blockly-runner

To use the project:
from blockly_runner import execute_workspace_merge_all_roots, execute_workspace

# Result will contain all the variable updated to match their new value.
# If you have many block roots, you will get a global result.
result = execute_workspace_merge_all_roots(my_dict_workspace, {"var1": 1, "var2": "Hi"})

# If you have many block roots, you will get a list of result with as many element as you have roots.
results = execute_workspace(my_dict_workspace, {"var1": 1, "var2": "Hi"})
We currently support:

Logic with if, if/else, if/else if, negation, comparison operators, logic operations.
Basic math: create a number variable, basic math operations (+, -, *, /, ^).
Basic text: create a text variable.
Variable management: set a variable, access a variable, change a number variable by a delta.

The following exceptions can be raised:

UndefinedVariable if you try to access a variable before it is defined.
InvalidBlock if we encounter an invalid block. It shouldn’t happen if you pay attention in the interface ;-)
And it’s there it’s easier to spot where this error comes from.

Contributions are welcomed to help us go further.

To run all the tests run:
Note, to combine the coverage data from all the tox environments run:

set PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append

PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append tox

Create a new release
You need flit to publish the release.

Bump version in src/blockly_runner/
Update the CHANGELOG.rst.
Commit and push.
Publish the package with flit publish.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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