Bluetooth Printer Plugin For Android/I Os For Pos

Bluetooth Printer Plugin for Android/iOS for POS

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The Bluetooth Printer Plugin is a versatile solution for integrating Bluetooth printing functionality into Android and iOS applications. It enables seamless communication with Bluetooth-enabled printers, allowing users to print text, images, QR codes, and other content directly from their mobile devices. This plugin simplifies the process of setting up and utilizing Bluetooth printers for various use cases, such as retail, logistics, and hospitality.


  1. Cross-Platform Support:
    • Compatible with both Android and iOS platforms for broad accessibility.
  2. Text Printing:
    • Print styled text with adjustable size, style (e.g., bold), and alignment (e.g., left, center, right).
    • Support for left-right aligned text for creating receipts or reports.
  3. Image Printing:
    • Print images such as logos or graphics using Base64 encoding.
  4. Custom Line Spacing:
    • Add new lines or dashed lines to enhance printed layouts.
  5. QR Code Printing:
    • Generate and print QR codes for enhanced interactivity and usability.

Use Cases:

  • Retail and Hospitality:
    • Print receipts, order summaries, or invoices directly from mobile apps.
  • Logistics and Transportation:
    • Generate shipping labels or tracking information on the go.
  • Event Management:
    • Print tickets, badges, or QR codes for quick scanning and entry.




This plugin to help use bluetooth printer in Android/iOS. Support for text, image, add new line or line dashed and QR.





BluePrintPos bluePrintPos = BluePrintPos.instance; 

Scan bluetooth printer



Connect bluetooth printer



Print Text


In method .addText(text, {size, style, alignment}) you can modify size, style and alignment

ReceiptSectionText receiptText = ReceiptSectionText();
receiptText.addText('MY STORE', size: ReceiptTextSizeType.medium, style: ReceiptTextStyleType.bold);

Print text left right


receiptText.addLeftRightText('Time', '04/06/21, 10:00');

Print image


final ByteData logoBytes = await rootBundle.load('assets/logo.jpg');
  width: 150,

Add new line



Add new line with dash


receiptText.addSpacer(useDashed: true);

Getting Started




Change the minSdkVersion in android/app/build.gradle in 19

android {
  defaultConfig {
     minSdkVersion 19

Add permission for Bluetooth and access location in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>



Add info key in ios/Runner/Info.plist

<string>Need BLE permission</string>  
<string>Need BLE permission</string>  
<string>Need Location permission</string>  
<string>Need Location permission</string>  
<string>Need Location permission</string>

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Reference and dependencies create this plugin


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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