bobtemplates.plone 6.3.3

Creator: coderz1093

Last updated:

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bobtemplates.plone 6.3.3

bobtemplates.plone provides mr.bob templates to generate packages for Plone projects.

With the plonecli, we have a nice command line client for bobtemplates.plone.
We highly recommend to use the plonecli, because it adds auto completion and some nice helpers to bobtemplates.plone.

Package created with bobtemplates.plone use the current best-practices when creating an add-on. It also support’s GIT by default, to keep track of changes one is doing with the bobtemplates.

Provided templates

buildout (useful setup a development buildout or to test new pending Plone versions)

Provided subtemplates
These templates are meant to be used inside a package which was created by the addon template.


Add-on’s created with bobtemplates.plone are tested to work in Plone >= 5.2 and Python >= 3.7.
the only exceptions are the theming templates. Those are Plone 6 only, because the markup and Diazo rules have changed.
If you need to create Plone packages for older versions of Plone and Python, please use bobtemplates.plone 5.x.
It should work on Linux, Mac and Windows.

Full documentation for end users and template developers can be found on


For easy usage see: plonecli

You can install bobtemplates.plone as every other normal Python package with pip user global or inside a virtualenv or better with pipx.

Installation with pip global for a user
pip install bobtemplates.plone --user

Installation with pipx
pipx installs bobtemplates.plone and all dependencies in a global isolated virtualenv.
pipx install bobtemplates.plone

Installation with pip in a virtualenv
You can also install bobtemplates.plone with pip in a virtualenv.
If you don’t have an active virtualenv, you can create one inside your project directory.
python3 -m venv venv
Then either activate the virtualenv:
source ./venv/bin/activate
or just use the binaries directly inside the bin folder as below:
./venv/bin/pip install bobtemplates.plone

As bobtemplates.plone is a template for mr.bob, we use mrbob to run the templates.
If you are using pipx or have bobtemplates.plone globally installed, you can just use mrbob directly.
mrbob bobtemplates.plone:addon -O src/
If you are using an unactivated virtualenv, you can use mrbob like this:
./venv/bin/mrbob bobtemplates.plone:addon -O src/
If you are using an activated virtualenv, you can use mrbob like this:
Activate your virtualenv:
source venv/bin/activate
mrbob bobtemplates.plone:addon -O src/
This will create your Plone package inside the src directory.
See the documentation of mr.bob for further information.

You can set all mr.bob configuration parameters in your ~/.mrbob file.
Here is an example:
verbose = False

[variables] = Maik Derstappen =
author.github.user = MrTango
plone.version = 5.1.3-pending
#package.git.init = y
#package.git.autocommit = n
#package.git.disabled = n

dexterity_type_global_allow = n
dexterity_type_filter_content_types = y
dexterity_type_activate_default_behaviors = n
dexterity_type_supermodel = n


Issue Tracker:
Source Code:
Documentation: or

If you are having issues, please let us know.
Just open an issue here.

This package was originally based on bobtemplates.niteoweb and bobtemplates.ecreall

Maik Derstappen [MrTango]
Philip Bauer [pbauer]
Cédric Messiant [cedricmessiant]
Vincent Fretin [vincentfretin]
Thomas Desvenain [thomasdesvenain]
Domen Kožar [iElectric]
Nejc Zupan [zupo]
Patrick Gerken [do3cc]
Timo Stollenwerk [timo]
Johannes Raggam [thet]
Sven Strack [svx]
Héctor Velarde [hvelarde]
Aurore Mariscal [AuroreMariscal]
Víctor Fernández de Alba [sneridagh]
Alexander Loechel [loechel]
Peter Holzer [agitator]
Manuel Reinhardt [reinhardt]


6.3.3 (2024-07-31)

always activate plone.namefromtitle and plone.locking behaviors, even if activate default behaviors is False.

6.3.2 (2024-05-07)
New features:

Add a starter subtemplate to initialize a Plone site with some sane default values

Bug fixes:

add min_version = 4.11.0 to addon tempalte tox.ini

6.3.1 (2023-10-31)
New features:

Add icon_expr for content_type` view/edit actions and ask for “Content type icon” when adding a content_type.

Bug fixes:

Fix permissions.zcml loaded too late
Fix TinyMCE templates readme to work on Plone 6.
Use portal_url to root all CSS and rules file links

6.3.0 (2023-06-19)
New features:

Fix SCSS imports for latest Bootstrap 5.3.
See Upgrade notes
how you can update your existing theme.

6.2.7 (2023-06-19)

theme_barceloneta: pin version of @plone/plonetheme-barceloneta-base to
3.0.x patch releases which is based on Bootstrap 5.2.
Bootstrap 5.3 support will come with version 6.3.x.

6.2.6 (2023-04-24)

Fix the GitLab CI cache for pip.
mockup_pattern: Fix .prettierignore file to not exclude files within the /resources directory.
Fix Plone 6 constraints file in addon template

6.2.5 (2023-03-02)

fix generated view template

6.2.4 (2023-03-01)

improve view template, fix name of test file and improve generated tests

6.2.3 (2023-02-22)

Add Plone Classifiers to show up in Plone add-on gallery

6.2.2 (2023-02-22)

mockup_pattern: Fix imports of config files to point to @patternslib/dev.
mockup_pattern: The parser attribute should be a static attribute.
improve view template, implement view interface

6.2.1 (2023-01-26)

replace backslash with os.path.sep #531
fix missing tox.ini in addon template
fix missing comma in of addon template

6.2 (2022-10-28)

Improve namespace support #419
Add support for Python 3.10 / drop Python 3.7 in CI
use cmf.ManagePortal permission by default in forms
run applyChanges in forms by default

6.1 (2022-10-24)

Add sub-template form, to generate z3c.form based forms

6.0 (2022-10-24)

Improve namespace support #520
Upgrade @patternslib/dev dependency for the mockup_pattern template.

6.0b15 (2022-10-08)

Remove stale templates from theme_basic
Switch to class based Patterns in mockup_pattern template
Improve theme template README and theme.scss

6.0b14 (2022-10-07)

Update theme_barceloneta to use plonetheme-barceloneta-base 3.0.0b6 and use SCSS example import structure from Bootstrap documentation.
Added mockup pattern template.
[reinhardt, thet]
update theme package versions and improve readme

6.0b13 (2022-08-06)

Remove install of unnecessary system libraries on Github Actions.
Fix import of ComponentLookupError in tests

6.0b12 (2022-05-03)

Add dummy style file in styles/theme.min.css to not break theme, when no css file was created
Add layer attribute to view registrations

6.0b11 (2022-03-04)

Remove deprecated theme_package template from entrypoints/bobregistry
Add CollectionView to view base class options
Add view_register_for question, to allow view registration for a specific content type
Increment .gitignore.
Create an Interface for views by default

6.0b10 (2021-10-25)

Update theme_barceloneta to use plonetheme-barceloneta-base 3.0.0-alpha.7
Improve upgrade step template
Hide all upgrade profiles from site-creation and quickinstaller.
fix typo in README.rst

6.0b9 (2021-10-23)

Theme: Add some tags/attributes to the HTML Filter
Cleanup and small Diazo fixes in theme template

6.0b8 (2021-10-21)

Added theme_basic as basic theme template for Plone 6 Classic UI
Template cleanup / Plone 6 fixes
Provide some bootstrap snippet as TinyMCE templates, in theme
Provide a Diazo rule, which by default deactivates RequireJS, so that one can use free style JS in the html. This well be removed when the ES6 branch is merged and RequireJS is finally gone
Improve some default Diazo rules
Improve view page template
Added RegistryPanel adapter to controlpanel subtemplate, to have Volto support

6.0b7 (2021-10-15)

Deprecated theme_package was removed, in 5.x it still exists
Cleanup theme template and update generated README
Add controlpanel subtemplate
Updated theme_barceloneta for Plone 6 classic - uses plonetheme-barceloneta-base npm package
Updated TinyMCE template examples for Bootstrap 5
Multiple Plone 6 fixes and Plone 4 cleanup

6.0b6 (2021-10-13)

Provide Plone 6 buildout config and constraints in generated add-on’s

6.0b5 (2021-07-15)

Use codecov badge in add-on README instead of coveralls

6.0b4 (2021-07-15)

Add Upload coverage to Codecov GH-action and update DEVELOP.rst in add-on’s

6.0b3 (2021-07-13)

Update generated README from addon template, to replace Travis badge

6.0b2 (2021-07-13)

Further cleanup

6.0b1 (2021-07-12)

Drop Python 2 support
Drop support for Plone < 5.2
Fix placeholder syntax in configure.zmcl files
Improve CI-Support with GitHub-Actions, in root package and generated add-on’s
Finalize Black code formater support in root package and generated add-on’s

5.2.1 (2021-06-03)

Do not create an empty docstring for the content-type class
Updated default Plone version for addon packages to 5.2.4
Change default answer of “Use XML Model” to false, because the Python way is usually easier and provides a better developer experience
Pin importlib-metadata = >=1 to avoid broken buildout in new packages
Change bundle names for svelte_app, it’s now <my-app-name>-bundle.js/css, which makes it better distinguishable in Browser inspector
Optimize skeleton test matrix, to be much faster
Override index method in viewlets, not the render method.

5.2.0 (2020-11-12)

addon: switch from profiles/default/registry.xml to profiles/default/registry folder
Remove Travis configuration sudo false.
Fix svelte_app_name regex and add a test for it
Fix #447: Typo in setup.cfg.bob - isort fails
Add black-check env to tox.ini, this allows us to check for black linting issues in the templates

5.2.0b4 (2020-11-06)

use dashed name for svelte apps, fix dev server including live reload
Add custom elements to allowed tags by default via registry, also add slot to custom attributes

5.2.0b3 (2020-11-05)

fix svelte component import, in custom_element mode
Improve svelte_app docs

5.2.0b2 (2020-11-05)

Add missing entry point for svelte_app template

5.2.0b1 (2020-11-05)

Add svelte_app template including with custom-element (web-component) support

5.1.2 (2020-10-14)

Add tox as a dependency. Fixes #442.
Improved run_isort error handling

5.1.1 (2020-07-30)

Fix #436 remove index option in base.cfg
Fix #437 cleanup .gitignore file
Fix #432 Bare except in restapi_service

5.1 (2020-07-29)

Create upgrade step profile directory. Fixes #434
Require coverage<5. Fixes #421
Fix indexer subtemplate. Fixes #425
Require coverage<5 in travis configuration file. Fixes #421
Align template’s setup.cfg to the projects one.
Especially raises the flake8 line-length to black default.
Update travis setup, use tox for all testing and linting of addon package, not code-analysis.
Update default Plone and Python version to 5.2.1 and 3.7 for addon template.
Add badges to addon README file.
Add collective.recipe.vscode to addon base.cfg, activated by default, we have a question to disable it.
Fix flake8 missing trailing comma, format call uses missing keyword, provides unused keyword.
Improve generated package tox env, also run linting inside skeleton-tests.
Improve bobtemplate.plone tox output, it’s now easier to read and find the errors.
Automatically fix isort issues after using addon template.
Improve buildout template, it’s now using Plone release versions rather than buildouttesting.

5.0.4 (2019-11-28)

Fix flake8-plone-hasattr issue, space and unused import
Disable extra requirements for theme addon
Fix upgrade_step template, missing bob-file-extension and import
Fix upgrade_step by add missing directory attribute to UpgradeStep profile, upgrade_steps are no longer visible in addon control panel

5.0.3 (2019-10-24)

Fix upgrade_step sub-template

5.0.2 (2019-10-21)

Add auto increment version to upgrade_step sub-template

5.0.1 (2019-10-18)

Add missing registration for plonecli

5.0.0 (2019-10-18)

Add upgrade_step sub-template, remove upgrades from addon template, read the Upgrade chapter in the docs, how to upgrade existing packages.

4.1.4 (2019-10-18)

Fixed Travis caching. Downloads do not need to be cached.
And for the eggs we were caching the wrong directory.
Fixes issue #408.
Fixed name of commented out version behavior.
This is plone.versioning and not plone.versionable.
Run coveralls in the correct path
Fix ‘geckodriver’ error when running tests in Travis.
Use dist: bionic on Travis, install firefox-geckodriver via apt
Add indexer sub-template to generate indexers

4.1.3 (2019-08-31)

Fix restapi service_factory name.
Allow user to insert view config, even if one exists
Use snakecase for template files, as we do for python files
Improve and fix package tests for view template
Add init_package_base_structure method to easiely create test structures in packages tests

4.1.2 (2019-08-29)

Fix match_str in view, viewlet and portlet templates

4.1.1 (2019-08-22)

Fix failing ./bin/update-locales if a theme is in development. See also
How can i exclude directories when is use i18ndude command
Fix flake8 isort error in generated addon.
Change fonts mixin to bob template and use normalized_name.
Properly close HTML body tag in view template.
Change classifiers URL, closes #389.
Fix content_type_test which test the deletion of an object

4.1.0 (2019-05-31)

Add subscriber sub-template

4.0.5 (2019-05-22)

Remove Gruntfile.js and package.json from .gitignore in addon package.
Update theme_barceloneta with plonetheme.barceloneta 2.1.3 and cleanup structure
ReST fomatting and fix typo in README.rst
Add version pinning in Plone 4 buildout versions in addon template
Improve view ZPT
Add project_urls to, fixes: #376
Check deleting object in content_type tests
Add “mrbob: extra extends” marker in addon buildout.cfg, to allow injection of custom extends
Improve default view/viewlet template filename, fixes #372
view: add base_class question to allow BrowserView or DefaultView base class

4.0.4 (2019-04-14)

Fix travis setup in generated addon template.
extend versions from in constraints files, to stay in sync with the buildout versions from there
Add python.version question in addon template, to define the Python binary for the virtualenv to create

4.0.2 (2019-03-25)

Fix git output in python 3.
Change installer-tests to work in all Plone-Versions.
Add plone.translatable as a commented behavior

4.0.1 (2019-03-11)

Remove version conditions for addon dependencies, p43-p52 should be supported.

4.0 (2019-03-11)

Only recommend using short names for behaviors, improve behavior docs.
Generate the same tests for P4/5 packages.
Add Tox setup to generated packages, to test multiple Python and Plone versions.
Provided buildout, requirements and constraints for all Plone versions.
Finally activate and fix new templates: view, viewlet, portlet, restapi_service.
Refactor skeleton-tests setup, we call specific Tox envs inside the generated packages.
Add Sphinx doc config to addon template docs.
Make portlet sub-template Python 3 compatible.
Remove skeleton test for theme_barceloneta on Plone 4
Always include plone.restapi in
Use newest Tox and Pytest versions, to allow running test in parallel mod on local machine.
Add custom script, to generate a Travis matrix from Tox configuration.
Fixes #350: add “python_requires” option to
[jensens, iham]
Fix some confusion in classifiers and depenencies due to introduction of Plone 5.2 support.
Introduces plone.is_plone5.2 variable.
Fix behavior template: use separate marker interface,
register marker in the behavior zcml and adapt content to the marker, not to IDexterityContent.
For further reference, see the plone.behavior README.rst Example 2.
Fixes #16.
[fredvd, jensens]
Use behavior shortnames in FTI.
Do not add dexterity as dependency in Plone 5.x due to the fact it is already in Plone core.
Enforce base class, when supermodel is used, to have a decent marker interface
Fix theme templates: #349, use package_directory as target now, improve testing
Correct viewlet example code, fixes: #351
Add missing to dependencies, fixes: #353

3.6.0 (2019-02-25)

Use @implementer decorator instead of implements.
Fix FTI settings if default behaviors not active, #352
Correct the sentence formation.

3.6.0b1 (2018-12-28)

Add support for Python 3.
Replace portal_quickinstaller in tests for Plone 5.1+.
Avoid linty issues in zcml files in updateing method for zcml files
provide generic methods remove_unwanted_files/update_configure_zcml
Add restapi_service sub-template

3.5.2 (2018-10-30)

Improve content_type sub-template, to reduce linting issues on created code
Replace python-slugify by custom slugify method, fixes #335 and #337
Added safe_unicode/safe_encode and safe_nativestring methods in utils
Add docs for view, viewlet and portlet

3.5.1 (2018-10-23)

Refactor and fix docs
Fix updating of parent FTI file, when parent type name contains spaces, fixes #331
Don’t do git auto commit if git init was disabled in addon template, fixes #300

3.5.0 (2018-10-17)

Add a new subtemplate for addon that creates a full barceloneta-based theme

3.4.3 (2018-10-17)

Add a build step to report coverage on gitlab and run tests on stages
Rename Roboto font files copies from barceloneta.theme to match CSS registrations
Refresh backend.xml from latest plonetheme.barceloneta version so that the diazo theme resources
are not copied into the backend.xml but dropped beforehand. Also removes toggle nav button which
was removed from barceloneta theme. fixes #317
Deactivated the dublicated template file definition in view Python class
Don’t override constructor in views by default
Use –ignore-submodules in git_clean_state_check
Commented out the HEAD SCRIPT rule in backend.xml that caused the scripts being pulled twice,
in case that you are using it to style backend views. You should only use
this rule once in your ruleset. Using it twice cause leads to JS errors and
patterns initialition failures.
This fixes:
Updated “theme” subtemplate backend/frontend rules and add usage hints
set correct classifiers for Plone 4 addons, fixes: #303
remove references in config files, fixes #302
Make adding default behaviors optional in content_type subtemplate, fixes #324
Add deprecated flag and info to theme_package template in registry

3.4.2 (2018-08-13)

Add portlet subtemplate
Replace stringcase library by case_conversion

3.4.1 (2018-07-23)

Fix #313 and improve tests

3.4.0 (2018-07-23)

Add viewlet subtemplate
Add view subtemplate
Add update_locale script in bin/ folder to update locales
Add a custom to_boolean jinja filter
Add plone-compile-resources script in addon and extending .gitignore file
Add conditional tests in content_type
Improve DX CT name normalization and question info, added more tests for DX CT normalization
Cleanup addon template, add one more test for to_boolean method

3.3.0 (2018-05-24)

Ask for parent content_type when global_allow is set to false
Hide container filter options in FTI settings when dexterity_type_base_class is ‘Item’
add package_folder_rel_path variable and fix robot test header

3.2.0 (2018-04-25)

improve messages after using vocabulary/behavior sub-templates with names of the vocabulary or behavior
fix behavior name registration
Add gitlab CI config to addon template

3.2.0b3 (2018-04-20)

Add new field in behavior, improve test naming and tests
Add a chapter howto upgrade existing packages to be compatible with plonecli and new bobtemplates.plone templates
improve test naming of content_Type and vocabulary templates

3.2.0b2 (2018-04-11)

Fix reading default config parameters and improve git-support docs

3.2.0b1 (2018-04-11)

Add GIT support with clean state check and auto commit/init
Refacture template structure and increase package test covarage

3.1.2 (2018-04-06)

Set i18n:domain in supermodel xml files to the package domain

3.1.1 (2018-04-03)

Fix add_view_expr in content_type template
Fix robot test selector in content_type template
Bump default Plone buildout version to 5.1

3.1.0 (2018-04-02)

Add global_allow and filter_content_types questions
don’t use lower case version for CT name
add behavior tests

3.0.1 (2018-03-29)

Use set return-status-codes=True for tox, fixes #261
set filter_content_types to False by default, fixes #256
add ILeadImage behavior to FTI list of inactive behaviors, fixes #255

3.0.0 (2018-03-28)

make final release of version 3

3.0.0b5 (2018-03-27)

enable lockingbehavior by default and reenable locking condition for edit button, fixes #257
only require<=2.1.1 and not excact that version for Plone 4

3.0.0b4 (2018-03-26)

Use more specific names for generated test files, like instead of

3.0.0b3 (2018-03-22)

Add behavior sub-template entrypoint, to make it available in plonecli
Update link to document in README.

3.0.0b2 (2018-02-27)

fixed FTI configuration, removed the plone_lock_info condition

3.0.0b1 (2018-02-25)

Quote version strings in YAML. See:
Use default Travis notifications.
Until now only the creator of the package would get a notification, instead of the committer.
Fixes issue 208.
Fixed the pypi index to explicitly reference to prevent buildout from defaulting to the old and unsupported http:// url.
Fix coveralls for packages created with addon and theme_package by converting the pickle output of createcoverage in .coverage to json.
Fixes #235: Different roles in tests for install and uninstall.
Use Manager role in uninstall test.
Then both install and uninstall are executed with role Manager.
fix linting problems and error in theme_package tests
Update setuptools and zc.buildout versions.
Improve docs by fixing some reST, typos and grammar
Update link to in README
Imporve docs template for valid reST generation
use bobtemplate.cfg to store meta data for sub-templates #245
fix naming of vocabularies
fix buildout template and add some docs about the used buildout.plonetest configuration
add behavior sub-template to create Plone behaviors

3.0.0a3 (2017-10-30)

Fix #222 default travis setup is broken.
[jensens, pbauer]
Add template registration for mr.bob/plonecli for all provided templates
Fix content_type and theme sub templates
fix in themes.rst changed plone_addon to addon

3.0.0a2 (2017-10-01)

Cleanup Package - remove unnecessary files from past versions
Add vocabulary subtemplate

3.0.0a1 (2017-09-26)

Refacturing to support subtemplates
Add theme and content_type subtemplates
Add missing plone namespace, to avoid conflicts with other bobtemplate packages
Removed, Update barceloneta less files for theme_package
Fixed i18n attributes for View/Edit actions in dexterity type xml.
Testing of generated skeletons integrated with tox and pytest.

2.0.0 (2017-08-28)

Set the zope_i18n_compile_mo_files environment variable.
Fixed i18n attributes for View/Edit actions in dexterity type xml.
Separate theme template from addon template, we now have plone_addon and plone_theme_package
Update barceloneta less files to 1.7.3 for plone_theme_package
Removed and added DEVELOP.rst
Update barceloneta less files to 1.7.3 for plone_theme_package
Fixed i18n attributes for View/Edit actions in dexterity type xml. [maurits]
Seperate theme template from addon template, we now have plone_addon and plone_theme_package
Update pins in the generated buildout.cfg
Change default values for code analysis’ return-status-codes directive:
it is now False on development and True on CI.
Pin flake8 to latest (3.3.0) to allow use of latest pycodestyle (2.3.1)
Imrove wording
Add requirements.txt and update README.txt to use it
Make cleanup hook windows friendly.
Move LICENSE.rst out of docs folder into top level.
Get rid of the last two code violations on generated package
Comment the toolbar rule by default in backend.xml and add a comment on how
to add it properly if backend.xml is used. Declaring the toolbar rule twice
causes the toolbar JS stop working properly

1.0.5 (2016-10-16)

Use same lines width than package name for title ##
Get rid of travis.cfg configuration as its use is no longer considered best practice.
Update to latest version.
Fix imports to follow conventions.
Avoid usage of double quotes on strings.
Avoid usage of invokeFactory.
Remove dependency on unittest2 as package is not intended to be compatible with Python 2.6.
Use selenium v2.53.6.
Use plone:static instead of browser:resourceDirectory to allow ttw-overrrides.
Bump flake8 version to 3.x.
Update theme template, include complete working Barceloneta resources + grunt setup

1.0.4 (2016-07-23)

Upgrade some pinns.
Upgrade to 5.0.5 and test against that.
Add i18n:attributes for action nodes in FTI profile.
Pin versions of coverage/createcoverage
Default to Plone 5.0.4.
Validate type name input (fixes #81).
Git ignore .installed.cfg and mr.developer.cfg by default.
isort style checks are enabled, but no config was set. i
Added config according to
Ordered sections of generated FTI xml into semantical block and added comments for each block.
Bump setuptools version to 21.0.0 in buildout.cfg.bob
Configure buildout to install all recommended codeanalysis plugins

1.0.3 (2016-04-13)

Fix Plone default version (Plone 4.3.9).

1.0.2 (2016-04-13)

Create uninstall profile also for Plone 4.3.x, since it already depends on Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool >= 3.0.9.
Update Plone versions to 4.3.9 and 5.0.4.
Update robot test framework versions including Selenium to work with recent firefox releases.
Replaced import steps by post_handlers. Needs GenericSetup 1.8.2 or
higher. This is included by default in Plone 4.3.8 and 5.0.3 but
should be fine to use on older Plone versions. [maurits]
Removed .* from the .gitignore file. This would ignore the
.gitkeep files, which would mean some directories are not added
when you do git add after generating a new project. [maurits]
Note about disabled z3c.autoinclude in test layer setup.
Remove the xmlns:five namespace, as it is not used at all.
Fix build failure on Plone 4.x due to pulled in and having a >= 4.3.9 dependency in it’s depending packages.
Declare the xml encoding for all GenericSetup profile files.
Otherwise the parser has to autodetect it.
Also add an xml version and encoding declaration to theme.xml.
Add “(uninstall)” to the uninstall profile title.
Otherwise it cannot be distinguished from the install profile in portal_setup.
Simplify concatenation of .rst files for
Update .gitignores in repository to exclude lib64, pip-selfcheck.json and all .* except necessary.
Update .gitignore.bob in templates with these changes too.
Add .gitattributes in repository for union-merge CHANGES.rst files.
Update docs and README

1.0.1 (2015-12-12)

Register locales directory before loading dependencies to avoid issues when overriding translations.

1.0 (2015-10-02)

Upgrade to Plone 4.3.7 and 5.0.
Avoid pyflakes warnings for long package names.

1.0b1 (2015-09-17)

Always start with 1.0a1. No more 0.x releases please.
Use Plone minor version for classifier. So 4.3 instead
of 4.3.6.
Enabled robot part in generated package.
Add depedency on plone.testing 5.0.0. Despite the major version number,
this change does not contain breaking changes.
Fix #84 Make travis cache the egg directory of the generated package.
Update tests to use Plone 5.0b3.
Remove unittest2 dependency.

0.11 (2015-07-24)

Add i18ndude to buildout
Fix package-creation on Windows. Fixes #72.
Add packagename to licence.
Add uninstall-profile for Plone 5.
Fix indentation to follow the conventions of plone.api.
Move badges from pypin to
Fix coverage on travis template.
Enable code analysis on travis and fail if the code does not pass.

0.10 (2015-06-15)

Add check-readme script that detects Restructured Text issues.
Use only version up to minor version in of package #56.
Use class method to load ZCML in tests.
Upgrade default Plone version to 4.3.6.
Add zest.releaser to package buildout.
Update README according to Plone docs best practice.
[do3cc, timo]
Add flake8-extensions to code-analysis.
Upgrade Selenium to 2.46.0.
[timo, pbauer]
Don’t create a type-schema unless it is needed.

0.9 (2015-03-24)

Add Theme package type with simple bootstrap-based theme.
Add Dexterity package type.
Remove example view.
Remove question for keywords.
Remove question for locales.
Remove questions for version and license.
Remove questions for profile, setuphandler, and testing.
Unify buildout configuration in buildout.cfg
Fix bootstrap command in travis.yml.

0.8 (2015-02-06)

Add includeDependencies. This fixes #23.

0.7 (2015-02-05)

Use latest
Fix failing nosetests.
Add test that creates an add_on and runs all its tests and code analysis.
Run tests on travis.
Run code analysis on travis. Build fails on PEP8 violations.
Add code analysis.
Remove z2.InstallProducts. Not needed any longer.
Use testing best practices and follow common naming conventions.
Remove testing profile. Global testing state is considered an anti-pattern.
Add example robot test.
Add travis and badges.
Run code analysis on the generated addon as well within the tests to make
sure we always ship 100% PEP8 compliant code.
Add REMOTE_LIBRARY_BUNDLE_FIXTURE to acceptance test fixture.

0.6 (2015-01-17)

Use PLONE_APP_CONTENTTYPES_FIXTURE for tests on when using Plone 5.

0.5 (2015-01-17)

Remove useless base-classes for tests. Use ‘layer = xxx’ instead.
Fix some minor code-analysis issues.
Added .editorconfig file.

0.4 (2014-12-08)

Remove grok.
Fix missed removals when testing was deselected.
Only use jbot when there is a profile and a browser layer.
Get username and email from git.

0.3 (2014-12-07)

Pinn robotframework to 2.8.4 to fix package-tests.
Add browserlayer to demoview to allow multiple addons.
Fix creation of nested packages (wrong

0.2 (2014-12-07)

Fix documentation

0.1 (2014-12-07)

Get namespace, name and type from target-dir.
Remove obsolete plone_addon_nested. Auto-nest package in after-render hook.
Add many new features. Most of them are optional.
Initial import based on bobtemplates.ecreall by
cedricmessiant, vincentfretin and thomasdesvenain.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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