bols 0.0.1

Creator: codyrutscher

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bols 0.0.1

Batch Ordinary Least Squares regression
An OLS regression that allows you to iterate over your training data in
batches. Useful when a normal implementation of linear regression does not fit
into memory as this library is considerably more memory efficient than the
standard implementation.
Expects a vector of your dependent variable y as well as a column-ordered
design matrix with your independent variables X.
X needs to have the same shape for each iteration/update. Does not calculate
intercepts, i.e. data has to be already centered or you have to add a dummy
column to your data. Naturally supports multi-processing as the heavy
lifting is done with numpy.
Inspired by the answer of Chris Taylor on Stackoverlfow.
The library can be installed straight from PyPI.
pip install bols

The only dependencies are numpy and scipy and the library should work
with all Python versions >= 3.6.
First generate some data.
>>> import numpy as np

>>> data_y = np.random.random_sample((15000,))
>>> data_x0 = np.random.random_sample((15000,))
>>> data_x1 = np.random.random_sample((15000,))
>>> data = np.column_stack((data_y, data_x0, data_x1))
>>> y_a = data[0:5000, 0]
>>> y_b = data[5000:10000, 0]
>>> y_c = data[10000:15000, 0]
>>> data_a = data[0:5000, 1:]
>>> data_b = data[5000:10000, 1:]
>>> data_c = data[10000:15000, 1:]

Then you can just fit a model. You need to pass an iterable of both your
dependent and independent variables or in other words an iterable over your
batches. The only limitation is that batches need to be of the same size.
>>> from bols import BOLS
>>> model = BOLS()
>>> model.batch([y_a, y_b], [data_a, data_b])

We can then also use the fitted model to predict unseen data.
>>> model.predict(data_c)
array([0.27206 , 0.42766053, 0.63881539, ..., 0.39375078, 0.44824941,
0.4866372 ])

Alternatively, we can also update our model with new batches in the future.
>>> model.batch([y_c], [data_c])

We can also get a bunch of useful statistics about the regression with
model.get_statistics(verbose=True) where verbose determines whether the
method just returns the statistics or prints them as well.
>>> model.get_statistics(verbose=True)
OLS Regression Results

F: 13564.635
P>|F|: 0.0

Variable Coef. Standard Error t P>|t|
---------- ------- ---------------- ------ -------
0 0.429 0.007 58.225 0.000
1 0.433 0.007 58.926 0.000

result(names=[0, 1], F=13564.634855542236, F_p_value=0.0, R2=0.6439835739923647, RMSE=0.3463917044171118, beta=array([0.42915076, 0.43304183]), se_beta=array([0.00737053, 0.00734891]), beta_p_value=array([0., 0.]))

Even though our data is purely random the regression and the coefficients are
both statistically significant.
It is up to the user to make sure linear regression is an appropriate model
for the data by for example examining the residuals (model.errors).
The package is tested against both the implementations of linear regressions by
sklearn and statsmodels. Those two packages thus become additional
dependencies for running the tests.
Using nix-shell default.nix drops you in a development shell with all
dependencies already installed.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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