brainhurt 0.1.0

Creator: coderz1093

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brainhurt 0.1.0

This is an Interpreter and debugger for the programming language BrainFuck written in Python
Features and Notes

Need to end input with cntrl + z on windows and cmd + d + d on mac
Returns 0 as EOF
Generally would have an array of 65535 elements each being an unsigned integer of 8 bytes

How To Use
Install the package
pip install brainhurt

You can either call it Programmiticaly in script or direclty from terminal
From Command Line
python -m brainhurt

From Python Script
from brainhurt import BrainHurt

brainhurt = BrainHurt()

In order to use debug mode First you need to do these 2 things

Set debug points
turn on debug mode

What is debug points?
It is an list of tuples with 2 items first is the line number and the other is character number in that line.
debug_points = [
(0, 3),
(3, 10),
(100, 2),
# ....

setting debug mode
brainhurt = BrainHurt(

# or you can also do it later
brainhurt.conf_debug(debug_points, True)

Now whenever you will execute your programm using execute_programm method the code execution will stop at breaking point and return an tuple with information
# Example of return tuple in debug mode

# The code execution would stop at the next breakpoint

2, # it is return type, could be debug, success etc..

0, #memory offset
2, #memory pointer
[0, 0, 10, 0, 0] #memory

5 #programm pointer ,


Now if you would try to see the return value of same method when debug mode is off you will get something like this
brainhurt.conf_debug(None, False)

# Whole programm would be executed while ignoring all the debug breakpoints

0, # it is return type

IO Operations
Both input and output are stored inside python list and Follows FIFO.
How can you provide input
One way to provide input it to pass an list or string in the contructor
brainhurt = BrainHurt(input='pankaj') # passing string
# OR
brainhurt = BrainHurt(input=['p','a', 'n', 'k', 'a', 'j']) # passing list

other way is to pass list or string in the load_input method
# OR
brainhurt.load_input(['p', 'a', 'n', 'k'])
brainhurt.load_input(['a', 'j'])

By default if input array is empty and programm is asking for input, then our interpreter would use the python's method to read for input and would store it in input extending with 0 as EOF
If you want to change this default behaviour you can pass an callback(function) to the constructor as keyword argument input_callback which will be executed whenever programm wants input and input array is empty.
brainhurt = BrainHurt(input_callback=some_function)
# OR
brainhurt.input_callback = some_function

By default whenever the programm wants to output something, interpreter would output to the standard output using python's print function
If you want to change this default behaviour, you can pass an callback(fuction) to the constructor as keyword argument output_callback which should accept 1 argument. Once setted, whenever your programm wants to output something this callback function would be executed with the data passed to it.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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