browsercontroller 0.0.13

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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browsercontroller 0.0.13

Selenium Browser Controller for apt Firefox on Ubuntu 22.10
![Python 3.10][python_badge]
![License: AGPL v3][agpl3_badge]
![Code Style: Black][black_badge]
![Code Coverage][codecov_badge]
Initialises a Selenium browser controller for a specific firefox profile on an
Ubuntu 22.10 system for an apt installation of Firefox.
Put into a separate pip package to remove boiler-plate code from other
repositories that control the browser.
First install this pip package with:
pip install browsercontroller

Then run:
from browsercontroller.get_controller import (


Hide automation/"are u human?"
Some entities use checks to verify you are human. at 20223-09-19 those can be
evaded using either:


Installation playwright
pip install playwright
playwright install

Installation puppeteer
npm install puppeteer
npm install puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth
npm install puppeteer puppeteer-extra puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth
# Then run the example script with:
node puppeteer_stealth.js

Drawback playwright implementation
An example of each of those two options is included. One drawback of the way
playwright is used in this repository, is that the entire sequence of actions
must occur within a single method, because the playwright browsercontroller is
created within a Python with statement, and returning the Page object from
the initialisation function: initialise_playwright_browsercontroller() yields
"loop closed error."
Drawback puppeteer
It is implemented in javascript. Pypeteer is an archived Python approximation
of puppeteer. However, that is limited in its functionalities and not supported anymore.
Checks whether a snap version of Firefox is installed, and if yes, removes it
and installs an apt version of Firefox instead. You'll lose browser history,
logins and bookmarks if you don't have an apt version of Firefox.
Build the pip package with:
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install twine

Install the pip package locally with:
pip install -e .

Upload the pip package to the world with:
rm -r dist
rm -r build
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
python3 -m twine upload dist/\*


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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