bumpsemver 2.3.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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bumpsemver 2.3.0


Current version: v2.3.0
Table of contents

Command Line Interface
Configuration file

General config section
File-specific config sections
File types supported in the file-specific config section

Plain text file
JSON file
YAML file
TOML file

A utility to simplify the version bumping for git repos.
This application is a rework of the famous bumpversion tool. The
original repo seems like abandoned. Several fundamental changes are
introduced, which make the fork-and-extend approach infeasible:

dropped Python 2 support
boosted the test coverage to 95%+
dropped many irrelevant features to reduce complexity. (e.g. customized version component support)
introduced JSON support to make it work for package-lock.json
introduced YAML support to make it work for Ansible playbooks
introduced TOML support to make it work for pyproject.toml
narrowed the versioning scheme to semver-only

pip install --upgrade bumpsemver

This application supports both the CLI mode and config file mode.
Options on the command line take precedence over those from the config file, which take precedence over those from the
Command Line Interface
bumpsemver [options] part

options (optional)
Most of the configuration values described below can also be given as an option on the command-line.
Additionally, the following options are available:
Don't touch any files, just pretend. Best used with --verbose.
Normally, bumpsemver will abort if the working directory is dirty to avoid releasing not versioned files
and/or overwriting unsaved changes. Use this option to override this check.
Print useful information about the action details.
-h, --help
Print help and exit.
part (required)
The part of the version to increase. As we support semver only, the valid values include: major, minor, and patch.
For example, bumping from 0.5.1 to 0.6.0:
bumpsemver --current-version 0.5.1 minor

Configuration file
bumpsemver looks up configuration file .bumpsemver.cfg at the current directory.
The config file uses ini syntax.
It consists of one general section [bumpsemver] and zero or more [bumpsemver:type(suffix):filename] file sections.
Example .bumpsemver.cfg:
current_version = 0.2.9
commit = True
tag = True

search = Version: **{current_version}**
replace = Version: **{new_version}**

search = Version: **{current_version}**
replace = Version: **{new_version}**

[bumpsemver:plaintext(footer 1):home.md]
search = Current version: {current_version}
replace = Current version: {new_version}

jsonpath = foobar.items[1].version

yamlpath = dummy.version

tomlpath = project.version

General config section
General configuration is grouped in a [bumpsemver] section of .bumpsemver.cfg.
It has the following properties:
current_version = (required). default: none
The current version of the software package before bumping.
Also available as CLI argument --current-version (e.g. bumpsemver --current-version 0.5.1 patch)
tag = (True | False) (optional). default: False
Whether to create a git tag, that is the new version, prefixed with the character "v".
Also available as CLI argument --tag or --no-tag.
sign_tags = (True | False) (optional). default: False
Whether to sign tags.
Also available as CLI argument --sign-tags or --no-sign-tags.
tag_name = (optional). default: v{new_version}
The name of the tag that will be created. Only valid when tag = True.
It can be a template using the Python Format String Syntax.
Available in the template context are current_version and new_version as well as current_[part] and new_[part]
(e.g. 'current_major' or 'new_patch'). You can also use the variables now or utcnow to get a current timestamp.
Both accept datetime formatting (when used like as in {now:%d.%m.%Y}).
Also available as CLI argument --tag-name, for example: bumpsemver --tag-name 'release-{new_version}' patch
In addition, it is also possible to provide a tag message by using CLI --tag-message TAG_MESSAGE. Example usage:
bumpsemver --tag-name 'release-{new_version}' --tag-message "Release {new_version}" patch
If neither tag message nor sign tag is provided, we use a lightweight tag in git. Otherwise, we utilize an annotated
git tag. Read more about Git tagging here.
commit = (True | False) (optional). default: False
Create a commit using git when true.
Also available as CLI argument --commit or --no-commit.
message = (optional). default: build(repo): bumped version {current_version} → {new_version}
The commit message to use when creating a commit. Only valid when using --commit / commit = True.
It can be a template using the Python Format String Syntax.
Available in the template context are current_version and new_version as well as current_[part] and new_[part]
(e.g. 'current_major' or 'new_patch'). You can also use the variables now or utcnow to get a current timestamp.
Both accept datetime formatting (when used like as in {now:%d.%m.%Y}).
Also available as CLI argument --message, for example: bumpsemver --tag-name 'release-{new_version}' patch
File-specific config sections
A file-specific config section is required for each file to specify the handling of the particular file.
One config file can have zero or more file-specific config sections.
The section name looks like [bumpsemver:type:filename].
It specifies the action to be done for a specific file.
We do have the use case that one file has multiple places to change, a popular example is package-lock.json:
"name": "app-cli",
"version": "1.1.0",
"lockfileVersion": 3,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "app-cli",
"version": "1.1.0",

We need two config sections for the same file in this case, but INI format does not allow duplicated section names.
To make it work, we could append a description between parens to the
type keyword: [bumpsemver:plaintext(special one):…]. It does not matter what inside the parens, just make it unique.
For the example below, the two patterns will be applied separately to the same file README.md:
search = current version: {current_version}
replace = current version: {new_version}

search = **Version: {current_version}**
replace = **Version: {new_version}**

File types supported in the file-specific config section
All the famous bump*version utilities family has a common pattern to handle the files as a plain text file.
The advantage of this approach is that in fact it makes the use scenario programming language-neutral.
Be it a package-lock.json for node.js project, or pyproject.toml for a Python application,
the bump*version is applicable as long as a proper regex pattern for version extraction can be defined.
However, it will bring significant side effect for complex file for example package-lock.json.
A typical (relatively) complex React projects contains 1000+ npm packages indirectly.
For randomly sampled 30 public projects at GitHub written in node.js/TypeScript,
the classical bumpversion or the renovated bump2version both made mistakes
for all 30 projects which changed something shouldn't be changed.
For instance, the facebook/create-react-app application has a large fleet of indirect
npm dependencies.
If we define the search pattern as "version": "4.0.0", we will screw up the other 210 packages.
Or if we are unluckily releasing our app bumping the version from 7.16.0 to 8.0.0,
other 132 npm packages in the version lock will be changed to 8.0.0, which likely do not exist.
To address this issue, bumpsemver added the support of some popular file types
to access the particular version attribute using a deterministic locator/selector without regex.
The supported file types are:


bumpsemver will use the file extension to determine the file type and throw an error if the detected file type
mismatches with the specified one.
This behavior can be overridden by specifying the file type with a ! suffix.
For example, [bumpsemver:json!:config.yaml] will treat config.yaml as a JSON file.
Plain text file
The file-specific config section looks like:
search = Version: {current_version}
replace = Version: {new_version}

A deprecated syntax is also supported:

We renamed (in a backward compatible way) file or plaintext to emphasize
that the file being processed is considered as a plain text file.
You can easily destroy a JSON file by a missing a double-quote or a comma in the regex pattern.
This file type should generally only be used for the files that are not JSON, YAML, or TOML.
README.md is a good use case for this one.
[bumpsemver:plaintext:...] can have two properties:
search = default: {current_version}
Template string how to search for the string to be replaced in the file.
Useful if the remotest possibility exists that the current version number might be present multiple times in the file,
and you mean to only bump one of the occurrences.
replace = default: {new_version}
Template to create the string that will replace the current version number in the file.
Given this requirements.txt:

using the following .bumpsemver.cfg will ensure only the line containing MyProject will be changed:
current_version = 1.5.6

search = MyProject=={current_version}
replace = MyProject=={new_version}

JSON file
The file-specific config section looks like:
jsonpath = version

It accepts only one property:
jsonpath = (required) default: none
Value of the parameter jsonpath is a JSONPath string,
it points to the exact property of the version string to be bumped.
For the typical package.json, using version or its jQuery-style alternative $.version is sufficient.
Otherwise, anything can be selected with JSONPath is support, so, nothing we can't do.
The underlying JSONPath processor is jsonpath-ng.
Checkout their document for some examples and hints.
The suffix is also supported for json file:
jsonpath = version

[bumpsemver:json( same file):example.json]
jsonpath = dependencies[2].*.version

[bumpsemver:json (once again):example.json]
jsonpath = dependencies[0].*.lodash.dependencies[1].version

YAML file
Comparably, YAML is supported for the same reason that we should support native JSON, like
yamlpath = version

yamlpath = *.vars.project_version

[bumpsemver:yaml( same file):playbook.yaml]
yamlpath = *.vars.version

[bumpsemver:yaml (once again):playbook.yaml]
yamlpath = *.vars.app_version

Please note that we use
yamlpath here.
yamlpath is not a popular "standard" widely adopted as jsonpath.
For complex scenarios, it makes sense to test the expression with yamlpath cli
before putting anything in the config file.
TOML file
The file-specific config section looks like:
tomlpath = tool.poetry.version

For whatever reason toml gets its acceptance and popularity, especially in the Go, Rust, and later Python community.
Despite the unlogical fashion and religion drives, in fact we have many toml files in the wild.
For instance pyproject.toml is everywhere now.
We cannot even find out a "tomlpath" or similar library to read/update the properties in a toml file by giving a
string as the "path" to the property.
We rolled our own tomlpath processor, which is not a standard, but offering similar functionality as yamlpath.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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