byecycle 0.1.5

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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byecycle 0.1.5

byecycle 🚲

Find and expose cyclic imports in python projects.
byecycle uses the built-in ast module
to parse code files. As a consequence, it can only handle python code within the same
major version (read: no support for python 1 and 2), and the same or lower minor version
of the python interpreter it was installed with. If byecycle raises SyntaxErrors in
code that you know to be working, try using a byecycle that is installed with the same
python version that can run the code in question.
From PyPI

python 3.11 or higher

pipx install byecycle

Development Setup

python 3.11 or higher

git clone
cd byecycle
pdm install -G:all

As a Command Line Tool
# with a path
byecycle /home/me/dev/byecycle/src/byecycle/
# or the name of an installed package
byecycle byecycle

The result will be a json string:
"byecycle.misc": {},
"byecycle.graph": {
"byecycle": {
"tags": [
"cycle": "complicated"
"byecycle.misc": {
"tags": [
"cycle": null
"byecycle": {
"byecycle.graph": {
"tags": [
"cycle": "complicated"

By default, the result is printed with some rich formatting to highlight types and such.
If you need the output to be plain ascii, pass the --no-rich flag.

For bigger projects, you might get much more complex output. The intent of returning
json is to have something that can be easily piped into e.g. jq for further
# filter out imports that don't have a cycle
byecycle byecycle | jq '.[] |= (.[] |= select(.cycle != null) | select(. != {}))'

"byecycle.graph": {
"byecycle": {
"tags": [
"cycle": "complicated"
"byecycle.cli": {
"byecycle": {
"tags": [
"cycle": "complicated"
"byecycle": {
"byecycle.graph": {
"tags": [
"cycle": "complicated"
"byecycle.cli": {
"tags": [
"cycle": "complicated"

Alternatively, you can also call the main entrypoint's core functionality as a regular
python function. Among other things, it returns a dictionary equivalent to the CLI's json
that you can work with:
from byecycle import run
cycles, *_ = run("byecycle")
# filter out imports that don't have a cycle
for outer_k, outer_v in cycles.items():
for inner_k, inner_v in outer_v.items():
if inner_v["cycle"]:
print(f"{outer_k} -> {inner_k}: {inner_v['cycle']}")

byecycle.graph -> byecycle -> complicated
byecycle.cli -> byecycle -> complicated
byecycle -> byecycle.graph -> complicated
byecycle -> byecycle.cli -> complicated

See the help text of byecycle for an explanation of tags/ImportKinds and
In short, if there is a cycle, the tags of all involved imports inform
the cycle-severity, with the highest severity winning out if multiple apply. The defaults
can be overriden in order to isolate, filter, or highlight cycles with specific
To Visualize the Import Graph
If you pass the --draw flag1 on your command-line-call, byecycle will create an image of
the import graph instead:
byecycle byecycle --draw

[1] Requires installation of the draw-extra, i.e. pipx install "byecycle[draw]".


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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