cassio 0.1.8

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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cassio 0.1.8

A framework-agnostic Python library to seamlessly integrate Apache Cassandra with ML/LLM/genAI workloads.
Note: this is currently an alpha release.
Installation is as simple as:
pip install cassio

For example usages and integration with higher-level LLM frameworks
such as LangChain, please visit
CassIO developers
To develop cassio, we use poetry
pip install poetry

Use poetry to install dependencies
poetry install

Use cassio current code in other Poetry base projects
If the integration is Poetry-based (e.g. LangChain itself), you should get this
in your pyproject.toml:
cassio = {path = "../../cassio", develop = true}

Then you do
poetry remove cassio # if necessary
poetry lock --no-update
poetry install -E all --with dev --with test_integration # or similar, this is for langchain

Inspired from this.
You also need a recent Poetry for this to work.
We are still at 0.*. Occasional breaking changes are to be expected,
but please think carefully. Later, a stronger versioning model will be adopted.
Style and typing
Style is enforced through black, linting with ruff,
and typechecking with mypy.
The code should run through make format without issues.
Python version coverage
At the moment we try to run tests under Python3.8 and Python3.10 to try and
catch versions-specific issues
(such as the newer typing syntax such as typeA | typeB, illegal on 3.8).

Bump version in pyproject.toml
Add to CHANGES.txt
Commit the very code that will be built:
git tag v<x.y.z>; git push origin v<x.y.z>

make build
poetry publish # (login to PyPI ...)

Please run tests (and add some coverage for new features). This is not
enforced other than to your conscience. Type make for the available tests.
To run the full tests (except specific tests targeting Cassandra),
there's make test-all.
Unit testing
make test-unit

Integration with the DB
Ensure the required environment variables are set (see for instance
the provided TEMPLATE.testing.env).
You need at least one of either Astra DB or a
Cassandra (5+) cluster to use.
Launch the tests with either of:
make test-integration

make test-astra-integration
make test-cassandra-integration
make test-testcontainerscassandra-integration

The last three above specify TEST_DB_MODE as either LOCAL_CASSANDRA, TESTCONTAINERS_CASSANDRA or
ASTRA_DB. Refer to TEMPLATE.testing.env for required environment variables in the specific cases.
Note: Ideally you should test with both Astra DB and one Cassandra, since some tests are
skipped in either case.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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