c2c.template 2.4.2

Creator: bradpython12

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c2c.template 2.4.2

Supported template Jinja, Mako, Template.
Tools that collect some vars and get them to a template engine.
Supported template: Jinja and
Use c2c-template --help to get the command line help.

Vars file
The vars collector gets the vars from YAML files like this one:
extends: inherit.yaml

string_var: a string
int_var: 42
interpreted_var: __import__('datetime').date.today()
combined_var: 'Today: {interpreted_var:%Y-%m-%d}'
facter_json: /usr/bin/facter --json
facter_yaml: /usr/bin/facter --yaml
pi: console.log(Math.PI.toPrecision(3))
v1: 1
v2: '2'
v3: [1, 2, 3]

- interpreted_var
- facter_json
- facter_yaml
- facter_json
- facter_yaml
vars: ["pi"]
cmd: ["node", "-e"]

- obj
The inherit.yaml is an other file with the same syntax that will provide
initial vars.
The vars section is where we define the vars values, the YAML files
support typing, than 42 will be an integer.
The interpreted configuration to interpret some vars,
python, bash, environ, json, yaml are predefined
interpreter, node is a custom interpreter.
The update_path is a list of ‘.’-separated paths that will be updated (for dicts)
or appended (for lists), instead of overwritten. The sub path will be implicitly added.
We can reuse predefined variables and format them (see combined_var),
See: str.format().

Example of usage

Interpret variable in a template
c2c-template --vars vars.yaml --engine jinja --files template.jinja
The result will be stored in a file named template.

Get the vars
It can be useful to get the variable outside.
`c2c-template --vars vars.yaml --get-vars INT_VAR=int_var string_var`
That will set the bash variable INT_VAR to 42, and STRING_VAR to ‘a string’.

Get a configuration file
c2c-template --vars vars.yaml --get-config config.yaml string-var int-var combined-var
Will create a file named config.yaml this:
string-var: a string
int-var: 42
combined-var: Today: 2014-12-12

Build a set of file based on a template
Create the following vars file (vars.yaml):
var1: common
- name: one
var2: first
- name: two
var2: second
And the following template (template.jinja):
var1: {{ var1 }}
var2: {{ var2 }}
And run the following command:
c2c-template --vars vars.yaml --files-builder template.jinja {name}.txt iter
This will create two files:
the one.txt file, with:
var1: common
var2: first
The two.txt file, with:
var1: common
var2: second


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