cdjs 0.1.5

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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cdjs 0.1.5

CDJS (Custom Datetime JSON Serializer)
cdjs is an extension for orjson to serialize datetime (and other types) in a fast custom way.
By default orjson serializes datetime according to RFC 3339 format which sometimes may not suit.
orjson provides a mean to process datetime using custom serializer (via OPT_PASSTHROUGH_DATETIME flag and via default=custom_datetime_serializer).
Serializers implemented in Python are usually not fast enough, that's the reason behind implementation of the custom datetime serializer written in Rust to gain optimal speed.
Aside from datetimes, cdjs is an attempt to port bson.json_util.default() and to use with orjson as a default handler.
At the moment serialization of the following types are supported:


import datetime
import hashlib

from bson import ObjectId
from cdjs import serialize
import orjson

mydata = {
'_id': ObjectId(hashlib.md5(b'test').hexdigest()[:24]),
'date': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 1, hour=0, minute=4, second=36, microsecond=123000)
orjson.dumps(mydata, option=orjson.OPT_PASSTHROUGH_DATETIME, default=serialize)

# b'{"_id":{"$oid":"098f6bcd4621d373cade4e83"},"date":{"$date":"2021-01-01T00:04:36.123Z"}}'

To run benchmark:
pip install -r bench-requirements.txt
python tests/ --help
python tests/ --scenario utc_dates

pip install cdjs

To make a develop build
NOTE: Develop build doesn't enable optimizations, hence the result may work slow.
python ./ develop

To make a release build
# switch to nightly channel
RUSTUP_USE_CURL=1 rustup default nightly-2021-01-31
pip install maturin

To compile, package and publish to PyPI
maturin build --no-sdist --release --strip --manylinux off
maturin publish

To run tests
python -m unittest -v tests.test_serialization

Python/OS Version Support

Python 3.6 (tested)
Python 3.7+ (not tested)
Linux (with GLib 2.17+)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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