cereja-ai 0.0.5

Creator: codyrutscher

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cerejaai 0.0.5

Cereja AI - Library of Pre-Trained Artificial Intelligence Models
This repository is an open source library that contains pre-trained models and artificial intelligence architectures using TensorFlow. The purpose of this library is to facilitate the construction of AI models for the developer community, making the process more accessible and democratic.
By contributing to this library, you are helping to democratize access to AI, enabling more people to build efficient and accurate AI models. Furthermore, your contribution can be used in a variety of different projects, from voice recognition applications to product recommendation systems.
How to Contribute
If you are knowledgeable about AI and TensorFlow, contributing to this library can be a way to help the developer community speed up the process of building AI models. Even if you don't have AI experience, you can still contribute by providing support with documentation or building the library's infrastructure.
To contribute to this library, follow these steps:

Fork this repository
Create a branch with your contribution (git checkout -b my-contribution)
Make the necessary changes
Submit a pull request

How to use
To use this library in your project, just clone this repository on your machine and import the desired models or architectures. Check the documentation for more information on how to use each model or architecture.
The documentation for this library is available at [LINK].


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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