clerks-friend 1.0.0

Creator: coderz1093

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clerksfriend 1.0.0

Clerks Friend
Useful reports for Ward Clerk's of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The
included script clerks_friend can run several useful reports and produce Markdown
style output. This output could be used by various programs to create HTML or PDF
output. Or, the way I use it, is to paste the markdown into Google Docs. They have a
feature where markdown can be pasted into a Google Doc and it will render the output.
Command Line Script
This package installs a command line script called clerks_friend:
$ clerks_friend --help
usage: clerks_friend [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-c COOKIE_FILE]

Run clerk reports from LCR for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day

positional arguments:
INPUT_FILE input YAML file containing the report

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
LCR username [env var: LCR_USERNAME]
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
LCR password [env var: LCR_PASSWORD]
-c COOKIE_FILE, --cookie-file COOKIE_FILE
cookie jar file to save the session or load a
saved session
output file for markdown report. Defaults to

The clerks_friend script requires your member username and password, for The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints LCR system. There are three different ways to supply
these credentials:

On the command line, using the --username and --password options.
Through the environment variables LCR_USERNAME and LCR_PASSWORD.
From an environment file .env. This is the recommended option.

The .env file must be in the same directory that the script is run from. The file format is very simple:

Report File Input
The input file, specifying which reports to run and their parameters, is a YAML file
format. As example is shown below:
title: Celestial Ward Clerical Report

- name: not_set_apart
heading: Not Set Apart

- name: expiring_recommends
heading: "Expiring/Expired Temple Recommends"
months_past: -3
months_future: 1
recommend_type: REGULAR

- name: protecting_children_and_youth_training
heading: Protecting Children and Youth Training
months_future: 1

- name: sacrament_meeting_attendance
heading: Sacrament Meeting Attendance
year: 2024

Valid Reports
The currently valid report types are:


As time permits I would like to add additional reports. If you would like to help add
more reports then please feel free to open a pull request, or an issue describing the
report you'd like.
Cached Sessions
This script uses the lcr_session library
to provide authentication. This library can also cache sessions, so that
re-authentication is not necessary if several reports need to be run in a row. For this
use the --cookie-file option. Church sessions are typically valid for one hour.
For example, save the above YAML sample as report.yaml. Create a .env file with your
LCR credentials, then run the following:
$ clerks_friend ./report.yaml -c cookies.txt -o

A file would be output with the results. This could then be copied and
pasted into a Google Document, which would render the markdown properly. Note that
markdown support must be enabled for the document, and you must select the "Paste from
markdown" option.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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