cloud_dns_cli 0.9.04

Creator: coderz1093

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cloud dns cli 0.9.04

Cloud DNS Tool=========A script to make working with Cloud DNS quicker## RequiresPyRax -- PIP Installed Rackspace Python LIB for interacting with cloud servicesKeyCzar -- Optional, if storing encrypted credentials/values## InstallingThe install relies on setup tools. If you already have setup tools it's as easy as:```python ./ install ``` If not, you will need to add setup tools, there's a few ways to do it. Check out Configuration FileAll configuration options can be passed on the command line, but a configuration file will make things easier. If no configuration is specified on the command line (via the -c/--config-file) then You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode{KEYPATH}```* Create the keystore```keyczart create --location=KEYPATH−−purpose=crypt−−name="clouddns"‘‘‘∗Createakey‘‘‘keyczartaddkey−−location={KEYPATH} --status=primary```* Then you can use the included script to encrypt your config values:```./ ${KEYPATH}Password:Note, the beginning and ending COLON are not part of your crypted stringThe crypted string is :abunchofjunk:```## How To use the tool#### Main Usage```usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-k KEYPATH] [--tenant TENANT] [--username USERNAME] [--verbose] [--apikey APIKEY] [--update-keychain] [-v] {add_domain,list_domains,list_subdomains,delete_domain,add_record,add_bulk,list_records} ...A utility to simplify working with our DNS As A Service. Please keep in mindsome operations take awhile to complete thanks to our large number ofresources, and having to make dozens of API calls for some of the requests.Doing operations for all domains on the account can take a very long time whenall domains have to be retrieved, one page of records at a time.positional arguments: {add_domain,list_domains,list_subdomains,delete_domain,add_record,add_bulk,list_records} add_domain add a domain to the DNS system list_domains list all domains on the account list_subdomains list the subdomains for a domain delete_domain remove a domain from the DNS system add_record add a new record add_bulk add a bunch of records list_records list all records in a zoneoptional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE configuration file for dns script (default: ~/.cloud_dns.ini) (default: None) -k KEYPATH, --keypath KEYPATH path to keyczar keys if apikey is encrpyted, can be specified in config file (default: None) --tenant TENANT Tenant (DDI) to operate on. Can be specified in config file. (default: None) --username USERNAME Username to authenticate with. Can be specified in config file. (default: None) --verbose more verbose output in random places! (default: False) --apikey APIKEY API key to use. Can be specified in config file, assumed encrypted if keypath specified (default: None) --update-keychain prompt to update keychain entries (if you're using them!) (default: False) -v, --version show program's version number and exitThis program makes changes to the production DNS systems.Please exerciseextreme caution when making changes to DNS```#### Adding Records ```usage: add_record [-h] [-t TTL] [-p PRIORITY] [-c COMMENT] domain name target typepositional arguments: domain domain to add record to name the fully qualifed DNS record/hostname target ip address type type of recordoptional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t TTL, --ttl TTL ttl, default 300 -p PRIORITY, --priority PRIORITY priority (for MX recrods only) -c COMMENT, --comment COMMENT comment associated with record```#### Bulk Adding Records To add a lot of records use the add_bulk command, you can add as many records as you want. In the format of name,type,target. One item per line in a file and as many pairs on the command line as you like. The options ttl and priority apply to all records (if applicable) when creating them. If one record fails validation, NO records will be added.```usage: add_bulk [-h] [--from-file FROM_FILE] [-t TTL] [-p PRIORITY] domain [record [record ...]]positional arguments: domain domain to add record into record record in the form of NAME:TYPE:TARGET (,A,,CNAME,, specify as many as you wantoptional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --from-file FROM_FILE read records from a file, in the same format, one record per line in the file -t TTL, --ttl TTL the TTL for all records added, default is 3600, minimum is 300 -p PRIORITY, --priority PRIORITY priority for any MX records, default 10```


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