clumps-ptm 0.0.6

Creator: bradpython12

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clumpsptm 0.0.6

An algorithm for identifying 3D clusters ("clumps") of post-translational modifications (PTMs). Developed for the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Atlas Consortium (CPTAC). Full project repoistory for pan-cancer project can be found here.
Author: Shankara Anand
Requires Python 3.6.0 or higher.
pip3 install clumps-ptm
Git Clone
git clone
pip3 install -e .

CLUMPS-PTM has 3 general phases of analysis:

Mapping: taking input PTM proteomic data and mapping them onto PDB structural data.

Mapping relies on the source data and involves programmatic calling of blastp+ depending on the source data-base to map to UNIPROT and ultimately PDB structures. An example notebook that walks through the mapping and demonstrates use of clumps-ptm API for running these steps programmatically can be found here. Once the mapping is performed once for a new data-set, the mapping file is used as the --maps flag in clumpsptm command (below).

CLUMPS: running the algorithm for identifying statistically significant clustering of PTM sites.

CLUMPS-PTM was designed for use with differential expression proteomic data. Due to the nature of drop-out in Mass-Spectrometry data, we opt for using broad changes in PTM levels across sample groups to interrogate "clumping" of modifications. Thus, the input requires out-put from Limma-Voom differential expression.
usage: clumpsptm [-h] -i INPUT -m MAPS -w WEIGHT -s PDBSTORE [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
[-x XPO] [--threads THREADS] [-v]
[-f [FEATURES [FEATURES ...]]] [-g GROUPING] [-q]
[--min_sites MIN_SITES] [--subset {positive,negative}]
[--protein_id PROTEIN_ID] [--site_id SITE_ID] [--alphafold]
[--alphafold_threshold ALPHAFOLD_THRESHOLD]


optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
<Required> Input file.
-m MAPS, --maps MAPS <Required> Mapping with index as indices that overlap
-w WEIGHT, --weight WEIGHT
<Required> Weighting for CLUMPS-PTM (ex. logFC).
-s PDBSTORE, --pdbstore PDBSTORE
<Required> path to PDBStore directory.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output directory.
-x XPO, --xpo XPO Soft threshold parameter for truncated Gaussian.
--threads THREADS Number of threads for sampling.
-v, --verbose Verbosity.
-f [FEATURES [FEATURES ...]], --features [FEATURES [FEATURES ...]]
Assays to subset for.
-g GROUPING, --grouping GROUPING
DE group to use.
-q, --use_only_significant_sites
Only use significant sites for CLUMPS-PTM.
--min_sites MIN_SITES
Minimum number of sites.
--subset {positive,negative}
Subset sites.
--protein_id PROTEIN_ID
Unique protein id in input.
--site_id SITE_ID Unique site id in input.
--alphafold Run using alphafold structures.
--alphafold_threshold ALPHAFOLD_THRESHOLD
Threshold confidence level for alphafold sites.

Post-Processing: post-processing (FDR correction) & visualization in Pymol.


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