cmsplugin-form-handler 0.2.0

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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cmspluginformhandler 0.2.0

This package provides a mechanism for handling form-submissions in
django-CMS plugins.
Jump to Quickstart below to get started, or see the proper

Background & Approach

Plugins are a key component of django CMS for
creating reusable, configurable content fragments in django CMS projects. Due to
their flexibility and utility, project developers would benefit from emitting
forms and handling form submissions using plugins.
Since CMS plugins are fragments of a page, they do not provide a unique, URL for
receiving and handling form submissions. This presents numerous challenges when
attempting to process form submissions.

To get around these limitations, the approach taken in this package is to direct
form submissions from plugins which sub-class FormPluginBase to a URL that
is outside of the django CMS URL-space and handled by a ProcessFormView
provided by this package.
The ProcessFormView accepts form-submissions, processes them, and if valid,
sends the resulting form back to the plugin class for handling and then responds
to the request with a redirect to a success_url provided by the plugin.
On validation errors, the view will redirect the request back to the originating
page and provide the form data via a session variable back to the plugin’s form.
The user experience is precisely as expected and the handling of the form is
performed without “thrown HTTPRedirectResponses” or any special middleware.
This package encapsulates all extra logic so that the plugin developer need
only to subclass FormPluginBase rather than the usual
The Form or ModelForm presented in the CMS plugin should also include
the “mixin” FormPluginFormMixin.

To get started quickly, first install the package:
pip install cmsplugin-form-handler
Add the package to settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
# my_cool_project/

Add an extra line in your url configuration:
urlpatterns = i18n_patterns('',
url(r'^admin/', include(,
url(r'^plugin_forms/', include('cmsplugin_form_handler.urls',
url(r'^', include('cms.urls')),
Add the FormPluginFormMixin mixin to your Form:
# my_cool_project/

from django import forms
from cmsplugin_form_handler.forms import FormPluginFormMixin

class MyCoolForm(FormPluginFormMixin, forms.Form):
# everything else is your normal form.
my_cool_field = forms.CharField(...)
Or, if you’re using a ModelForm:
# my_cool_project/

from django import forms
from cmsplugin_form_handler.forms import FormPluginFormMixin

class MyCoolModelForm(FormPluginFormMixin, forms.ModelForm):
# everything else is your normal form.
class Meta:
model = MyCoolModel
Subclass your cms plugin from FormPluginBase:
# my_cool_project/

from cmsplugin_form_handler.cms_plugins import FormPluginBase

class MyCoolPlugin(FormPluginBase):
# Use your normal CMSPlugin attributes...
render_template = 'plugins/my_cool_plugin.html'
# Note that ``cache = False`` will automatically be set

# These should be overridden in sub-classes
form_class = MyCoolForm # Or, see: get_form_class()
success_url = '/static/success/url/here' # Or, see: get_success_url()

def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
context = super(MyCoolPlugin, self).render(context, instance, placeholder)

# Do your normal thing here

return context

def get_form_class(self, request, instance):
# Use this method to programmatically determine the form_class.
# This is what this method does by default:
return self.form_class

def get_success_url(self, request, instance):
# Use this method to programmatically determine the success_url.
# This is what this method does by default:
return self.success_url

def form_valid(self, request, instance, form):
# Optionally do something with the rendered form here
# This is what this method does by default:
Finally, update your plugin’s template:
# my_cool_project/templates/plugins/my_cool_plugin.html

{% load cmsplugin_form_tags %}

<h2>Form Plugin</h2>
<form action="{% cmsplugin_form_action %}" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ cmsplugin_form }}
<input type="submit">


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