collect-unexported 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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collectunexported 0.1.1

Collect files omitted from the release tarballs
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Some projects explicitly exclude some development files from
their release tarballs.
Sometimes, when packaging those projects, it may be useful to have
these files around, e.g. for running tests.
The collect-unexported utility examines the control files within
a Debian source package, clones its upstream repository, and then
creates an additional source file archive containing some of
the files that have explicitly been omitted from the upstream archive.
This allows a Debian package to e.g. run some source tests that use
scripts and data files that the upstream authors exclude from
the distributed source archive.
The collect-unexported tool creates an additional (component) original
tarball (.orig-unexported.tar.gz) and places it in the directory where
the Debian packaging tools expect to find the original source tarball
(the .orig.tar.gz one).
Please note that the collect-unexported tool is limited in
its functionality; it is meant to handle several specific cases, and
it may fail in others.
Use the collect-unexported.toml file in the current directory,
create an additional source tarball, display some diagnostic information
in the process:
collect-unexported -v

Use a file with a different name, do not overwrite the source tarball:
collect-unexported -c unexported.toml -N

The configuration file
To figure out which files it needs to repack from the upstream repository,
the collect-unexported tool reads a TOML file, collect-unexported.toml
by default.
That file must currently contain two sections:

[format.version]: a table containing two fields, major and minor,
describing the format of the configuration file itself.
The only version currently supported version is "0.1".
[files]: a table that describes the files that need to be included:

include: a list of strings, each specifying the relative path from
the top of the source repository to a single file or directory to be
included in the component archive

Note that all the paths specified in the files.include list must be
excluded in the upstream project's .gitattributes file using
the export-ignore attribute.
An example configuration file for packing the contents of the tests and
test_data subdirectories may look like this:
major = 0
minor = 1

include = [

The collect-unexported tool is developed in a GitLab repository
and is hosted at Ringlet.
A Python package may be downloaded from the Python package index.
The author, Peter Pentchev, may be contacted via e-mail.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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