cryptocurrencies-scraper 0.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

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cryptocurrenciesscraper 0.0.3

Python : Simple Crypto currencies scrapper
This is a simple module that retrieve instant crypto
currencies values in BTC and USD from and coinmarketcap apis
How to use
First install the package
pip install cryptocurrencies_scraper

Basic usage
from cryptocurrencies_scraper.CurrencyService import Manager
manager = Manager() # Create a new instance of the Manager
manager.update() # Ask the manager to update all currencies values

manager.all_currencies() # returns a dict that contain the currency name and symbol as key and currency information as a list
manager.get_curency('btc') # return the list of currency values retrived for bitcoin using symbol
manager.get_curency('bitcoin') # return the list of currency values retrived for bitcoin using name

Add your own scraper
A scraper should extends the CurrentPriceInterface.
Here is a basic scheme for a new scraper
class MySourceForCurrencies(CurrentPriceInterface):
instance = None
URL = ''
NAME = ""

def get_instance(cls) -> 'CurrenciesFromCoinMarketCap':
if cls.instance is None:
cls.instance = MySourceForCurrencies()
return cls.instance

def __init__(self):

def update_currency_list(self):

def process_data(self, json_data: json) -> None:
# Manipulate the the json to be Currency "parsable"
c = Currency.parse_json(json_data, self.NAME)
#When parsed, add it to the index
return None

In order for your scraper to be working you need to add it to the manager
from cryptocurrencies_scraper.CurrencyService import Manager
manager = Manager()

# you can also remove a source

Then on each manager.update() call your scraper will be called and currencies added to the Index
This class is used internally to index all currencies.
When a new currency is added, it will be grouped by the symbol and the name (symbol upper, name lower case)
The only useful method is NameIndexes.get_instance().add_to_index(currency). On each update, it get completlly cleared
from all old values.
This is the object that represent one currency here is the structure
"symbol" : "BTC",
"name" : "Bitcoin",
"valueUSD" : 5513,
"valueBTC": 1,
"lastUpdate" : 1566531513813,
"source" : "",
"changes" : {
"7d": -1,
"24h": -5,
"1h": -10


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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