cryptofeed-yas 0.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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cryptofeedyas 0.0.1

Cryptocurrency Exchange Feed Handler

Handles multiple cryptocurrency exchange data feeds and returns normalized and standardized results to client registered callbacks for events like trades, book updates, ticker updates, etc. Utilizes websockets when possible, but can also poll data via REST endpoints if a websocket is not provided.
Supported exchanges

Binance Delivery
Binance Futures
Binance US
Huobi DM
Huobi Swap
Kraken Futures

Basic Usage
Create a FeedHandler object and add subscriptions. For the various data channels that an exchange supports, you can supply callbacks for data events, or use provided backends (described below) to handle the data for you. Start the feed handler and you're done!
from cryptofeed import FeedHandler
# not all imports shown for clarity

fh = FeedHandler()

# ticker, trade, and book are user defined functions that
# will be called when ticker, trade and book updates are received
ticker_cb = {TICKER: ticker}
trade_cb = {TRADES: trade}
gemini_cb = {TRADES: trade, L2_BOOK: book}

fh.add_feed(Coinbase(symbols=['BTC-USD'], channels=[TICKER], callbacks=ticker_cb))
fh.add_feed(Bitfinex(symbols=['BTC-USD'], channels=[TICKER], callbacks=ticker_cb))
fh.add_feed(Poloniex(symbols=['BTC-USDT'], channels=[TRADES], callbacks=trade_cb))
fh.add_feed(Gemini(symbols=['BTC-USD', 'ETH-USD'], channels=[TRADES, L2_BOOK], callbacks=gemini_cb))

Please see the examples for more code samples and the documentation for more information about the library usage.
To see an example of an application using cryptofeed to aggregate and store cryptocurrency data to a database, please look at Cryptostore.
National Best Bid/Offer (NBBO)
Cryptofeed also provides a synthetic NBBO (National Best Bid/Offer) feed that aggregates the best bids and asks from the user specified feeds.
from cryptofeed import FeedHandler
from cryptofeed.exchanges import Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken

def nbbo_update(symbol, bid, bid_size, ask, ask_size, bid_feed, ask_feed):
print(f'Pair: {symbol} Bid Price: {bid:.2f} Bid Size: {bid_size:.6f} Bid Feed: {bid_feed} Ask Price: {ask:.2f} Ask Size: {ask_size:.6f} Ask Feed: {ask_feed}')

def main():
f = FeedHandler()
f.add_nbbo([Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini], ['BTC-USD'], nbbo_update)

Supported Channels
Cryptofeed supports the following channels from exchanges:
Market Data Channels (Public)

L1_BOOK - Top of book
L2_BOOK - Price aggregated sizes. Some exchanges provide the entire depth, some provide a subset.
L3_BOOK - Price aggregated orders. Like the L2 book, some exchanges may only provide partial depth.
TRADES - Note this reports the taker's side, even for exchanges that report the maker side.
OPEN_INTEREST - Open interest data.
CANDLES - Candlestick / K-Line data.

Authenticated Data Channels

ORDER_INFO - Order status updates
TRANSACTIONS - Real-time updates on account deposits and withdrawals
BALANCES - Updates on wallet funds
FILLS - User's executed trades

Cryptofeed supports backend callbacks that will write directly to storage or other interfaces.
Supported Backends:

Redis (Streams and Sorted Sets)
UDP Sockets
TCP Sockets
Unix Domain Sockets
InfluxDB v2
Elastic Search
GCP Pub/Sub

Note: cryptofeed requires Python 3.7+
Cryptofeed can be installed from PyPi. (It's recommended that you install in a virtual environment of your choosing).
pip install cryptofeed

Cryptofeed has optional dependencies, depending on the backends used. You can install them individually, or all at once. To install Cryptofeed along with all its optional dependencies in one bundle:
pip install cryptofeed[all]

If you wish to clone the repository and install from source, run this command from the root of the cloned repository.
python install

Alternatively, you can install in 'edit' mode (also called development mode):
python develop

See more discussion of package installation in
Rest API
Cryptofeed supports some REST interfaces for retrieving real-time and historical data, as well as order placement and account management. These are integrated into the exchange classes directly. You can view the supported methods by calling the info() method on any exchange.
Future Work
There are a lot of planned features, new exchanges, etc planned! If you'd like to discuss ongoing development, please join the slack or open a thread in the discussions in GitHub.
Issues and PRs are welcomed!
Cryptofeed wouldn't be possible without the help of many contributors! I owe them and all other contributors my thanks!
Donations / Support
Support and donations are appreciated but not required. You can donate via GitHub Sponsors, or via the addresses below:

Bitcoin: bc1qm0kxz8hqacaglku5fjhfe9a5hjnuyfwk02lsyr
Ethereum: 0x690709FEe13eEce9E7852089BB2D53Ae5D073154

Cryptofeed installation
The Cryptofeed library is intended for use by Python developers.
Several ways to get/use Cryptofeed:

Pip - pip install cryptofeed
Git - git clone
Zipped source code - Download

Installation with Pip
The safe way to install and upgrade the Cryptofeed library:
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed

Cryptofeed supports many backends as Redis, ZeroMQ, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud and many others.
Cryptofeed is usually used with a subset of the available backends, and installing the dependencies of all backends is not required.
Thus, to minimize the number of dependencies, the backend dependencies are optional, but easy to install.
See the file
for the exhaustive list of these extra dependencies.

Install all optional dependencies
To install Cryptofeed along with all optional dependencies in one bundle:
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[all]

Arctic backend
To install Cryptofeed along with Arctic in one bundle:
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[arctic]

Google Cloud Pub / Sub backend
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[gcp_pubsub]

Kafka backend
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[kafka]

MongoDB backend
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[mongo]

PostgreSQL backend
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[postgres]

RabbitMQ backend
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[rabbit]

Redis backend
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[redis]

ZeroMQ backend
pip install --user --upgrade cryptofeed[zmq]

If you have a problem with the installation/hacking of Cryptofeed, you are welcome to:

open a new issue:
join us on Slack:
or on GitHub Discussion:

Your Pull Requests are also welcome, even for minor changes.


Bugfix: Use timestamp_e6 for data derived from Bybit's instrument_info data feed.
Bugfix: Update postgres examples and schema. Fix postgres backend for all dtypes.
Bugfix: Kucoin has a limit of 100 symbols per subscription message and 300 per connection. These limits are now respected.
Bugfix: Error messages were not handled correctly on Kucoin, causing a crash.
Bugfix: FTX websocket endpoint update.
Bugfix: Fix the address used for authenticated Binance streams.
Bugfix: Handle cases where Bitmex book data is empty.

2.0.2 (2021-10-12)

Feature: random backoff when 429s are hit
Bugfix: Add rate limiting delay to snapshot querying on Binance
Update: Write deltas then snapshot when book interval is hit on Book Backends
Feature: Bybit liquidation support
Feature: Add support for Binance websocket orders stream
Bugfix: typo in influxDB backend
Bugfix: typo in optional type checking in cython module
Feature: compile cython code (and toggle optional assertions) correctly on windows
Feature: Allow logging disable via config option
Feature: Remove add_feed_running() method, add_feed can be used to add exchange feeds to running feedhandler.
Bugfix: Allow empty feedhandler to be started
Bugfix: Funding missing type conversion for to_dict method.
Bugfix: RedisStream candles boolean not being converted properly
Bugfix: FTX order info not handling price of None correctly on reduce only updates
Bugfix: Fills using incorrect order id
Feature: Periodically refresh order books in Binance to reduce the likelihood of order levels becoming stale
Update: exchange migrated to and API was updated
Revert: Temporarily revert the concurrent http changes in Binance as well as the snapshot refresh code while bugs are resolved
Bugfix: Fix Throttle callback, added an example to illustrate usage
Bugfix: BinanceFutures and BinanceDelivery not handling rates and funding times of 0/null for futures contracts
Bugfix: Open Interest in Bitmex not being converted to decimal
Update: Renamed field quantity in Liquidation data type

2.0.1 (2021-09-22)

Bugfix: BinanceDelivery and BinanceFutures WS compression
Bugfix: Upbit REST candles do not work when start/end are not specified
Bugfix: New version of websockets enforces RFC rules and non-compliant exchanges will fail to connect.
Feature: Add support for candles on Bitfinex REST
Bugfix: Book callback with cross_check option enabled causes an error
Bugfix: Kraken Candle timestamps strings instead of floats
Bugfix: Coinbase book _change handler passing wrong book type
Bugfix: dYdX orderbooks contained prices levels of size 0
Bugfix: FTX trade id for liquidations not correctly being converted to str
Bugfix: L3 OrderBooks not being correctly converted when as_type was used with to_dict
Feature: kwarg snapshots_only when true allow storage of full book updates only (no deltas)
Bugfix: initial snapshot of Binance books did not have delta set to None
Bugfix: RedisBook callback accessed key delta when it did not exist, causing crash
Feature: Candle support for Bybit
Bugfix: Fix L3 Book Deltas when use as_type kwarg in to_dict
Bugfix: Use V3 endpoint for book snapshots in Binance and BinanceUS
Bugfix: Coinbase level 3 book potential memory leak
Feature: Perpetual support for Bitfinex
Feature: Type checking in Cython code (disabled by default, enable in
Bugfix: Fix type issues in OKEx and Binance Futures - some numeric data being returned as string
Bugfix: Fix symbol normalization in FTX and Huoni Swap
Feature: Redis backend to choose sleep interval for writer
Feature: snapshot_interval added to book backends

2.0.0 (2021-09-11)

Feature: Binance REST support
Feature: Add next funding rate data to FTX funding data
Bugfix: Kraken info dict returning empty
Breaking Change: Rename REST endpoints. Sync endpoints end with _sync, non-sync endpoints are now async. Clean up and remove old/unused test cases
Feature: Remove pandas dependency
Breaking Change: Rewrite all rest endpoints to support sync and async versions of the endpoint.
Feature: Add dYdX REST endpoints
Feature: Add Binance authentication for User Data Streams
Feature: Add support for Binance trading REST API
Bugfix: Fix typo by renaming rest_options to order_options
Bugfix: Use correct max depth for Binance (and its child classes).
Bugfix: Fix test data generation, fix Binance test cases, clean up and fix issues in various code samples in example/
Feature: BinanceUS rest mixin
Update: add feed/exchange cleanup to integration tests
Bugfix: Last message received not being correctly set on websocket connection, causing multiple restarts when an exchange encounters a timeout
Bugfix: Binance Futures not correctly formatting the side on liquidations
Bugfix: Interval from candle_sync was not being passed correctly to async candle interface in REST mixins.
Update: Cleanup Coinbase candle REST interface, use standard string interval
Feature: Add balances to Bybit
Bugfix: Kraken valid depths incorrect
Feature: Add support for gracefully stopping Redis backends and writing queued message
Bugfix: OKEx incorrect creating multiple connections
Breaking Change: Data types for majority of callbacks have changed to Objects (previously was a dict)
Update: Remove redundant example code
Breaking Change: OrderInfo now an object
Bugfix: NBBO updated to use new orderbook
Breaking Change: Balance callback changed to return object
Breaking Change: L1_Book callback returns object
Update: Subscribe to 200 levels per side for Bybit
Feature: Candles support added to Binance REST
Breaking Change: Candle REST methods return Candle object
Feature: data objects now hashable and comparable (equal only)
Breaking Changes: USER_FILLS renamed FILLS, FILLS not use data objects for callbacks
Feature: Add support for candles in FTX REST
Feature: Add support for candles in Bitstamp REST
Feature: Add support for candles in Upbit REST

1.9.3 (2021-08-05)

Feature: Add support for private channel USER_DATA, public channel LAST_PRICE on Phemex
Feature: Add support for private channels FILLS, ORDER_INFO, BALANCES on Deribit
Feature: Add support for public channel L1_BOOK on Deribit
Feature: Add support for private channels FILLS and ORDER_INFO on Bybit
Bugfix: Fix
Feature: Allow user to specify a delay when starting an exchange connection (useful for avoiding 429s when creating a large number of feeds)
Update: Support Okex v5
Breaking Change: Update symbol standardization. Now uses standard names across all exchanges for futures, swaps, and options.
Feature: Allow user to specify depth_interval for Binance L2_BOOK.
Bugfix: Use order id in FTX fill channel callback
Feature: Add ability to use the Symbols class to identify all exchanges that support a given instrument
Feature: Allow user to specify 'http_proxy' in feeds.
Feature: Add support for 'concurrent_http' requests in Binance feeds.
Bugfix: funding and open interest data not being collected
Breaking Change: Rework how REST endpoints are integrated into exchange classes. Rest module has been removed. REST methods are part of exchanges classes.
Feature: Add support for funding data in Bybit
Update: Correct and update sections of the documentation.
Feature: Add support for open_interest_interval in Binance Futures.
Bugfix: Fix subaccounts impl in FTX

1.9.2 (2021-07-14)

Bugfix: add config kwarg to add_nbbo method
Update: changed KuCoin authentication to match new signing method
Bugfix: #518 - fix aggregator example code
Update: Support Bittrex V3
Feature: Add support for candles on Bittrex
Feature: Add support to authenticate private channels (e.g. FILLS) on FTX
Feature: Support private rest api commands for FTX
Update: Improve impl for FTX rest api
Bugfix: #528 - Fix standardisation of Deribit's symbols when passed to callbacks
Feature: Add support for private "orders" channel on FTX
Feature: Add support for subaccounts in feeds and REST API for FTX
Bugfix: Fix FTX rest api return value
Exchange: New exchange - dYdX
Bugfix: Issue #531 - Gemini symbol generation included closed symbols
Feature: Allow user to override the score used in Redis ZSETs
Update: Get information about size increment from FTX symbol data
Bugfix: Fix trades write for Arctic backend
Feature: new exchange: Bequant. Supports ticker, L2 book, trades, candles, plus authenticated channels: order info, account transactions and account balances
Update: BitMax renamed AscendEX
Bugfix: Feed level timeout and timeout interval not being set properly
Exchange: Phemex exchange support
Features: added support for candles, order info, account transactions and account balances to HitBTC &, plus authentication where required to access these channels
Update: previous HitBTC & websocket endpoints deprecated. Now using separate Market, Trading and Account endpoints
Bugfix: max_depth on Binance and Kraken was not properly used when querying the snapshot
Bugfix: Handle 429s in HTTP connections (by waiting and retrying).

1.9.1 (2021-06-10)

Feature: add Bithumb exchange - l2 book and trades
Bugfix: Fix inverted Poloniex symbols
Feature: simplify and cleanup parts of Poloniex
Feature: add symbols class method to all exchanges to get list of supported trading pairs
Feature: Clean up internal class attributes in Feed class
Feature: Add graceful stop and shutdown methods for Feeds
Feature: Add ledger endpoint to Kraken Rest module, add ability to optionally filter by symbol, or all symbols, for historical trades
Docs: Update documentation regarding adding a new exchange to cryptofeed
Bugfix: Reset delay after connection is successful
Feature: yapic.json parses strings to datetimes automatically, no longer need to rely on Pandas for datetime parsing
Bugfix: #491 - dictionary resized during iteration in ByBit
Bugfix: #494 - added status argument to liquidations callback
Bugfix: #399 - book delta issue with Kucoin and Gateio
Feature: Binance Delivery candle support
Feature: Binance US candle support
Feature: Kraken Candle support
Update: Remove deprecated channel mapping from Kraken, use channel name from message instead
Bugfix: change Kraken Futures to use the standard symbol to be consistent with the rest of the library
Update: use Kucoin v3 endpoint for orderbook snapshot (v2 deprecated).
Update: Poloniex ticker message format update

1.9.0 (2021-04-25)

Bugfix: Fix Binance subscriptions when subscribing to more than one candle
Feature: Remove support for Influx versions prior to 2.0
Feature: Add stop method to HTTP Backends to gracefully drain queue and write pending data on shutdown
Feature: Revamp InfluxDB code. Drop support for storing floating point as str, store book data as json blob
Bugfix: Remove unused get_instrument calls in Deribit and Kraken Futures
Feature: Revamp symbol generation and exchange info for Deribit and Kraken Futures
Bugfix: Fix issue using AsyncFile callback to store raw data
Testing: Add exchange tests for Deribit and Binance
Bugfix: Fix symbol issue in Bitmex when initializing the orderbook
Bugfix: Fix various issues with FTX, OKCOIN/OKEX and Huobi symbol generation
Testing: Overhaul exchange tests, all exchanges are now tested with real data. Fixed various bugs as a result of this testing. Revamped AsyncFileCallback.
Added new tool to generate test data for testing.
Bugfix: Improve connection cleanup in AsyncConnection object
Feature: Add support for user defined exception handling in FeedHandler
Bugfix: Fix redis backends that can't handle None
Bugfix: Connection exceptions being ignored in Feedhandler
Bugfix: Binance address generation correction
Bugfix: OKEX symbol generation incorrect + validate symbols used for channels that dont support all types
Breaking Change: Large rewrite of Feedhandler, Connection, and Feed. Many timeout related options moved from feedhandler to Feed. Symbol specific code
moved to exchange class. Rewrite of raw data collection.
Feature: Candle support for Huobi
Feature: Allow user to specify Postgres port in Postgres backends
Bugfix: Report base volume, not quote volume in Huobi candles
Feature: Support for the KuCoin exchange

1.8.2 (2020-04-02)

Update to use alpha release of aioredis 2.0. Allows building of wheels again

1.8.1 (2020-04-01)

Bugfix: Add manifest file for source dist

1.8.0 (2020-04-01)

Bugfix: Init uvloop earlier so backends that use loop will not fail
Docs: Remove FAQ, added performance doc section
Bugfix: #404 - Use AsyncConnection object for Binance OI
Feature: Rework how raw data is stored (when enabled). REST data can now be captured
Feature: New feedhandler method, add_feed_running allows user to add feed to running instance of a feedhandler
Feature: create_db defaults to False on InfluxDB backends
Feature: Normalize Bitmex Symbols
Update: Remove extraneous methods in feed objects used to query symbol information
Feature: Use realtime ticker for Binance
Bugfix: Bitmex symbols not being normalized correctly
Bugfix: Fix GCP PubSub backend
Bugfix: Fix historical data REST api for Bitmex
Feature: Use separate tasks (fed by async queue) for backend writing. Redis now uses this method
Bugfix: Allow user specified max depths on Kraken
Feature: Add backend queue support to ZMQ backend
Feature: Add backend queue support to Socket backends
Feature: Add VictoriaMetrics support via backend
Feature: Add backend queue support to influx and elastic
Feature: Candle support
Bugfix: Ignore untradeable symbols in Binance symbol generation
Feature: Add backend support for queues in Postgres. Rework postgres backend and supply example SQL file to create tables for demo
Bugfix: Fix ByBit symbol generation
Feature: Authenticated channel support for OKEX/OKCOIN
Update: Poloniex changed signaure of ticker data
Feature: Candles for Binance Futures
Feature: Premium Index Candle support for Binance Futures
Feature: Update Gateio to use new v4 websocket api. Adds support for candles
Bugfix: Fix open interest on OKEx
Bugfix: OKEx was duplicating subscriptions
Breaking Change: Core callbacks (trade, candle, books, ticker, open interest, funding, liquidations, index) now use custom objects

1.7.0 (2021-02-15)

Feature: Use UVLoop if installed (not available on windows)
Bugfix: Allow exchanges to customize their retry delays on error
Feature: New demo code showing user loop management
Feature: Handle more signals for graceful shutdown
Bugfix: BinanceFutures message format change
Feature: Missing sequence number on Coinbase will not reset all data streams, just the affected pair
Feature: Use timestamp from exchange for L2 book data from Coinbase
Bugfix: Blockchain exchange had incorrect timestamps, and incorrect log lines
Bugfix: Wrong datatype in BackendFuturesIndexCallback
Bugfix: Fix bad postgres callback for open_interest and futures_index
Feature: Signal handler installation now optional, can be done separately. This will allow the feedhandler to be run from child threads/loops
Bugfix: Fix binance delivery book ticker (message format change)
Breaking change: Feed object config renamed subscription
Feature: Configuration passed from feedhandler to exchanges
Breaking change: Most use of pair and pairs changed to symbol and symbols to be more consistent with actual usage. renamed to
Feature: Allow configuring the API KEY ID from Config or from environment variable
Bugfix: Collisions in normalized CoinGecko symbols (this adds about 700 new symbols)
Feature: Add candles function to coinbase
Feature: Explain when Cryptofeed crashes during pairs retrieval
Bugfix: BINANCE_DELIVERY Ticker use msg_type='bookTicker' as for the other BINANCE markets
Feature: Support Bitmex authentication using personal API key and secret
Feature: Print the origin of the configuration (filename, dict) for better developer experience
Bugfix: Add guard against non-supported asyncio add_signal_handler() on windows platforms
Feature: Simplify source code by standardization iterations over channels and symbols
Bugfix: Remove remaining character "*" in
Bugfix: Fix return type of the function book_flatten()
Feature: Shutdown multiple backends asynchronously, and close the event loop properly
Bugfix: Repair the Bitfinex FUNDING
Feature: Speedup the handling of Bitfinex messages by reducing intermediate mappings
Feature: Support OKEx options
Bugfix: Cancel the pending tasks to gracefully/properly close the ASyncIO loop
Feature: Support for authenticated websocket data channels

1.6.2 (2020-12-25)

Feature: Support for Coingecko aggregated data per coin, to be used with a new data channel 'profile'
Feature: Support for Whale Alert on-chain transaction data per coin, to be used with a new data channel 'transactions'
Bugfix: Reset delay and retry for rest feed
Feature: Add GCP Pub/Sub backend
Bugfix: Fix aggregated callbacks (Renko and OHLCV) when used with exchanges that support order types
Bugfix: Fix broken example/demo code
Feature: New data channel - futures_index - demonstrated in ByBit
Feature: Add stop callback when exiting loop, add stop method placeholder for base callbacks
Bugfix: Fix NBBO callback
Feature: Orderbook sequence number validation for HitBTC
Feature: Kraken orderbook checksum support in Kraken
Feature: KrakenFutures sequence number check added
Feature: Add optional caching to postgres backend
Feature: New Exchange - Binance Delivery
Feature: Liquidation for OKEX
Bugfix: Adjust ping interval on websocket connection, some exchanges require pings more frequently
Feature: Checksum validation for orderbooks on OKEX and OKCoin
Feature: Use rotating log handler
Bugfix: Later versions of aiokafka break kafka backend
Bugfix: Huobi sends empty book updates for delisted pairs
Bugfix: Harden channel map usage in Kraken
Feature: Config file support
Bugfix: Subscribing to all BitMEX symbols gives 400 error - message too long
Bugfix: Cleanup of code - fixed a few examples and resolved all outstanding flake8 issues
Bugfix: Fix Bitfinex pair normalization
Feature: Refactor connection handling. New connection design allows feeds to open multiple connections
Feature: Update BitMax to use the new BitMax Pro API - includes sequence number verification on books
Feature: Bybit - support for USDT perpetual data channels
Feature: Can now configure more than 25 Bitfinex pair/channel combinations
Feature: Support more than 200 pair/stream combinations on Binance from a single Feed
Feature: Support for the bitFlyer exchange
Feature: Update Kraken to work with very large numbers of trading pairs

1.6.1 (2020-11-12)

Feature: New kwarg for exchange feed - snapshot_interval - used to control number of snapshot updates sent to client
Feature: Support for rabbitmq message routing
Feature: Support for raw file playback. Will be useful for testing features and building out new test suites for cryptofeed.
Feature: Arctic library quota can be configured, new default is unlimited
Feature: New exchange: Probit
Bugfix: Correctly store receipt timestamp in mongo backend
Bugfix: FTX - set a funding rate requests limit constant (10 requests per second, 60 seconds pause between loops)
Bugfix: Open Interest data on FTX erroneously had timestamps set to None
Update: Binance Jersey shutdown - feed removed
Bugfix: Fixed open interest channel for Binance Delivery

1.6.0 (2020-09-28)

Feature: Validate FTX book checksums (optionally enabled)
Bugfix: Subscribing only to open interest on Binance futures gave connection errors
Feature: Authentication for Influxdb 1.x
Feature: Override logging defaults with environment variables (filename and log level)
Bugfix: For Coinbase L3 books need to ignore/drop some change updates (per docs)
Bugfix: Obey rate limits when using Coinbase REST API to get L3 book snapshots
Bugfix: Ignore auction updates from Gemini
Feature: Add order type (limit/market) for Kraken Trades
Feature: Exchange specific information available via info classmethod - contains pairs, data channels and tick size
Feature: Funding data supported on HuobiSwap
Bugfix: Fix broken mongo callbacks in backends

1.5.1 (2020-08-26)

Bugfix: #136 - Kraken Rate limiting
Feature: Funding data on Binance Futures
Bugfix: Support new Huobi tradeId field, old id field deprecated
Bugfix: Unclear errors when unsupported data feeds used
Bugfix: Handle order status messages more gracefully in Coinbase
Bugfix: Fix Kraken pair mappings
Feature: New Exchange -
Feature: Remove _SWAP, _FUTURE channel (and callback) types - determine correct type at subscribe time based on symbol
Docs: Add documentation about callbacks
Feature: Deribit provides sequence number for book updates - check them to ensure no messages lost
Bugfix: Fix timestamp on Binance Futures Open Interest
Bugfix: Update/standardize liquidation callbacks
Feature: Update Upbit subscription methods based on updated docs
Bugfix: Ticker not working correctly on Binance Futures
Feature: Liquidations callbacks for backends

1.5.0 (2020-07-31)

Feature: New Exchange - FTX US
Feature: Add funding data to rest library
Bugfix: DSX updated their API, websocket no longer supported. Removing DSX
Feature: Websocket client now uses unbounded message queue
Feature: Support for HuobiDM next quarter contracts
Bugfix: Fix datetime fields in elasticsearch
Feature: BinanceFutures: support ticker, open interest and Liquidation, FTX: support open interest and liquidations, Deribit: liquidations support
Bugfix: Fix receipt timestamps in Postgres backend
Bugfix: Huobi Swap Init

1.4.1 (2020-05-22)

Feature: Support for disabling timeouts on feeds
Bugfix: #224 Ignore newly added trading pairs in Poloniex while running
Feature: New exchange, DSX
Bugfix: Bybit updated their API, websocket subscription to L2 book data needed to be updated
Bugfix: Deribit subscription condensed into a single message to avoid issues with rate limit
Bugfix: Funding interval for bitmex not converted to integer
Bugfix: HuobiSwap missing from feedhandler
Feature: Optional flag on Feed to enable check for crossed books
Feature: Blockchain Exchange

1.3.1 (2020-03-17)

Feature: Add missing update detection to orderbooks in Binance
Feature: REST support for FTX
Feature: Added new field, receipt timestamp, to all callbacks. This contains the time the message was received by cryptofeed.
Feature: Upbit Exchange Support

1.3.0 (2020-02-11)

Bugfix: Enabling multiple symbols on Bitmex with deltas and max depth configured could cause crashes.
Bugfix: Default open interest callback missing
Change: Mongo backend stores book data in BSON
Feature: Open Interest callbacks added to all backends
Change: Instrument removed in favor of open interest
Bugfix: Huobi feedhandlers not properly setting forced indicator for book updates, breaking deltas
Bugfix: Some Kraken futures funding fields not always populated
Feature: Open interest updates for Kraken futures
Feature: Open interest updates for Deribit
Bugfix: FTX ticker can have Nones for bid/ask
Feature: InfluxDB 2.0 support
Bugfix: Deribit funding only available on perpetuals
Feature: Enable deltas (with out max depth) on exchanges that do not support them

1.2.0 (2020-01-18)

Feature: New exchange: Binance Futures
Feature: New Exchange: Binance Jersey
Feature: Funding data on Kraken Futures
Feature: User defined pair separator (default still -)
Feature: Postgres backend
Feature: Deribit Funding
Bugfix: Deribit subscriptions using config subscribed to symbols incorrectly
Bugfix: Some RabbitMQ messages were missing symbol and exchange data
Feature: Open interest data for OKEX swaps

1.1.0 (2019-11-14)

Feature: User enabled logging of exchange messages on error
Refactor: Overhaul of backends - new base classes and simplified code
Bugfix: Handle i messages from poloniex more correctly
Bugfix: Report bittrex errors correctly
Feature: New exchange:
Feature: New exchange: BinanceUS
Feature: New exchange: Bitmax
Feature: Ability to store raw messages from exchanges

1.0.1 (2019-09-30)

Feature: Backfill Bitmex historical trade data from S3 Bucket
Feature: RabbitMQ backend
Feature: Custom Depth and deltas for all L2 book updates
Feature: Support new 100ms book diff channel on Binance
Feature: Bittrex exchange support
Feature: Ticker support in Redis and Kafka Backends
Feature: Ticker callbacks require/contain timestamp
Feature: Renko Aggregation
Bugfix: Max Depth without deltas should only send updates when book changes
Bugfix: Update count and previous book now associated with pair

1.0.0 (2019-08-18)

Bugfix #113: Fix remaining exchanges who are not reporting timestamps correctly
Feature: Generated timestamps now based on message receipt by feedhandler
Feature: Multi-callback support
Feature: Rework ZMQ using pub/sub with topics
Feature: FTX Exchange
Feature: Gemini subscriptions now work like all other exchanges
Feature: Use unique id for each feed (as opposed to feed id/name)
Bugfix: fix Poloniex historical trade timestamps
Bugfix: Bitmex L2 channel incorrectly classified
Feature: Kraken Futures
Feature: Redis backend supports UDS
Feature: Binance full book (L2) with deltas
Feature: Allow user to start event loop themselves (potentially scheduling other tasks before/after).

0.25.0 (2019-07-06)

Feature: Rest Endpoints for Historical Deribit data
Feature: Specify numeric datatype for InfluxDB
Bugfix: Greatly improve performance of book writes for InfluxDB
Feature: Bybit exchange support
Bugfix: Deribit now returning floats in decimal.Decimal
Feature: Elastic Search backend

0.24.0 (2019-06-19)

Bugfix: Book Delta Conversion issue in backends
Bugfix: Tweak BitMEX rest API to handle more errors more gracefully
Feature: Deribit Exchange support
Feature: Instrument channel
Bugfix: support Kraken websocket API changes
Bugfix: correct USDT symbol mappings for Bitfinex
Bugfix: Fixed mongo book backend
Feature: Book delta support for mongo, sockets, ZMQ

0.23.0 (2019-06-03)

Feature: Book delta support for InfluxDB
Feature: Swaps on OkEX

0.22.2 (2019-05-23)

Bugfix: Fix tagging issue in InfluxDB
Bugfix: Fix book updates in InfluxDB
Feature: Book delta support in Redis backends
Feature: Book delta support in Kafka backend

0.22.1 (2019-05-19)

Feature: Cleanup callback code
Feature: Poloniex subscription now behaves like other exchanges
Feature: Kafka Backend

0.22.0 (2019-05-04)

Bugfix: Timestamp normalization for backends were losing subsecond fidelity
Feature: All exchanges report timestamps in floating point unix time
Bugfix: Implement change in OkEx's trading pair endpoint for pair generation

0.21.1 (2019-04-28)

Feature: Config support for Coinbene, Binance, EXX, BitMEX, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, HitBTC
Feature: Complete clean up of public REST endpoints
Feature: Improved book delta example
Feature: Bitstamp Websocket V2 - L3 books now supported
Bugfix: Incorrect book building in Kraken

0.21.0 (2019-04-07)

Bugfix: Coinbase L3 Book would get in cycle of reconnecting due to missing sequence numbers
Feature: Kraken L2 Book Deltas
Feature: Book deltas streamlined and retain ordering
Feature: OKCoin exchange support
Feature: OKEx exchange support
Feature: Coinbene exchange support
Feature: Support Huobi Global and Huobi USA

0.20.2 (2019-03-19)

Bugfix: Kraken REST API using wrong symbol for trades
Feature: Complete work on standardizing Bitfinex rest API
Bugfix: Allow index symbols on Bitmex

0.20.1 (2019-02-16)

Feature: Trades sides are now labeled as Buy / Sell instead of Bid / Ask.
Feature: Support for the Huobi exchange
Bugfix: Change how exchange pairs are mapped for REST module - only map exchanges that are used
Bugfix #67: Ensure all trades report the taker's side

0.20.0 (2019-02-04)

Feature #57: Write updates directly to MongoDB via new backend support
Feature #56: Experimental support for fine grained configuration per exchange
Feature #58: Support Kraken websocket API
Feature: Only generate trading pair conversions for configured exchanges
Feature: Historical trade data on REST API for Kraken

0.19.2 (2019-01-21)

Feature #55: OHLCV aggregation method in backends plus support for user defined aggregators
Feature: EXX exchange support

0.19.1 (2019-01-11)

Bugfix: Poloniex logging had bug that prevented reconnect on missing sequence number

0.19.0 (2019-01-10)

Feature #50: Support multiple streams per websocket connection on Binance
Bugfix #51: Fix pairs on streams in Binance

0.18.0 (2018-12-15)

Feature: InfluxDB support via backend
Feature: Aggregation backend wrappers
Bugfix: BookDelta callback no longer needs to be an instance of BookUpdateCallback
Bugfix: REST module was creating duplicate log handlers
Bugfix: Bitfinex REST now properly handles cases when there are more than 1000 updates for a single tick

0.17.4 (2018-11-17)

README change for long description rendering issue

0.17.3 (2018-11-17)

Feature #41: Rework trading pairs to generate them dynamically (as opposed to hard coded)
Feature: When book depth configured Redis, ZMQ and UDP backends only report book changes when changed occurred in
depth window
Feature: TCP socket backend support
Feature: UDS backend support

0.17.2 (2018-11-03)

Bugfix #45: Bitstamp prices and sizes in L2 book are string, not decimal.Decimal
Feature: Binance support

0.17.1 (2018-10-19)

Bugfix #43: Coinbase L2 book used "0" rather than 0 for comparisons against decimal.Decimal
Feature: REST feed market data supported via normal subscription methods
Feature: Kraken support
Bugfix: Bitfinex book timestamps match expected Bitfinex timestamps (in ms)

0.17.0 (2018-10-13)

Feature: Timestamps for orderbooks and book deltas
Feature #40: NBBO now uses best bid/ask from L2 books
Feature #28: GDAX now renamed Coinbase and uses Coinbase endpoints
Feature: ZeroMQ backend. Write updates directly to ZMQ connection
Feature: UDP Socket backend. Write updates directly to UDP socket

0.16.0 (2018-10-4)

Feature: L2 books are now all price aggregated amounts, L3 books are price aggregated orders
Book deltas supported on all feeds
Bugfix: Fix NBBO feed

0.15.0 (2018-09-29)

Feature: GDAX/Coinbase rest support - trades, order status, etc
Feature: Arctic backend, supports writing to arctic directly on trade/funding updates
Bugfix: #36 Update poloniex to use new trading pairs and handle sequence numbers
Bugfix: Improve Bitfinex orderbooks and handle sequence numbers
Bugfix: GDAX and Bitmex orderbook and logging improvements

0.14.1 (2018-09-14)

Added some docstrings
Feature: Add exchanges by name to feedhandler. Easier to instantiate a feedhandler from config
Logging improvements
Bugfix: non-gathered futures were suppressing exceptions when multiple feeds are configured. Changed to tasks
Redis backend uses a connection pool

0.14.0 (2018-09-04)

Feature: support for writing order books directly to Redis
Feature: ability to specify book depth for Redis updates

0.13.3 (2018-08-31)

Feature: normalize Bitfinex funding symbols

0.13.2 (2018-08-31)

Bugfix: fix symbol in Bitfinex rest

0.13.1 (2018-08-31)

Feature: access rest endpoints via getitem / []
Bugfix: #31 - funding channel broke Gemini
Feature: Book deltas for GDAX
Bugfix: Fix intervals on Bitmex (rest)

0.13.0 (2018-08-22)

Feature: Funding data from Bitmex on ws
Feature: Funding historical data via rest
Bugfix: Python 3.7 compatibility
Feature: Rest trade APIs are now generators
Feature: funding data on Bitfinex - ws and rest

0.12.0 (2018-08-20)

Bugfix: Handle 429s in Bitmex (REST)
Feature: Redis backend for trades to write updates directly to Redis
Bugfix: issue #27 - Bitmex trades missing timestamps

0.11.1 (2018-08-18)

Bitfinex and Bitmex historical trade data via REST
Bugfix: interval incorrect for rest time ranges
Bugfix: lowercase attrs in Rest interface

0.11.0 (2018-08-05)

Feature: Support for delta updates for order books
REST API work started


Bugfix: Clear data structures on reconnect in bitmex
Feature: Support reconnecting on more connection errors
Feature: Timestamp support on trade feeds
Feature: Connection watcher will terminate and re-open idle connections

0.10.1 (2018-5-11)

Feature: Reconnect when a connection is lost
Bugfix #22: Check for additional connection failures
Feature #4: Trade ID support
Feature: Account for new Gemini message type

0.10.0 (2018-03-18)

Feature: Bitmex

0.9.2 (2018-03-13)

Bugfix #10: Change from float to decimal.Decimal in GDAX
Feature #5: use sorted dictionaries for order books
Feature #17: logging support
Bugfix: Gemini order books now work
Bugfix: All json floats parsed to Decimal
Bugfix: Fix Bitstamp pair parsing
Feature: Major clean up of channel, exchange, and trading pair names

0.9.1 (2018-01-27)

Bugfix #4: produce ticker from trades channel on GDAX
Feature: Bitstamp feed

0.8.0 (2018-01-07)

Feature: HitBTC feed
Feature: Poloniex Orderbook support

0.6.0 (2018-01-02)

Feature: Gemini Feed

0.5.0 (2018-01-02)

Initial release: GDAX, Poloniex, Bitfinex Support
Feature: NBBO support


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