cs.context 20240630

Creator: bradpython12

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cs.context 20240630

Assorted context managers.
Latest release 20240630:

New closeall(Iterable) wrapping withall() and returning the close step as a callable.
contextif: document the lambda shuffle needed if cmgr is callable.
New @with_self decorator for methods which should with(self) while the method runs (unused?)

Function closeall(objs: Iterable) -> Callable
Enter all the objects from objs using with
and return a function to close them all.
This is for situations where resources must be obtained now
but released at a later time on completion of some operation,
for example where we are dispatching a thread to work with
the resources.
Function contextif(cmgr, *cmgr_args, **cmgr_kwargs)
A context manager to use cmgr conditionally,
with a flexible call signature.
This yields the context manager if cmgr is used or None
if it is not used, allowing the enclosed code to test whether
the context is active.
This is to ease uses where the context object is optional
i.e. None if not present. Example from cs.vt.stream:
def startup_shutdown(self):
""" Open/close `self.local_store` if not `None`.
with super().startup_shutdown():
with contextif(self.local_store):
with self._packet_connection(self.recv, self.send) as conn:
with stackattrs(self, _conn=conn):

Here self.local_store might be None if there's no local
store to present. We still want a nice nested with statement
during the setup. By using contextif we run a context manager
which behaves correctly when self.local_store=None.
The signature is flexible, offering 2 basic modes of use.
Flagged use: contextif(flag,cmgr,*a,**kw): if flag is a
Boolean then it governs whether the context manager cmgr
is used. Historically the driving use case was verbosity
dependent status lines or progress bars. Example:
from cs.upd import run_task
with contextif(verbose, run_task, ....) as proxy:
... do stuff, updating proxy if not None ...

In the cs.upd example above, run_task is a context manager
function which pops up an updatable status line, normally
used as:
with run_task("doing thing") as proxy:
... do the thing, setting proxy.text as needed ...

Unflagged use: contextif(cmgr,*a,**kw): use cmgr as the
flag: if false (eg None) then cmgr is not used.
Additionally, cmgr may be a callable, in which case the
context manager itself is obtained by calling
cmgr(*cmgr_args,**cmgr_kwargs). Otherwise cmgr is assumed
to be a context manager already, and it is an error to provide
cmgr_args or cmgr_kwargs.
This last mode can be a bit fiddly. If cmgr is a context
manager but is also callable for other purposes you will
need to do a little shuffle to avoid the implied call:
with contexif(flag, lambda: cmgr):
... do stuff ...

This provides a callable (the lambda) which returns the context
manager itself.
Class ContextManagerMixin
A mixin to provide context manager __enter__ and __exit__ methods
running the first and second steps of a single __enter_exit__ generator method.
Note: the __enter_exit__ method is not a context manager,
but a short generator method.
This makes it easy to use context managers inside __enter_exit__
as the setup/teardown process, for example:
def __enter_exit__(self):
with open(self.datafile, 'r') as f:
yield f

Like a context manager created via @contextmanager
it performs the setup phase and then yields the value for the with statement.
If None is yielded (as from a bare yield)
then self is returned from __enter__.
As with @contextmanager,
if there was an exception in the managed suite
then that exception is raised on return from the yield.
However, and unlike a @contextmanager method,
the __enter_exit__ generator may also yield
an additional true/false value to use as the result
of the __exit__ method, to indicate whether the exception was handled.
This extra yield is optional and if it is omitted the __exit__ result
will be False indicating that an exception was not handled.
Here is a sketch of a method which can handle a SomeException specially:
class CMgr(ContextManagerMixin):
def __enter_exit__(self):
... do some setup here ...
# Returning self is common, but might be any relevant value.
# Note that if you want `self`, you can just use a bare yield
# and ContextManagerMixin will provide `self` as the default.
enter_result = self
exit_result = False
yield enter_result
except SomeException as e:
... handle e ...
exit_result = True
... do tear down here ...
yield exit_result

Method ContextManagerMixin.__enter__(self):
Run super().__enter__ (if any)
then the __enter__ phase of self.__enter_exit__().
Method ContextManagerMixin.__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
Run the __exit__ step of self.__enter_exit__(),
then super().__exit__ (if any).
Method ContextManagerMixin.as_contextmanager(self):
Run the generator from the cls class specific __enter_exit__
method via self as a context manager.
Example from RunState which subclasses HasThreadState,
both of which are ContextManagerMixin subclasses:
class RunState(HasThreadState):
def __enter_exit__(self):
with HasThreadState.as_contextmanager(self):
... RunState context manager stuff ...

This runs the HasThreadState context manager
around the main RunState context manager.
Function pop_cmgr(o, attr)
Run the __exit__ phase of a context manager commenced with push_cmgr.
Restore attr as it was before push_cmgr.
Return the result of __exit__.
Function popattrs(o, attr_names, old_values)
The "pop" part of stackattrs.
Restore previous attributes of o
named by attr_names with previous state in old_values.
This can be useful in hooks/signals/callbacks,
where you cannot inline a context manager.
Function popkeys(d, key_names, old_values)
The "pop" part of stackkeys.
Restore previous key values of d
named by key_names with previous state in old_values.
This can be useful in hooks/signals/callbacks,
where you cannot inline a context manager.
Function push_cmgr(o, attr, cmgr)
A convenience wrapper for twostep(cmgr)
to run the __enter__ phase of cmgr and save its value as o.attr. Return the result of the enter` phase.
The __exit__ phase is run by pop_cmgr(o,attr),
returning the return value of the exit phase.
Example use in a unit test:
class TestThing(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# save the temp dir path as self.dirpath
push_cmgr(self, 'dirpath', TemporaryDirectory())
def tearDown(self):
# clean up the temporary directory, discard self.dirpath
pop_cmgr(self, 'dirpath')

The cs.testutils SetupTeardownMixin class does this
allowing the provision of a single setupTeardown() context manager method
for test case setUp/tearDown.
Doc test:
>>> from os.path import isdir as isdirpath
>>> from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
>>> from types import SimpleNamespace
>>> obj = SimpleNamespace()
>>> dirpath = push_cmgr(obj, 'path', TemporaryDirectory())
>>> assert dirpath == obj.path
>>> assert isdirpath(dirpath)
>>> pop_cmgr(obj, 'path')
>>> assert not hasattr(obj, 'path')
>>> assert not isdirpath(dirpath)

Function pushattrs(o, **attr_values)
The "push" part of stackattrs.
Push attr_values onto o as attributes,
return the previous attribute values in a dict.
This can be useful in hooks/signals/callbacks,
where you cannot inline a context manager.
Function pushkeys(d, kv=None, **kw)
The "push" part of stackkeys.
Use the mapping provided as kv or kw to update d.
Return the previous key values in a dict.
This can be useful in hooks/signals/callbacks,
where you cannot inline a context manager using stackkeys.
Function reconfigure_file(f, **kw)
Context manager flavour of TextIOBase.reconfigure.
Function setup_cmgr(cmgr)
Run the set up phase of the context manager cmgr
and return a callable which runs the tear down phase.
This is a convenience wrapper for the lower level twostep() function
which produces a two iteration generator from a context manager.
Please see the push_cmgr function, a superior wrapper for twostep().
this function expects cmgr to be an existing context manager.
In particular, if you define some context manager function like this:
def my_cmgr_func(...):

then the correct use of setup_cmgr() is:
teardown = setup_cmgr(my_cmgr_func(...))

and not:
cmgr_iter = setup_cmgr(my_cmgr_func)

The purpose of setup_cmgr() is to split any context manager's operation
across two steps when the set up and teardown phases must operate
in different parts of your code.
A common situation is the __enter__ and __exit__ methods
of another context manager class.
The call to setup_cmgr() performs the "enter" phase
and returns the tear down callable.
Calling that performs the tear down phase.
Example use in a class:
class SomeClass:
def __init__(self, foo)
self.foo = foo
self._teardown = None
def __enter__(self):
self._teardown = setup_cmgr(stackattrs(o, setting=foo))
def __exit__(self, *_):
teardown, self._teardown = self._teardown, None

Function stack_signals(signums, handler, additional=False)
Context manager to apply a handler function to signums
using signal.signal.
The old handlers are restored on exit from the context manager.
If the optional additional argument is true,
apply a handler which calls both the new handler and the old handler.
Function stackattrs(o, **attr_values)
Context manager to push new values for the attributes of o
and to restore them afterward.
Returns a dict containing a mapping of the previous attribute values.
Attributes not present are not present in the returned mapping.
Restoration includes deleting attributes which were not present
This makes it easy to adjust temporarily some shared context object
without having to pass it through the call stack.
See stackkeys for a flavour of this for mappings.
See cs.threads.ThreadState for a convenient wrapper class.
Example of fiddling a programme's "verbose" mode:
>>> class RunModes:
... def __init__(self, verbose=False):
... self.verbose = verbose
>>> runmode = RunModes()
>>> if runmode.verbose:
... print("suppressed message")
>>> with stackattrs(runmode, verbose=True):
... if runmode.verbose:
... print("revealed message")
revealed message
>>> if runmode.verbose:
... print("another suppressed message")

Example exhibiting restoration of absent attributes:
>>> class O:
... def __init__(self):
... self.a = 1
>>> o = O()
>>> print(o.a)
>>> print(o.b)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'O' object has no attribute 'b'
>>> with stackattrs(o, a=3, b=4):
... print(o.a)
... print(o.b)
... o.b = 5
... print(o.b)
... delattr(o, 'a')
>>> print(o.a)
>>> print(o.b)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'O' object has no attribute 'b'

Function stackkeys(d, kv=None, **kw)
A context manager to push new values for the key values of d
and to restore them afterward.
The new values are provided as kv or kw as convenient.
Returns a dict containing a mapping of the previous key values.
Keys not present are not present in the mapping.
Restoration includes deleting key values which were not present
This makes it easy to adjust temporarily some shared context object
without having to pass it through the call stack.
See stackattrs for a flavour of this for object attributes.
Example of making log entries which may reference
some higher level context log entry:
>>> import time
>>> global_context = {
... 'parent': None,
... }
>>> def log_entry(desc, **kw):
... print("log_entry: global_context =", repr(global_context))
... entry = dict(global_context)
... entry.update(desc=desc, when=time.time())
... entry.update(kw)
... return entry
>>> log_entry("stand alone entry") #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
log_entry: global_context = {'parent': None}
{'parent': None, 'desc': 'stand alone entry', 'when': ...}
>>> context_entry = log_entry("high level entry")
log_entry: global_context = {'parent': None}
>>> context_entry #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
{'parent': None, 'desc': 'high level entry', 'when': ...}
>>> with stackkeys(global_context, parent=context_entry): #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
... print(repr(log_entry("low level event")))
log_entry: global_context = {'parent': {'parent': None, 'desc': 'high level entry', 'when': ...}}
{'parent': {'parent': None, 'desc': 'high level entry', 'when': ...}, 'desc': 'low level event', 'when': ...}
>>> log_entry("another standalone entry") #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
log_entry: global_context = {'parent': None}
{'parent': None, 'desc': 'another standalone entry', 'when': ...}

Function stackset(s, element, lock=None)
Context manager to add element to the set s and remove it on return.
The element is neither added nor removed if it is already present.
Function twostep(cmgr)
Return a generator which operates the context manager cmgr.
The first iteration performs the "enter" phase and yields the result.
The second iteration performs the "exit" phase and yields None.
See also the push_cmgr(obj,attr,cmgr) function
and its partner pop_cmgr(obj,attr)
which form a convenient wrapper for this low level generator.
The purpose of twostep() is to split any context manager's operation
across two steps when the set up and tear down phases must operate
in different parts of your code.
A common situation is the __enter__ and __exit__ methods
of another context manager class
or the setUp and tearDown methods of a unit test case.
this function expects cmgr to be an existing context manager
and not the function which returns the context manager.
In particular, if you define some function like this:
def my_cmgr_func(...):

then my_cmgr_func(...) returns a context manager instance
and so the correct use of twostep() is like this:
# steps broken out for clarity
cmgr = my_cmgr_func(...)
cmgr_iter = twostep(cmgr)
next(cmgr_iter) # set up
next(cmgr_iter) # tear down

and not:
cmgr_iter = twostep(my_cmgr_func)
next(cmgr_iter) # set up
next(cmgr_iter) # tear down

Example use in a class (but really you should use
push_cmgr/pop_cmgr instead):
class SomeClass:
def __init__(self, foo)
self.foo = foo
self._cmgr_ = None
def __enter__(self):
self._cmgr_stepped = twostep(stackattrs(o, setting=foo))
self._cmgr = next(self._cmgr_stepped)
return self._cmgr
def __exit__(self, *_):
self._cmgr = None

Function with_self(*da, **dkw)
A decorator to run a method inside with self: for classes
which need to be "held open"/"marked as in use" while the
method runs.
Function withall(objs)
Enter every object obj in objs except those which are None
using with obj:, then yield.
Function withif(obj)
Return a context manager for obj.
If obj has an __enter__ attribute, return obj
otherwise return nullcontext().
with withif(inner_mapping):
... work with inner_mapping ...

Release Log
Release 20240630:

New closeall(Iterable) wrapping withall() and returning the close step as a callable.
contextif: document the lambda shuffle needed if cmgr is callable.
New @with_self decorator for methods which should with(self) while the method runs (unused?)

Release 20240412:

contextif: rework to be much easier to use, add new call modes.
pushkeys, stackkeys: support update dicts whose keys are not identifier strings i.e. a non **kw call mode.
New withif() function returning a context manager even for objects which do not provide one.
New withall(iterable-of-context-managers) context manager.

Release 20240316:
Fixed release upload artifacts.
Release 20240212.1:
Minor doc updates.
Release 20240212:
New reconfigure_file(f,**kw), a context manager flavour of TextIOBase.reconfigure.
Release 20240201:
contextif: require the flag to be a bool.
Release 20230331:
stackset: accept optional lock to guard modification of the set.
Release 20230212:

BREAKING: drop StackableState, superceded by cs.threads.State.
New stackset(set,element) to push and then pop an element to a set unless it is already there.

Release 20230125:
New ContextManagerMixin.as_contextmanager(cls,self) class method to run the enter_exit from a specific class, useful in subclasses.
Release 20230109:
New contextif(flag,cmgr_func,...) context manager to use cmgr_func if flag is true otherwise nullcontext.
Release 20221118:
stackattrs: improve docstring.
Release 20220619:
twostep: the returned "tear down" phase function needs to ignore StopIteration from the context manager, see PEP 479.
Release 20220227:
New stack_signals context manager to push signal handlers.
Release 20211115.1:
Docstring grammar/phrasing updates.
Release 20211115:
Rename enter_exit to __enter_exit__ - the user doesn't call this overtly and it aligns better with __enter__ and __exit__.
Release 20211114.1:
ContextManagerMixin: the default enter return is self, supporting a trivial bare yield in the generator.
Release 20211114:
New ContextManagerMixin mixin class to implement the enter/exit methods using a simple generator function named enter_exit.
Release 20210727:

twostep: iteration 1 now returns the result of enter, iteration 2 now returns None.
New functions push_cmgr(obj,attr,cmgr) and partner pop_cmgr(obj,attr) to run a twostep()ed context manager conveniently, more conveniently than setup_cmgr().

Release 20210420.1:
Rerelease after completing stalled merge: docstring updates.
Release 20210420:
Docstring corrections and improvements.
Release 20210306:

New twostep() and setup_cmgr() functions to split a context manager into set up and teardown phases for when these must occur in different parts of the code.
New thread local StackableState class which can be called to push attribute changes with stackattrs - intended for use as shared global state to avoiod passing through deep function call chains.

Release 20200725.1:
Docstring improvements.
Release 20200725:
New stackkeys and components pushkeys and popkeys doing "stackattrs for dicts/mappings".
Release 20200517:

Add nullcontext like the one from recent contextlib.
stackattrs: expose the push and pop parts as pushattrs() and popattrs().

Release 20200228.1:
Initial release with stackattrs context manager.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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