cs.dateutils 20230210

Creator: bradpython12

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cs.dateutils 20230210

A few conveniences to do with dates and times.
Latest release 20230210:

Drop Python 2 support.
Make timezones mandatory where previously they were assumed.

There are some other PyPI modules providing richer date handling
than the stdlib datetime module.
This module mostly contains conveniences used in my other code;
you're welcome to it, but it does not pretend to be large or complete.
Function datetime2unixtime(dt)
Convert a timezone aware datetime to a UNIX timestamp.
Function isodate(when=None, dashed=True)
Return a date in ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, or YYYYMMDD if not dashed.
Modern Pythons have a datetime.isoformat method, you use that.
Function localdate2unixtime(d)
Convert a localtime date into a UNIX timestamp.
Class tzinfoHHMM(datetime.tzinfo)
tzinfo class based on +HHMM / -HHMM strings.
Function unixtime2datetime(unixtime, *, tz: datetime.tzinfo)
Convert a a UNIX timestamp to a datetime in the timezone tz.
Class UNIXTimeMixin
A mixin for classes with a .unixtime attribute,
a float storing a UNIX timestamp.
Release Log
Release 20230210:

Drop Python 2 support.
Make timezones mandatory where previously they were assumed.

Release 20210306:
Initial release, used by cs.sqltags.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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