csv23 0.3.4

Creator: bradpython12

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csv23 0.3.4

csv23 provides the unicode-based API of the Python 3 csv module for
Python 2 and 3. Code that should run under both versions of Python can use it
to hide the bytes vs. text difference between 2 and 3 and stick to the
newer unicode-based interface.
It uses utf-8 as default encoding everywhere.

csv23 works around for the following bugs in the stdlib csv module:

broken round-trip with escapechar if your data contains a literal escape
character (fixed in Python 3.10)

broken round-trip with escapechar and embedded newlines under Python 2
(fixed in Python 3.4 but not backported): produce a warning


GitHub: https://github.com/xflr6/csv23
PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/csv23/
Documentation: https://csv23.readthedocs.io
Changelog: https://csv23.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html
Issue Tracker: https://github.com/xflr6/csv23/issues
Download: https://pypi.org/project/csv23/#files

The package also provides some convenience functionality such as the
open_csv() context manager for opening a CSV file in the right mode and
returning a csv.reader or csv.writer:
>>> import csv23

>>> with csv23.open_csv('spam.csv') as reader: # doctest: +SKIP
... for row in reader:
... print(', '.join(row))
Spam!, Spam!, Spam!'
Spam!, Lovely Spam!, Lovely Spam!'

Python 3 Extras
The read_csv() and write_csv() functions (available on Python 3 only)
are most useful if you want (or need to) open a file-like object in the calling
code, e.g. when reading or writing directly to a binary stream such as a ZIP
file controlled by the caller (emulated with a io.BytesIO below):
>>> import io
>>> buf = io.BytesIO()

>>> import zipfile
>>> with zipfile.ZipFile(buf, 'w') as z, z.open('spam.csv', 'w') as f:
... csv23.write_csv(f, [[1, None]], header=['spam', 'eggs'])

>>> buf.seek(0)

>>> with zipfile.ZipFile(buf) as z, z.open('spam.csv') as f:
... csv23.read_csv(f, as_list=True)
[['spam', 'eggs'], ['1', '']]
csv23 internally wraps the byte stream in a io.TextIOWrapper with the
given encoding and newline='' (see csv module docs).
The write_csv()-function also supports updating objects with a
.update(<bytes>)-method such as hashlib.new() instances, which allows
to calculate a checksum over the binary CSV file output produced from the given
rows without writing it to disk (note that the object is returned):
>>> import hashlib

>>> csv23.write_csv(hashlib.new('sha256'), [[1, None]], header=['spam', 'eggs']).hexdigest()
Both functions have an optional autocompress argument: Set it to True
to transparently compress (or decompress) if the file argument is a path that
ends in one of '.bz2', '.gz', and '.xz'.

This package runs under Python 2.7, and 3.7+, use pip to install:
$ pip install csv23

See also

https://docs.python.org/2/library/csv.html#examples (UnicodeReader, UnicodeWriter)

This package is distributed under the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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