csv-2-mongo 0.0.2

Creator: coderz1093

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csv2mongo 0.0.2


Import a CSV to MongoDB using Python 🐍.
$ pip install csv-2-mongo

Usage: csv_2_mongo.py [OPTIONS] FILE

Import a csv FILE to MongoDB

-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-v, --version Show the version and exit.
-d, --database name Database name. [default: test]
-c, --collection name Collection name. [default: test]
-H, --host host Host name. [default:]
-p, --port port Port number. [default: 27017]
-t, --timeout sec Connection timeout (seconds). [default: 5]
-f, --force Overwrite collection if exists.
-y, --yes Automatic yes to prompts.

Note: CSV headers are required to correctly correlate MongoDB fields to CSV fields.

Import mammals.csv to a mammals collection in the animals database:
$ csv-2-mongo -d animals -c mammals ./mammals.csv

Connecting to

Import data.csv to database=animals collection=mammals [y/N]? y
Import complete!

Import mammals.csv to a mammals collection in the animals database overwriting the collection if it exists:

Note: the -f, --force flag will overwrite the collection without a prompt. If the flag is omitted, csv-2-mongo will prompt you before operations with potential data loss.

$ csv-2-mongo -f -d animals -c mammals ./mammals.csv

Connecting to

Import data.csv to database=animals collection=mammals [y/N]? y
Import complete!

Import mammals.csv to a mammals collection in the animals database running on host mongo.travismclarke.com at port 27111:
$ csv-2-mongo -d animals -c mammals -H mongo.travismclarke.com -p 27111 ./mammals.csv

Connecting to mongo.travismclarke.com:27111

Import data.csv to database=animals collection=mammals [y/N]? y
Import complete!

To skip the prompt (e.g. Import data.csv to ...), such as running via a script, one can pass the -y, --yes flag to force a yes response to the confirmation prompt:

Note: this will not suppress the overwrite prompt which still requires the -f, --force flag.

$ csv-2-mongo -y -d animals -c mammals ./mammals.csv

Connecting to

Import complete!

MIT © Travis Clarke


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