csv2es 1.0.1

Creator: coderz1093

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csv2es 1.0.1

The csv2es project is an Apache 2.0 licensed commandline utility, written in
Python, to load a CSV (or TSV) file into an Elasticsearch instance. That’s
pretty much it. That’s all it does. The first row of the file should contain
the field names intended to be used for Elasticsearch documents otherwise things
will get weird. There’s a little trick documented below to add a header row in
case the file is missing it.


Minimal commandline interface
Load CSV’s or TSV’s
Customize the delimiter to something else
Uses the Elasticsearch bulk API
Parallel bulk uploads
Retry on errors with exponential backoff

To install csv2es, simply:
$ pip install csv2es

Usage: csv2es [OPTIONS]

Bulk import a delimited file into a target Elasticsearch instance. Common
delimited files include things like CSV and TSV.

Load a CSV file:
csv2es --index-name potatoes --doc-type potato --import-file potatoes.csv

For a TSV file, note the tab delimiter option
csv2es --index-name tomatoes --doc-type tomato --import-file tomatoes.tsv --tab

For a nifty pipe-delimited file (delimiters must be one character):
csv2es --index-name pipes --doc-type pipe --import-file pipes.psv --delimiter '|'

--index-name TEXT Index name to load data into [required]
--doc-type TEXT The document type (like user_records) [required]
--import-file TEXT File to import (or '-' for stdin) [required]
--mapping-file TEXT JSON mapping file for index
--delimiter TEXT The field delimiter to use, defaults to CSV
--tab Assume tab-separated, overrides delimiter
--host TEXT The Elasticsearch host (
--docs-per-chunk INTEGER The documents per chunk to upload (5000)
--bytes-per-chunk INTEGER The bytes per chunk to upload (100000)
--parallel INTEGER Parallel uploads to send at once, defaults to 1
--delete-index Delete existing index if it exists
--quiet Minimize console output
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.

Let’s say we’ve got a potatoes.csv file with a nice header that looks like this:
33,sweet,"kinda oval"
91,regular,"perfectly round"
37,"extra special",crispy
Now we can stuff it into Elasticsearch:
csv2es --index-name potatoes --doc-type potato --import-file potatoes.csv
But what if it was tomatoes.tsv and separated by tabs? Well, we can do this:
csv2es --index-name tomatoes --doc-type tomato --import-file tomatoes.tsv --tab

Advanced Examples
What if we have a super cool pipe-delimited file and want to wipe out the
existing “pipes” index every time we load it up? This ought to handle that case:
csv2es --index-name pipes --delete-index --doc-type pipe --import-file pipes.psv --delimiter '|'
Elasticsearch is great, but it’s doing something strange to our documents when
we try to facet by certain fields. Let’s create our own custom mapping file to
specify the fields used in Elasticsearch for that potatoes.csv called
"dynamic": "true",
"properties": {
"potato_id": {"type": "long"},
"potato_type": {"type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed"},
"description": {"type": "string", "index" : "not_analyzed"},
Now let’s load the data with a custom mapping file:
csv2es --index-name potatoes --doc-type potato --mapping-file potatoes.mapping.json --import-file potatoes.csv
What if my file is missing the header row, and it’s super huge because there are
so many potatoes in it, and everything is terrible? We can use sed to tack on a
nice header with something like this:
sed -i 1i"potato_id,potato_type,description" potatoes.csv
As long as you have more disk space than the size of the file, this should be fine.


Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
Fork the repository on GitHub to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected.
Send a pull request and bug the maintainer until it gets merged and published. :) Make sure to add yourself to AUTHORS.


1.0.1 (2015-06-02)

Add option to stream from stdin

1.0.0 (2015-04-23)

Add retrying support with exponential backoff per chunk for bulk uploads
Add parallel bulk uploading via joblib
Stable release

1.0.0.dev3 (2015-04-19)

Switch over to Click for handling executable
Fix –delete-index flag
Add –version option

1.0.0.dev2 (2015-04-19)

Fix import errors

1.0.0.dev1 (2015-04-18)

Tinkering with documentation and PyPI updates

1.0.0.dev0 (2015-04-18)

First dev version now exists
Apache 2.0 license applied
Finalize commandline interface
Sanitizing some setup.py and test suite running
Added Travis CI support


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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