csvshuf 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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csvshuf 1.0.1

Shuffle cells by column in CSV files.

Shuffle the first column of each row of foobar.csv

csvshuf -c1 foobar.csv

Shuffle the third column of each row of foobar.csv using Sattolo’s

csvshuf -c3 -s foobar.csv

Shuffle all columns of foobar.csv

csvshuf foobar.csv

Shuffle all the columns but the first of foobar.csv

csvshuf -C1 foobar.csv

Shuffle the first and third columns of the first ten lines of foobar.csv

head -10 foobar.csv | csvshuf -c 1,3

Shuffle the first and third columns of the pipe-delimited foobar.csv

csvshuf -c1,3 -d “|” foobar.csv

Shuffle the first and third columns of the tab-delimited foobar.csv

csvshuf -c 1,3 -t foobar.csv

Shuffle the first three columns of the pipe-delimited foobar.csv; output
will be comma-delimited

csvshuf -c 1,2,3 -d “|” -o , foobar.csv

Shuffle the first three columns of the comma-delimited foobar.csv;
output will be pipe-delimited

csvshuf -c 1,2,3 -o “|” foobar.csv

Shuffle the first two columns of the comma-delimited, pipe-quoted

csvshuf -c 1,2 -d “,” -q “|” foobar.csv


pip install csvshuf

Pere Orga pere@orga.cat, 2016.
Originally forked from csvcut (https://gist.github.com/bycoffe/187278).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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