csvtomd 0.3.0

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csvtomd 0.3.0

csvtomd: markdown tables made easy==================================.. figure:: http://mplewis.com/files/csvtomd.png? :alt: Excel —> Markdown Excel —> Markdown|CircleCI|Convert your CSV files into Markdown tables.`Tables Generator <http://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables>`__ isa fantastic web tool for converting tabular data into all sorts of tablelayouts. I like how it lets me import CSV files, but I need the abilityto convert many CSV files in batch for a docset on which I'm working.I built ``csvtomd`` to convert one or more CSV files into nicely-paddedMarkdown tables. Now you can build your tables in Excel and convert themfor use in GitHub, Bitbucket, or `Mou <http://mouapp.com/>`__ Markdownfiles without having to construct them by hand.Installation============This is a Python 3 script, so use ``pip3`` to install::: pip3 install csvtomdAfter this, run ``csvtomd --help`` from your terminal to verify it'sinstalled properly.Usage=====``csvtomd MY_SPREADSHEET.csv`` generates a Markdown table from``MY_SPREADSHEET.csv``.``csvtomd SHEET1.csv SHEET2.csv SHEET3.csv`` generates three Markdowntables from the input files and displays them alongside the inputfilename.``csvtomd`` or ``csvtomd -`` generates a Markdown table from standardinput. You can type CSV data or pipe a file in.Example Input-------------File: ``thrones.csv``:: First Name,Last Name,Location,Allegiance Mance,Rayder,North of the Wall,Wildlings Margaery,Tyrell,The Reach,House Tyrell Danerys,Targaryen,Meereen,House Targaryen Tyrion,Lannister,King's Landing,House LannisterExample Markdown Table----------------------Command: ``csvtomd thrones.csv``+--------------+-------------+---------------------+-------------------+| First Name | Last Name | Location | Allegiance |+==============+=============+=====================+===================+| Mance | Rayder | North of the Wall | Wildlings |+--------------+-------------+---------------------+-------------------+| Margaery | Tyrell | The Reach | House Tyrell |+--------------+-------------+---------------------+-------------------+| Danerys | Targaryen | Meereen | House Targaryen |+--------------+-------------+---------------------+-------------------+| Tyrion | Lannister | King's Landing | House Lannister |+--------------+-------------+---------------------+-------------------+Example Raw Output------------------Command: ``csvtomd thrones.csv``:: First Name | Last Name | Location | Allegiance ------------|-------------|---------------------|----------------- Mance | Rayder | North of the Wall | Wildlings Margaery | Tyrell | The Reach | House Tyrell Danerys | Targaryen | Meereen | House Targaryen Tyrion | Lannister | King's Landing | House LannisterCommand: ``csvtomd --padding 0 thrones.csv``:: First Name|Last Name|Location |Allegiance ----------|---------|-----------------|--------------- Mance |Rayder |North of the Wall|Wildlings Margaery |Tyrell |The Reach |House Tyrell Danerys |Targaryen|Meereen |House Targaryen Tyrion |Lannister|King's Landing |House LannisterRequirements------------Python 3.Tested with Python 3.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.9.3.Doesn't require any external packages, so it should beplatform-agnostic.Help----Command: ``csvtomd --help``:: usage: csvtomd.py [-h] [-n] [-p PADDING] [-d DELIMITER] csv_file [csv_file ...] Read one or more CSV files and output their contents in the form of Markdown tables. positional arguments: csv_file One or more CSV files to be converted optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n, --no-filenames Don't display filenames when outputting multiple Markdown tables. -p PADDING, --padding PADDING The number of spaces to add between table cells and column dividers. Default is 2 spaces. -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER CSV delimiter, expected values: ',', ';'. Default is ,Contributions=============Bug reports, fixes, or features? Feel free to open an issue or pullrequest any time.Testing-------I only accept pull requests for features with tests... code:: sh # Run tests in the project root $ py.test ============================= test session starts ============================== platform darwin -- Python 3.5.0, pytest-3.0.5, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.4.0 rootdir: /your/path/to/csvtomd, inifile: collected 3 items test/test_csvtomd.py ... =========================== 3 passed in 0.04 seconds ===========================Releasing---------.. code:: sh # Bump version number in setup.py and csvtomd.py # Delete old builds rm -rf dist # Build source and binary wheel distribution python setup_wrap.py sdist bdist_wheel # Upload to PyPI pip install twine twine upload dist/*`Here's an actual guide toPyPI. <https://packaging.python.org/distributing/>`__ `And anotherreally goodone. <https://hynek.me/articles/sharing-your-labor-of-love-pypi-quick-and-dirty/>`__License=======Copyright (c) 2016 Matthew Lewis. Licensed under `the MITLicense <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>`__... |CircleCI| image:: https://circleci.com/gh/mplewis/csvtomd.svg?style=svg :target: https://circleci.com/gh/mplewis/csvtomd


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