cubicweb-celery 1.1.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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cubicwebcelery 1.1.0

Celery integration with CubicWeb

Getting Started
Enable the ‘celery’ cube in your myapp cubicweb instance:
$ cubicweb-ctl shell myapp
entering the migration python shell
just type migration commands or arbitrary python code and type ENTER to execute it
type "exit" or Ctrl-D to quit the shell and resume operation
>>> add_cube('celery')
>>> ^D
If needed, configure the broker_url in all-in-one.conf. By
default, and only when using a postgresql database, the trunk
transport will be used for the broker; make sure it is installed.
Write a task:
from cubicweb_celery import app

def ping(self):
return 'pong'

def users(self):
return [str(x[0]) for x in self.cw_cnx.execute('String L WHERE U login L')]
or as a class:
from cubicweb_celery import app

class MyTask(app.Task):
need_cnx = True # if false (the default), self.cw_cnx will not be set
# before running the task

def run(self):
self.cw_cnx.execute('Any X WHERE ...')

In order to have the task automatically available by the
celery worker, you must ensure that it is in a
Python file that is automatically loaded by CubicWeb, best
candidate being the sobjects module of a cube (see the
CubicWeb’s regitry documentation).

Then start a celery worker:
celery -A cubicweb_celery -i INSTANCE_NAME worker [ --beat ]
Then you can make the worker execute a task by calling it, eg. from
an Operation. You may also run a task from a cubicweb-ctl shell:
$ cubicweb-ctl shell myapp
>>> from cubes.myapp.sobjects import ping, users
>>> print ping.delay().wait()
>>> print users.delay().wait()
['anon', 'admin']


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