cuda-histogram 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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cudahistogram 0.1.0


cuda-histogram is a histogram filling package for GPUs. The package tries to
follow UHI and keeps its API similar to
boost-histogram and
Main features of cuda-histogram:

Implements a subset of the features of boost-histogram using CuPy (see API
documentation for a complete list):


Regular and Variable axes



fill(..., weight=...) (including Nan flow)
simple indexing with slicing (see example below)

Allows users to detach the generated GPU histogram to CPU -

to_boost() - converts to boost-histogram.Histogram
to_hist() - converts to hist.Hist

Near future goals for the package -

Implement support for Categorical axes (exists internally but need
refactoring to match boost-histogram's API)
Improve indexing (__getitem__) to exactly match boost-histogram's API

cuda-histogram is available on PyPI
as well as on conda. The
library can be installed using pip -
pip install cuda-histogram

or using conda -
conda install -c conda-forge cuda-histogram

Ideally, a user would want to create a cuda-histogram, fill values on GPU, and
convert the filled histogram to boost-histogram/Hist object to access all the
UHI functionalities.
Creating a histogram
import cuda_histogram; import cupy as cp

ax1 = cuda_histogram.axis.Regular(10, 0, 1)
ax2 = cuda_histogram.axis.Variable([0, 2, 3, 6])

h = cuda_histogram.Hist(ax1, ax2)

>>> ax1, ax2, h
(Regular(10, 0, 1), Variable([0. 2. 3. 6.]), Hist(Regular(10, 0, 1), Variable([0. 2. 3. 6.])))

Filling a histogram
Differences in API (from boost-histogram) -

Has an additional NaN flow
Accepts only CuPy arrays

h.fill(cp.random.normal(size=1_000_000), cp.random.normal(size=1_000_000)) # set weight=... for weighted fills

>>> h.values(), type(h.values()) # set flow=True for flow bins (underflow, overflow, nanflow)
(array([[28532., 1238., 64.],
[29603., 1399., 61.],
[30543., 1341., 78.],
[31478., 1420., 98.],
[32692., 1477., 92.],
[32874., 1441., 96.],
[33584., 1515., 88.],
[34304., 1490., 114.],
[34887., 1598., 116.],
[35341., 1472., 103.]]), <class 'cupy.ndarray'>)

Indexing axes and histograms
Differences in API (from boost-histogram) -

underflow is indexed as 0 and not -1
ax[...] will return a cuda_histogram.Interval object
No interpolation is performed
Hist indices should be in the range of bin edges, instead of integers

>>> ax1.index(0.5)

>>> ax1.index(-1)

>>> ax1[0]
<Interval ((-inf, 0.0)) instance at 0x1c905208790>

>>> h[0, 0], type(h[0, 0])
(Hist(Regular(1, 0.0, 0.1), Variable([0. 2.])), <class 'cuda_histogram.hist.Hist'>)

>>> h[0, 0].values(), type(h[0, 0].values())
(array([[28532.]]), <class 'cupy.ndarray'>)

>>> h[0, :].values(), type(h[0, 0].values())
(array([[28532., 1238., 64.]]), <class 'cupy.ndarray'>)

>>> h[0.2, :].values(), type(h[0, 0].values()) # indices in range of bin edges
(array([[30543., 1341., 78.]]), <class 'cupy.ndarray'>)

>>> h[:, 1:2].values(), type(h[0, 0].values()) # no interpolation
C:\Users\Saransh\Saransh_softwares\OpenSource\Python\cuda-histogram\src\cuda_histogram\axis\ RuntimeWarning: Reducing along axis Variable([0. 2. 3. 6.]): requested start 1 between bin boundaries, no interpolation is performed
[35341.]]), <class 'cupy.ndarray'>)

Converting to CPU
All the existing functionalities of boost-histogram and Hist can be used on the
converted histogram.

>>> h.to_boost().values(), type(h.to_boost().values())
(array([[28532., 1238., 64.],
[29603., 1399., 61.],
[30543., 1341., 78.],
[31478., 1420., 98.],
[32692., 1477., 92.],
[32874., 1441., 96.],
[33584., 1515., 88.],
[34304., 1490., 114.],
[34887., 1598., 116.],
[35341., 1472., 103.]]), <class 'numpy.ndarray'>)


>>> h.to_hist().values(), type(h.to_hist().values())
(array([[28532., 1238., 64.],
[29603., 1399., 61.],
[30543., 1341., 78.],
[31478., 1420., 98.],
[32692., 1477., 92.],
[32874., 1441., 96.],
[33584., 1515., 88.],
[34304., 1490., 114.],
[34887., 1598., 116.],
[35341., 1472., 103.]]), <class 'numpy.ndarray'>)

Getting help

cuda-histogram's code is hosted on
If something is not working the way it should, or if you want to request a new
feature, create a new
issue on GitHub.
To discuss something related to cuda-histogram, use the
discussions tab
on GitHub.

Contributions of any kind welcome! See for information on setting up a
development environment.
This library was primarily developed by Lindsey Gray, Saransh Chopra, and Jim
Support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation
cooperative agreement OAC-1836650 and PHY-2323298 (IRIS-HEP). Any opinions,
findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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