curl-arguments-url 0.1.4

Creator: coderz1093

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curlargumentsurl 0.1.4

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Free software: Apache Software License 2.0

Though OpenAPI documented services offer a nice UI to test the endpoints, I couldn't find a good command line tool for
this. Here I created something that works nicely with zsh completions. If you have the OpenAPI spec available, you
put it in your ~/.carl/open_api. Then parameters can be passed as +{param-name}, with tab-completions, and then
these are passed to curl.
There is no way that this covers all the cases for the OpenAPI spec, but it hopefully covers the vast majority people
of cases people actually encounter.
# globally
% pipx install 'curl_arguments_url'
# or in a particular virtual env
% pip install 'curl_arguments_url'

# to get the completions to work, add the following to your .zshrc
eval "$(carl utils zsh-print-script)"

# And copy the OpenAPI spec into ~/.carl/open_api to get the completions and curl-building working
% cp open_api-spec.yml ~/.carl/open_api

# if parsing of the open_api files is too slow for you, you can try installing the ryaml (Rust Yaml) extension. I
# didn't include this by default because I'm afraid it might not install correctly on certain systems, but it's much
# faster
% pipx install 'curl_arguments_url[ryaml]'

These examples use tests/resources/open_api/openapi-demo.yml

Basic GET

% carl\{path-item\} GET +path-item ID +query-item query-this --no-run --print-cmd
curl -X GET ''

More complicated POST command

% carl\{path-item\} POST \
+path-item ID +field-one value +field-two an array of values \
+field-three '{"complex":["sub","value"]}' \
+field-header 'Header Param Value' \
--no-run --print-cmd \
-- --silent # you can get other arguments passed to curl at the end, like this
# the output wouldn't be this nicely formatted, but so you can see what curl command would be run
curl -X POST \
-H 'field-header: Header Param Value' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary \
'{"field-one": "value", "field-two": ["an", "array", "of", "values"], "field-three": {"complex": ["sub", "value"]}}' \

Values are cached for completion by param name.

These cached values can be managed with the carl utils cached-values utility:

% carl utils cached-values --help
usage: carl utils cached-values [-h] {params,ls,rm,add} ...

positional arguments:
params List all the param names that have values cached
ls List all the values cached for a particular param
rm Remove a value for an param from the cache for completions
add Add one or more values for a param to the cache

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Help is generated from the OpenAPI spec for your reference

% carl --help
usage: carl [-h] {utils,{path-item},,,} ...

A Utility to cleanly take command-line arguments, for an endpoint you have the
OpenAPI specification for, and convert them into an appropriate curl command.
Spec files should be in /root/.carl/open_api directory or directory defined by
env variables (See below)

positional arguments:
utils Utilities{path-item}
Demo Entity Endpoint
A Restricted Endpoint
Another Endpoint
Yet Another Endpoint

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Environment Variables:
CARL_DIR: Directory which contains files for carl. Default: ~/.carl
CARL_OPEN_API_DIR: Directory containing the OpenApi specifications and
Yaml files. Default: $CARL_DIR/open_api
CARL_CACHE_DIR: Directory containing the cache. Default $CARL_DIR/cache

For a specific endpoint:
% carl\{path-item\} POST --help
usage: carl{path-item} POST [-h] [-p] [-n] [-R] [-b BODY_JSON] [+field-header FIELD_HEADER] [+field-one FIELD_ONE]
[+field-two FIELD_TWO [FIELD_TWO ...]] [+field-three FIELD_THREE] +path-item PATH_ITEM
[passed_to_curl ...]

Demo Post Command

positional arguments:
passed_to_curl Extra argument passed to curl, often after "--"

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p, --print-cmd Print the resulting curl command to standard out
-n, --no-run Don't run the curl command. Useful with -p
-R, --no-requires Don't check to see if required parameter values are missing or if values are one of the enumerated values
-b BODY_JSON, --body-json BODY_JSON, --body BODY_JSON
Base json object to send in the body. Required body params are still required unless -R option passed. Useful for dealing with incomplete specs.
+field-header FIELD_HEADER
Header Param
+field-one FIELD_ONE Demo Body String Field
+field-two FIELD_TWO [FIELD_TWO ...]
Demo Body Array Field
+field-three FIELD_THREE
Demo Body Complex Field
+path-item PATH_ITEM

Generic Optional Args:

-p, --print-cmd Print the resulting curl command to standard out
-n, --no-run Don't run the curl command. Useful with -p
-R, --no-requires Don't check to see if required parameter values are missing or if values are one of the enumerated values
-b BODY_JSON, --body-json BODY_JSON, --body BODY_JSON
Base json object to send in the body. Required body params are still required unless -R option passed. Useful for dealing with incomplete specs.

Relevant Environment Variables

CARL_DIR: Directory which contains files for carl. Default: ~/.carl
CARL_OPEN_API_DIR: Directory containing the OpenApi specifications and
Yaml files. Default: $CARL_DIR/open_api
CARL_CACHE_DIR: Directory containing the cache. Default $CARL_DIR/cache

Hints for finding OpenAPI specs
The spec you're interested in might be on Also, sometimes the doc/sandbox page, for an
api, which gives you a gui for interacting with the api, loads the swagger spec in the background. You can see this
if you open the developer tools in Chrome under Network
Requires make:
# setting up dev environment
$ make develop

# run tests
$ make test
# ... or
$ pytest

# run tests for all environments
$ make test-all

No CI/CD or coverage yet
To Do/Future Features

A --query option for adding query parameters directly
Some sort of hook infrastructure, so you could do things like have custom-completions for certain parameters or
automatically add a particular env variable as an auth header
Support file uploading and downloading
Utilize the authorization part of the OpenAPI spec
Better support for nested json objects in the body, so that +param.sub-param value would set
Maybe support older versions of Swagger/OpenApi
Speaking of which, in the code I sometimes use the term "swagger" and sometimes "open_api". I should make this
Support bash and fish. With how I implemented this, I thought it would be easy to implement bash. But the way bash
parses and escapes arguments passed to the completion function made it surprisingly challenging. The
bash-completion branch has my so-far attempts to deal with these issues. It might be close to done, or there
might be a slew of other issues I haven't realized yet.

This package was created with cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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