CurseForgeAPy 1.1.5

Creator: bradpython12

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CurseForgeAPy 1.1.5


CurseForgeAPy is a Python package that provides a wrapper for the CurseForge API / Eternal API. With CurseForgeAPy, you can easily access and interact with the API in your Python scripts and applications. Currently, the entire API has been wrapped and each data structure has been reconstructed into seperate classes, which can be found within
To install CurseForgeAPy, simply use pip:
pip install CurseForgeAPy

To use CurseForgeAPy, you will need to obtain an API key from CurseForge. You can do this by creating an account on CurseForge and requesting an API key from the developer portal.
Once you have obtained an API key, you can use CurseForgeAPy as follows:
from CurseForgeAPy import CurseForgeAPI

# Instantiate the CurseForgeAPy client
client = CurseForgeAPI('YOUR_API_KEY')

# Use the client to make API requests
response = client.getGames() # -> returns a GetGamesResponse


For full documentation of the CurseForge API, please see the official CurseForge API documentation at Docstrings are also available for some functions, however complete docstring creation for all functions is ongoing.
Here are some examples of how you can use CurseForgeAPy to access and interact with the CurseForge API:
# get all games
games = cf.getGames()

# get specific game
game = cf.getGame(432)

# get version of specific game
versions = cf.getVersions(432)

# get version type of specific game
versionTypes = cf.getVersionTypes(432)

# get all mod categories of specific game
categories = cf.getCategories(432)

import CurseForgeAPy.SchemaClasses as schemas

# search for mods within specific game
searchResults = cf.searchMods(432)

# get specific mod
mod = cf.getMod(729219)

# get an array of mods from ids
mods = cf.getMods([729219])

# initialise GetFeaturedModsRequestBody object for use in get_featured_mods
featuredModsSearch = schemas.GetFeaturedModsRequestBody(432, [], 73242)

# get featured mods within specific game
featuredMods = cf.GetFeaturedMods(featuredModsSearch)

# get string description of specific mod
modDescription = cf.getModDescription(729219)

# get specific file within specific mod
modFile = cf.getModFile(729219, 4159320)

# get files based off of FileId
modFiles = cf.getModFiles(729219)

# get files from list of ids
files = cf.getFiles(schemas.GetModFilesRequestBody([4159320]))

# get changelog of a specified mod and file id
changelog = cf.getModFileChangelog(729219, 4159320)

# get download url for a mod file
modFileDownloadUrl = cf.getModFIleDownloadUrl(729219, 4159320)

# get exact matches for a fingerprint
fingerprintsMatches = cf.getFingerprintsMatches(schemas.GetFingerprintMatchesRequestBody([2352728825]))

# get fuzzy matches for a partial fingerprint
fuzzyMatches = cf.getFingerprintsFuzzyMatches(schemas.GetFuzzyMatchesRequestBody(432, [schemas.FolderFingerprint("test", [2352728825])]))

# get minecraft versions
minecraftVersions = cf.getMinecraftVersions()

# get a specific minecraft version
minecraftVersion = cf.getSpecificMinecraftVersion("1.16.5")

# get a list of minecraft modloaders
minecraftModloaders = cf.getMinecraftModloaders()

# get a specific minecraft modloader
minecraftModloader = cf.getSpecificMinecraftModloader("forge-1.16.5-36.1.0")

# Within the CurseForgeAPy package, there is a utility class that has a couple helper functions, mainly downloading files related.
# These functions shouldnt be called without a CurseForgeAPy client object, as they use the client to get the download url.

from CurseForgeAPy import Utils
from CurseForgeAPy import SchemaClasses as schemas

# Each function take in a CurseForgeAPy client object, and a specific parameter, finishing with a file path to save the file to.

# Download a file from a url
Utils.downloadFileFromURL(cf, "file-url", "file-path")

# Download a specified file from id
Utils.downloadFileFromID(cf, 111111, "file-path")

# Download a specified file from a mod id
Utils.downloadFileFromModID(cf, 111111, "file-path")

# Download a specified file from a mod id and file id
Utils.downloadFileFromModIDAndFileID(cf, 111111, 222222, "file-path")

# Download a specified file from a mod id and version, with optional release type (defaults to None which is any release type)
# Can return an exception if the version is not found
Utils.downloadFileFromModIDVersion(cf, 111111, "1.16.5", "file-path", schemas.ReleaseType.Release)

If you have any issues or questions while using CurseForgeAPy, please feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository or contact us through our support channels.
We welcome contributions to CurseForgeAPy! Please feel free to open a pull requests or issue if you would like a new feature.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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